World War III, the Cold War turns Hot


Apr 18, 2002
United States
The idea for the rules for this NES i have taken form Jason the King's NES: World War II, Revived. Thus I take no cerdit for coming up with these rules. I just think that it is a good way to play an NES so I am going to use them hear.

FIrst some backround:

Note: THis NES is based on the book Red Strom Rising by Tom Clancy

The year is 1987. Terrorist have blown up a major Oil Refinery and the well next to it that supplied almost half of the Soviet Union's gas, and jet fuel. THe leadership of the Soviet Union is now dire straits to get a new source of oil for the economy of the Soviet Union to avoid total ruin. THey look to the oil rich Middle East as an answer to their problems, but first they must cripple NATO.

After 4 months of training and plaining the Soviet Union attacks West Germany. THe plan involves catching NATO off Guard and closing off the Northern Altanic to keep reinfocements and supplies to come in by sea and making it look like the West Germans tried to kill the leadership of the Soviet Union in order to try to reunite all of Germany and thus making some NATO countries and rest of the world from getting involved.

The start of this NES will begin in January of 1987, and this is four months before NATO and USSR go to war with each other.
Now the rest of the story is up to you.


Economy will be done in terms of credits. Each province you own gives you 5 credits, and each additional city you own gives you 5 credits. So the province of London makes Britain 10c per turn (5c from town, 5c from the province). You can then use your economy to construct military units. There is no way to improve your economy but annexing new territory – you can not build new cities or anything like that. And no banking from one turn to the next.

This is where a bit of neo NES comes in. Your military will be broken into armies, fleets, and squadrons. They will then be broken down into separate units, but they must all stick together in the army/fleet/squadron, and is shown on map by the corresponding number in your template. I will explain army first. An “army” can comprise of various units found at the bottom of this post (may be in second post) which has a price list as well. For example Germany wants to make their Afrika Korps comprise of 3 artillery batteries, 4 infantry regiments, and 4 tank brigades. That would be fine. You can have as many different kinds, and as many units in one army as you want. But remember, they must stick together in army, you cant have part of the Afrika Korps in Germany and part in Africa. Same goes with fleets and squadrons, with their corresponding units.

You may research upgrades to units. This will be kept track of on your template under the technology stat. Once tech is finished research, it automatically upgrades your whole army/navy/air force with it. The cost is free, the time it will take is based upon the country you are, and what is happening in the world.

The specialty training of your troops in the army can be different as well. Again, like neo nes, you may have training in desert, grasslands, snow and mountains. Only one training specialty per army, except for one army, that may have training in all 4. Regular training increases like the following and can be done in all military: Militia-Poor-Trained-Well Trained-Veteran-Expeditionary-Elite. All start with trained unless specified. You may only reach Expeditionary or Veterans levels when you have combat experience and are trained in at least one specialty terrain. Training also takes the amount of turns as the number of regiments divided by two (rounded up) there are in the army, how many ships there are in navy, and different planes in squadrons divided by two. Training for all is army-wide, you cant have specialty for each regiment in army. To get a lower training (all units produced after first turn are 'Tained' status), basically it depends on how large your army is. If you have a very large army, then when you make a new army, their training goes down. Also, if you are not active enough, training may go down. Training costs 45c.

Is to the slowest unit in a army/navy/squadron. Movement is shown on unit descriptions. When it comes to loading/unloading. You may load onto a transport, transport can move to another sea, but cannot unload. It cannot unload regardless if it moves or not. You can unload and load another army though, on same turn.

*Naval units can only be created from a province that has a city and is next to a sea. If a province with a city is next to two or more seas, they may pick what they build in.

*You can invade neutral countries, though it will be a hard fight just like any other country, and may risk other neutral countries joining in an alliance with your enemies.

*Weather will affect your troops.

*Moral at home country will hurt your production if it gets to low. To raise it, try winning some battles J.

*If a city is bombed enough (and I mean a lot a lot, at least a years, and I’m not promising anything, could be before or after), it can be wiped from the map and loose production from it. It cannot be rebuilt.

