[MoM] Masters of Madness

Perpentach was very excited at the prospect. The utter destruction of the Bannor and their Mercurian pets had become an obsession. Now, the dream was turning to reality. The war preparations were going strong, like a well oiled machine.

The golden ages were succeeding upon each other like an endless supply of awesomeness while the army grew ever bigger with each passing season. Meanwhile the technological breakthroughs were regular occurrences. This was truly a great period for the Balseraph.
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The Luchuirp were also doing pretty well, and they are having a good relation with the enemy, the Bannor.
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Fortunately, as brothers of the deep, they were in good term with the Balseraphs.
For this reason Perpentach felt confident he could rely on them not being a nuisance during the Bannor+Mercurian elemination process.

More techs are discovered. The mana cap is now 350.
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The current golden age ended. Once again it was directly followed by a new one.
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A marvelous Guild of fighters was built.
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In the meantime the strategy to be used in the upcoming war was decided.

It is a known fact the the Mercurians can get stronger when their allies fall in battle. For this reason it was decided to destroy them first.

The idea is to send our troops on the water tiles at the east of the enemy, using the water walking aura that our mages can now create. The quickest route is through the enemy territory. Our stack of doom was sent through, exploiting the open border treaty. If only they could guess what sort of viciousness was preparing, they would surely react. But they simply let us proceed.

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More techs.
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While the main army is moving through the enemy territory, the motherland produces an obscene quantity of archers, to defend ourselves from counterattack, but also to use the taunt ability of our harlequins in an offensive manner.

The cheap and effective archers will be a great way to greet the taunted units... with death... The archers and other units that were too late to go with the main stack are catching up on a long file of boats. Everything is calculated to arrive roughly at the same time. The immense army that will result shall be the Bane of the Mercurians.
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Form of the Titan FTW.
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When everything is in place, the war is declared. At this point, our motherland is also pretty well defended so the Immense stack that just arrived at the back of the enemy territory will be free to destroy everything in its path. With extreme prejudice.
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The uber stack of DooM is unleashed and the enemy is greeted with a devastating amount of greater fireballs. Then the enemies are taunted and a good many of them suicide themselves on the archers that are taking defensive position on the nearby hill.
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Too weakened to counter atttack, the enemy camps in his capital. On the very next turn the survivors are slaughtered. Many of them were taunted by the ever laughing harlequins. Their pride taking them to their grave. The Mercurians are no more. The power of the Balseraph was so overwhelming that this victory came without a single casualty.
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The Bannor are in an uproar, their army is quite strong but scattered here and there. We shall lay waste in their capital region before they have time to prepare a counter attack.

Only our friend loki is not so lucky as he got catapulted out of the territory upon the DoW. Many enemies tried to kill him but he keeps eluding them. Still, its not very fun to flee for your life in such a repeated way.

Ok guys, this should not be hard to win at all. The uber stack that was unleashed upon the Mercurian just annihilated everything. It should be able to do the same with the Bannor.

To next player: Its all yours, totally destroy the Bannor. Just make sure to maximize the use of our Taunt and mimic abilities.
The fireball softened crusaders seem pretty vulnerable to the taunt. If the archers are not too damaged, they just destroy them easily. This means the majority of the Bannor army is likely to be taunt able out of their cities. :lol:

We also have generated a crap load of skeletons from the last attack. This is prime suicide fodder. Before that i had totally saturated our army cap with freak-archer spam. The motherland is pretty safe as a result.

Enjoy! :D


  • Team MoM AD-0397.CivBeyondSwordSave
    750.3 KB · Views: 73
Nicely done
I acctualy whanted to warn you about how op the Mercurians are in MoM as angels ignore the army cap.
I have a single player game running atm playing as the merc, i got 70 somthing angels running about with an army cap of 21.
wanna go before me Aline? I don't think I'll be able to play tonight so maybe you two can finish this quick and we start a new one with your "crusade against evil" idea ;)
I wont be able to play untill later today, dunno maybe about 8pm euro time
Funny thing is how the Bannor kept feeding crusaders to the Dinos. Turned out they were sacrificing them for the mercurians. There was quite a few of em in the city.

Researching the water walking aura ended up being a great move as it is what allowed this attack. The mercurian had quite a large stack already :2 angel of death maybe 10 regular angels and about 8 crusaders + some riff raff. I can only imagine it would have been much worse if we had taken the Bannor first.

The Bannor cities are not as strongly defended but they have a large mobile stack somewhere. Nothing a couple Meteor showers can't take care of though.

Edit: Btw Aline, how can you play as the Mercurian? I played a Bannor game with the Order and all. Im pretty sure i was not offered the possibility to switch to the mercurians when they appeared. Or maybe its just my memory playing tricks on me?
We start of with some fun domination. ^^
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We discover more things, mostly related to blowing other things up.
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We move some troops towards Miro as there is a rather scary stack of bannor doom coming this way.
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Coz i can!
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Some fighting brakes out near Miro, this acctualy goes on for a while and we do suffer some losses, including a highly promoted taskmaster, but we manage to keep the stack from reaching the city.
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This first Bannor city falls!
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Loki manages to kill some workers, he was acctualy very usefull in keeping Donal occupied.
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Their capital falls, this was acctualy a nasty fight, but some massive spellcasting, and suicide attacks with dominated units and useless mimics gets the city down.
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We´r evil remember?
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The remaining Bannor forces attack our southern city, in fact it looks as if we will loose the city, as our army is about 2 turns behind them.
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Some useless city is captured.
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Hell yes!
Meteors... if they do not kill it you arent using enough of them.
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Remember that Bannor army?
Never mind it, the archers managed on their own. ^^
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Since our second stack is alredy around why not capture their new capital.
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We get a new set of traits.
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Donal still whants to kill Loki, he was totaly useless in this war, so lets kill him!
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While thats going on we set loose some fireworks.
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Well the Bannor are nearly dead, there is a Engineer bumming around in one of our main citys, i would suggest using him for the nexus.
What should we do after the Bannor die?
We could stomp on some elfs or pick a fight with the Lurchis, but i acctualy like them.
To be honest i cant realy see us loosing this game at this point, do we whant to play till we acctualy win or would finishing the Bannor be enough??

View attachment Team MoM AD-0417.CivBeyondSwordSave
How does our Epic Destiny progression? I'd say, send Mimics and Harlequins into Amelanchier's territory to taunt and steal promotions. I think that is the fastest route to victory :lol:

Btw, nice Meteor Shower!
Many meteor strikes and taunts later... The Bannor are getting inevitably crushed under our hordes of crazed madmen.

Perpentachs personality changed again:

We finall unlock the arcane knowledge needed to get some plains for trade posts in our inner cities...

Here's how things look like :D

Things look grim for our goody two shoes friends here...

And we use our great engineer to rush construction of the nexus :goodjob:

This calls for some celebration :D

With the Bannor gone, we just need 10 more fights with mimics to fulfill our epic destiny:



  • Team MoM AD-0427.CivBeyondSwordSave
    790.1 KB · Views: 55
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