GPuzzle's CivBalance


Available in wax cylinder!
Jul 31, 2014
The purpose of this is to balance mods, with the helps of the guys of r/civ because some have amazing ideas but lack the ability to mod - I'm still figuring things out as I go, so I thought that tackling down something smaller would be nicer.

Denmark's out already, check it out:


Imgur Album


UA Additions: +1 Faith from Walls, Castles, Arsenals and Military Bases. +1 Food, +1 Proudction and +2 Faith from Forts. +10% Combat Strength while within 2 tiles of a Fort.


I'll probably be tackling Babylon next.
i dont like exploration bonuses.
maybe they should better be able to enter ocean with exploration adopted itstead, or see enemy cargo ships? or move faster along rivers (like in 7wonders or renaissance scenarios)?
or great generals can build cities overseas
UPDATE: Removed "+5% Science and +5% Production in all cities for every policy in the Exploration Tree". Changed to "military units can embark and enter shallow water without needing Optics".
And here I was about to contemplate the effects of having not one, but two Rationalisms..... dat +25% bonus.
I'd recommend a Babylon that gains a great scientist at mathematics instead of writing
Added a modification to Byzantium, see OP.
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