*Air craft must land in air field, carrier, or city within 3 provinces in one turn. The province they leave does not count. For example, if germany had a field in Pru, a squadron can take off from Rhi, fly to Ham, Ber, and then land in Pru. So its really that you can move 3 times, instead of three countries. You can only attack once if your bombing during that time.

*You can only attack once per army/navy/squadron, but can defend innumerable times.

*First turn you get a sum of money to spend on each of your armed forces individually. You may not use money from army sum to pay for stuff in your navy.


Army – Trained
1. (list armies here, name them if you want, make sure you have number by them though, seperate each different type of regiment with a comma), Location (province, please replace the location word).
Air Force – Trained
1. (list squadrons here, name them if you want, make sure you have number by them though, seperate each different type of regiment with a comma), Location (province, please replace the location word).
Navy – Trained
1. (list fleets here, name them if you want, make sure you have number by them though, seperate each different type of regiment with a comma), Location (province, please replace the location word).
Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate

First amount is army, second is air force, third is navy.
United States: 350c(Eilte), 425c, 600
NATO: 250c(Well Trained), 200c, 200c
Warsaw Pact: 400c(Prooly Trained), 100c(Prooly Trained), 100c
U.S.S.R: 650c(Prooly Trained), 500c(Prooly Trained), 300c
China: 800c(Prooly Trained), 100c. 100c
India: 600c(Prooly Trained), 100c, 100c
Mexico: 100c, 150c, 50c
Brazil: 150c, 150c, 50c
Turkey: 100c,100c,100c
Japan: 125c(Elite), 100c, 75c(Elite)
Canada: 100c, 100c, 125c

United States: 105 c
NATO: 110 c
Warsaw Pact: 70 c
U.S.S.R: 150 c
China: 90c
India: 70c
Mexico: 50c
Brazil: 45c
Turkey: 50c
Japan: 40c
Canada: 45c
Units Prices

Units and Prices:

Infantry Regiment: Infantry that carrier M-16 or AK-47 as their main weapon. Usually they move by foot or trucks. Can move one province per turn. 5c

Mechanized Infantry Regiment: This is made of APCs that carrier the infantry and protect them on the way to battle. APCs also have anti tank missles as well. Can move two provinces per turn. 7c

Armor Brigade: This consists of tanks such as the Abrams M1 tank or the Russian T-72. Can move two provinces per turn. 10c

Artillery Battery: This contains 120mm guns as well as rocket lunchers. Can move one province per turn. 10c.

Surface to Air Missle Launcher: This is missle used to shoot down aircraft etheir using Radar to heat of the aircraft's engine. 7c.

Paratroopers: Can be dropped from troop transport planes. They are as good as regular infantry regiment. Once dropped, they must wait until next turn before they can move a province. After that, they an move one province per turn. 7c.

Marines: Are specially good at amphibious landings, but begin to become just as good as regular infantry regiments as they increase into land. One province per turn. 7c.

Missle Luncher: Can launch Cruise Missle. 20 c

Cruise Missles: These can be lunched from a bomber, or ships or a luncher. 30c

Air Craft Carrier: Contains room for two fighter/bomber air craft squadrons, and on top of that a troop transport squadron. Very good offense, but bad defense. Two sea per turn. 60c.

Battleship: In modern sea warfare these ship do very little ship to ship battles. Instead these ships are often used to support Marines when they are conducting amphibious landings and bombard targets that are close to shore. Can carry Cruise missles. Two sea per turn. 35c.

Destroyer: Great for guarding the battleships and air craft carriers, and quite the little fighter as well. Good at anti sub warfare. Can carry Cruise missles. Two sea per turn. 25c.

Cruisers: These are mainly use to guard the fleet against Missles and Aircraft. They also come with very powerfull radar that can see for miles. Can carry Cruise missles. Two sea per turn. 20c.

Regular Submarine: Good offensive unit, but not as quite as nuclear submarines, and they must surface to get air every few hours. Two sea per turn. 15c.

Nuclear Submarine: Great offensive unit and ever quite. Can carry Cruise missle. Two sea per turn. 30c.

Transport: Can transport one army. No defenses or offense gunnery. One sea per turn. 20c.

Air Force ( HAVE to land in a city or air field).
Fighter/Bomber Wing: This is a small fighter that can carry bombs to attack land targets, or anti ship missles to attack ships. Ok at air defense. These can also be placed on an aircarft carrier. Move 4 provinces a turn when attacking. Can move 8 when just moving. 10c.

Fighter Wing: Great against enemy air craft, but can’t attack navy or ground targets very well. Move 4 provinces a turn when attacking. Can move 8 when just moving.7c.

Bombers: Can bomb the living daylights out of a army or city. They are weak against enemy fighters though. They also can lunch cruise missles. Move 8 provinces a turn when attacking. Can move 16 when just moving.10c.

Slteath Bombers: Same as bombers, but are hard to detect on Radar. Most effective at night. Special Note: United States is the only nation at Begining to be able to build this unit. Other nations latter on might be able to if you start a program to resreach Slteath tech, but this is not a sure thing. 30c.

Troop Transports: Can only drop parashooters or transport infantry to anther region. Has no defense whatsoever. Move 8 provinces a turn when drooping paratroopers. Can move 16 when just moving. 7c.

Air Radar Plane: These planes can be used to track air craft and direct planes. When you have these in your airforce it greatly improves them. Has no defenses. 7c.

Attack Helicopter Wing: These often are used to support ground troops and are great against tanks. 7c.

ALso the United States starts off with one wing of F-19 fighters. THese are protype Slteath fighters that the US can use in this NES. BUt it will take a long, long time to build more if ever.
Nation Stats

Income: 90c
1. Army of Manchuria (HAR) – Poorly Trained
Units: 16 Inf , 8 Mech. , 10 Armor , 6 Art , 3 SAM
2. Army of Shanghai (SHA) – Poorly Trained
Units: 9 Inf , 6 Armor , 3 Art, 2 SAM
3. Army of the Western Provinces (XIN) – Poorly Trained
Units: 10 Inf , 7 Armor , 5 Art , 3 SAM
4. People's Guard (BEI) – Poorly Trained
Units: 6 Inf, 2 Armor, 1 SAM

Air Force
1. 1st Fighter Wing (NMG) – Trained
Units: 3 Fighters, 2 Fighter-Bombers
2. 2nd Fighter Wing (SHA) – Trained
Units: 2 Fighters
3. 1st Bomber Wing (BEI) – Trained
Units: 4 Bombers

1. Yellow Sea Fleet (Stationed in SHA, Patrols YELLOW, S. CHINA) – Trained
Units: 2 Destroyers , 1 Cruiser , 2 Regular Subs

Air Force:
National Morale: Moderate

Nation: Canada
Income: 45
1. First Armor:5 armor, 2 Mech.[PAR]- Trained
2. First Infantry: 5 Inf , 1 Art [TOR]- Trained

Air Force
1. Canadian Air Defense: 3 Fighter, 1 Radar Plane[TOR]- Trained
2. Ground attack Group: 1 Figher, 3 Fighter/Bomber[LON]-Trained
3. Bomber Command: 3 Bombers, 1 Fighter [LON]- Trained

1.First Fleet 2 Destroyer, 1 Cruisers, 1 Nuke Sub[LABRADOR]-Trained

Air Force: Fighter/Bomber II (8 Turns)
National Moral: Moderate

Nation: United States
Player: Sheep2
Income: 105

1. 1st Armor Division: 3 Armor, 2 Mech, 1 SAM [MET]- Elite
2. 2nd Armor Division : 3 Armor, 2 Mech, 1 SAM [MET]- Elite
3. 3rd Armor Division: 2 Armor, 1 Mech, 1 SAM [BRE]- Elite
4. 1st Infantry Division: 4 Inf, 1 Art [ANC]- Elite
5. 2nd Infantry Division: 4 Inf, 1 Art [NOL]- Elite
7. 4th Infantry Division: 2 Armor, 2 Mech, 1 Art [BAY] -Elite
8. 1st Marine Division: 2 Marines [FLO]-Elite
9. 10th Mountain Division:2 Para [WAS]-Elite

1. USS Enterprise Battle Group: 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 nuke sub [N Atlantic]-Trained
2. USS Lincoln Battle Group: 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 nuke sub [N. Passage]-Trained
3. USS Kitty Hawk Battle Group: 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 nuke sub [N. Pacfic]-Trained
4. 1st Sub Attack Group: 2 nuke subs [E. Pacific]-Trained
5. 1st Naval Transportation Group : 2 Transports[WAS]-Trained

Air Force
1. 1st Naval Air Wing: 2 Fighter/Bombers, 1 Radar Plane [N. Atlantic]-Trained
2. 2nd Naval Air Wing: 2 Fighter/Bombers, 1 Radar Plane [N. Passage]-Trained
3. 3rd Naval Air Wing: 2 Fighter/Bombers, 1 Radar Plane [N. Pacfic]-Trained
4. 1st Fighter Wing: 5 Fighter Bombers [MET]-Trained
5. 2nd Fighter Wing: 2 Fighters, 1 Radar Plane [WAS]-Trained
6. 3rd Fighter Wing: 2 Fighters, 1 Radar Plane [ORE]-Trained
7. 4th Fighter Wing: 2 Fighters, 1 Radar Plane [MET]-Trained
8. 5th Fighter Wing : 2 Fighters, 1 Radar Plane [LON]-Trained
9. 1st Bomber Wing : 3 Bombers [LON]-Trained
10. 2nd Bomber Wing : 3 Bombers [LON]-Trained
11. 3rd Bomber Wing : 2 Stealth Bombers [WAS]-Trained
12. Airlift Command : 2 Transports [WAS]-Trained
13. 1st Helicopter Attack Wing : 7 Attack Helicopters[MET]-Trained

Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate

Nation: U.S.S.R.
Player: nivi
Income: 150 c

1. 1st Red Army Battalion:10 inf, 7 Mech, 7 Art [BER]- Poorly Trained
2. 2nd Red Army Battalion: 10 inf, 7 Mech, 7 Art [DRE]- Poorly Trained
3. 3rd Red Army Battalion: 20 inf, 6 Mech, 7 Art [CZE]- Poorly Trained

1. West Banner Fleet: 1 Battleship, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser [Barrents]-Trained
2. East Banner Fleet: 1 Battleship, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser [Okhotsk]-Trained
3. First Red Sub Fleet: 2 nuke subs [Barrents]-Trained
4. Second Red Sub Fleet: 2 subs [Norwegian]-Trained

Air Force
1. 1st Red Army Birds:3 fighters, 2 radar planes [POL]- Poorly Trained
2. 2nd Red Army Birds: 5 fighters, 3 radar planes [POL]- Poorly Trained
3. 1st Red Bomber Wing: 15 bombers [BLR]- Poorly Trained
4. 2nd Red Bomber Wing: 15 bombers [BLR]- Poorly Trained
5. 1st Red Army Attack Helicopters: 3 Attack Helicopters [DRE]- Poorly Trained

Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate

Nation: NATO
Player: NPC
Income: 110 c

1. 1st Amror Corps: 2 Armor, 1 SAM [BRE]- Well Trained
2. 2nd Armor Corps: 3 Armor, 2 Mech, 1 SAM [AUS]- Well Trained
3. 3rd Infantry Corps: 4 Inf, 1 Art [BRE]- Well Trained
4. 4th Infantry Corps: 4 Inf, 1 Art [BAY]- Well Trained
5. 5th Infantry Corps: 4 Inf, 1 Art [AUS]- Well Trained
6. 6th Mountain Corps: 5 Para [PAR]- Well Trained

1. 1st Fleet: 1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 nuke sub [North]- Trained
2. 2nd Sub Fleet: 2 subs [Biscay]- Trained

Air Force
1. 1st Carrier Air Wing: 2 fighter/bombers, 1 radar plane [North]-Trained
2. 1st Air Corps: 3 fighters, 1 radar plane [RUH]-Trained
3. 2nd Air Corps: 5 fighters, 1 radar plane [DEN]-Trained
4. 3rd Air Corps: 4 figher/bombers [RUH]-Trained
5. Airlift Corps: 2 Transports[MET]-Trained
6. 4th Air Corps: 3 Bombers[MET]-Trained

Army: Tank II ( 6 turns)
Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate

Nation: Warsaw Pact
Player: NPC
Income: 70 c

1. 1st Red Armor Corps:2 armor, 4 mech, 1 SAM [BER]-Poorly Trained
2. 2nd Red Armor Corps:6 armor, 4 mech, 1 SAM [DRE]-Poorly Trained
3. 3rd Red Armor Corps:6 armor, 4 mech, 1 SAM [CZE]-Poorly Trained
4. 4th Red Armor Corps:6 armor, 4 mech, 1 SAM [HUN]-Poorly Trained

1. 1st Defense Fleet:2 destroyers, 1 cruiser [Baltic]-Trained
2. 2nd Defense Fleet:2 subs[Barrents]-Trained

Air Force
1st Red Air Corps: 3 fighters[POL]-Poorly Trained
2nd Red Air Corps: 5 fighter/bombers [DRE]-Poorly Trained

Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate

Player: Tossi
Income:70 c
1. Northern Command: 15 Inf, 5 Mech, 9 Armor, 3 Art, 2 SAM [Del] – Prooly Trained
2. Eastern Command : 11 Inf, 4 Mech, 7 Armor, 2 Art, 1 SAM [Asm] – Prooly Trained
3. Western Command: 12 Inf, 4 Mech, 5 Armor, 2 Art, 1 SAM [Kas]- – Prooly Trained

Air Force
1. Northern Air Command: 3 Fighters, 2 Bombers, 1 Radar Plane [Del] – Trained
2. Eastern Air Command: 2 Fighters, 1 Bombers, 1 Helo [Ban] – Trained
3. Western Air Command: 2 Fighters, 2 Helos [Del] – Trained

Navy – Trained
1. Battle Group Delhi 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 2 Crusier[Bengal] – Trained

Air Force:
National Moral: Moderate
also a note for NATO for anyone who will play them. THe West Germans if they are attack, will defend their land. Thus I you pull back your NATO forces, the west germans will stay behind to fight even in the face of great odds. Sometimes they will withdraw with the rest of your forces though.
some sugestions:
by 1980s:
tibet was part of china
yugoslavia and albania very pro communist
france left nato long b4 the time ur scenario takes place.
errors in vietnam and bangladesh.
there is no israel on ur map

most probelms are due to the map, bellow is my map w/ more contemporary borders, and some edits like east germany etc.

hope this helps
I believe that altough Yogoslavia and Albania were communist, they never joined the Warsaw Pact.

And wasn't Norway part of NATO? Or am I completely mistaken?
I thought Norway was too. They make mention of it fighting the Russians in Red Strom Rising.
The reason I did not put Norway or Turkey or Greece into the main NATO nation was because one they were nuetral and two that way it is more balanced. Other wise NATO will have way more production then the other countries.

But Norway, Greece, and Turkey are members of NATO is this NES. I just made them independent nations instead of part of the NATO player nation.

As for Tibet, I will fix that as well as Israel thing latter.

Also Greece and Japan are not the same nation.

Anyways do you guys want to join or what?
actually France was part of NATO, but just politicaly not millitary wise. Since Europe is so small I made it part of NATO fully. I know it might not be correct history, but then again this is based on a book not true history.
In the book Norway fought with NATO :p

I'll join as Canada
I have made corrections to map now. So now nations that are taken are:

Just hope that we can get more people. Also Specialist what you can do is pm with general idea of what you want done with China and I will controll it as a NPC nation untill you get back following your guide lines.

Also please set up you nation template. From you armies they want you want them using the initial credits. Thanks.
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