Civ 2 Style Railways


Jan 24, 2002
Civ 2 Style Railways are finally here!!
:D :) :D :) :D

An example of what they look like:

I realise that the railways look excessively straight, but then again, so did Civ 2's. And where would a Civ 2 Style railway be if it didnt look like Civ 2's railways??

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this mod
About time we see these on Civfanatics!! :cool:

Actually I am currently using this as a base to work on some circular railroads. At the moment if the map is fully covered you will see big and small circles which sort of making you dizzy :lol:

But I am retaining the Civ2 style around the edges so that it can be clearly seen where the areas not covered by the railroads are. I am still trying this out but I do like the circular style as I discovered that if I don't build the rail over a square of hill or mountain, I can clearly see a circle of rails go all around the mountain and not across it. :cooool:
What can I say, Im slow :D

Seriously though, I forgot to mention:

Feel free to modify / use this as a base for your own verison of railways. Of course, some credit would be nice ;)

Well, good luck, I would be interested in seeing your finished version.
This is what I have done so far, not completed yet but can be tested partially in game. Notice how the circle form around the mountain and hill where no rail or road is built. Also notice how the rail is straight at the edge as Civ2 rail was the base. :cooool:

I am not sure if I should keep the straight line on the side or make all into circular. Any suggestion would be welcomed. ;)


  • cir_rail.jpg
    63.1 KB · Views: 15,667
looking good dark sheer .... but i think it looks a little to uniform? .... dont spose there is any chance to put in a "little" messyness? .... the streight bits on the edges look fine ... does that mean if u were to put down a single spur it will be dead streight?
Originally posted by Selous
looking good dark sheer .... but i think it looks a little to uniform? .... dont spose there is any chance to put in a "little" messyness? .... the streight bits on the edges look fine ... does that mean if u were to put down a single spur it will be dead streight?

Yeah, I was thinking its a bit too systematic too :lol:

I think you are right, I will try to put in some messiness ;)
Nice mod skanky! I like the second (lighter) version best. :)
Well... what can I say?

:goodjob:LOVE YOUR WORK!!!:goodjob:

I really couldn't stand the messy railroads that Firaxis made, so this is a very welcome addition to the fine collection of modpacks on this site.
Dark Seer --

I LOVE your railroads the way you have 'em... You tease us so by showing your great work and then not having a zip to download it :)! I will take your ordered railroads in a heartbeat!

PS... thanks for the stellar unit work as well!

Washington DC
Originally posted by Black Belt Jone
Dark Seer --

I LOVE your railroads the way you have 'em... You tease us so by showing your great work and then not having a zip to download it :)! I will take your ordered railroads in a heartbeat!

PS... thanks for the stellar unit work as well!

Washington DC

Actually I am currently working on a horseback rifleman which I coverted from the calvary. ;) You can take a look at the preview at the creation section of the forum. Once that is completed I promise I will finish up this railroad thing. :cooool:
I've been using the Civ2 slightly dark RRs and I like their look much more than the meandering art that came with the game. Ideally it would be nice to have some large radius options instead just straight but most likely the program wouldn't allow that many variations.
Wow. Do that many people really dislike the new railways? I always thought the Civ2 rails looked really silly. The new ones, though no perfect, look a lot more like real rail lines.

To each their own.

My question is, why spend so much time designing nifty twisting railroad graphics and then remove useful and worthwhile game concepts like farms? And I really thought Civ3 would finally include something more than just dirt roads. They seemed to have concentrated on cosmetic changes rather than design... Why not have roads, rails (that go from city to city, not willy nilly all over the counrtyside) and then highways that go willy nilly all over the countryside?
yeah i woulda liked to see highways sprawling over the landscape instead of a triliion railroads

anyway, nice looking mod

i got a great story of civ3s railroad graphics... too bad i dont have a screenshot... anyway, i built a city near coal in the middle of a continent surrounded by many other civs (1 allied); my culture grew some but still the city was culturally enclosed. when i built railroads in my zones, i then went thru my allies' land and devoped rails there too.

anyway, when it was done, i looked at the graphics, and although the tiles were adjacent so it wouldnt effect my units, a main railline out of the city would actually turn north, go into the allies territory, then turn south, then go back into the first tile, then head south again toward my main lands! all they needed to do was to continue going SE thru that first tile!!!

stupid twirlie-whirlie railroads :crazyeyes
Originally posted by datarush
I've been using the Civ2 slightly dark RRs and I like their look much more than the meandering art that came with the game. Ideally it would be nice to have some large radius options instead just straight but most likely the program wouldn't allow that many variations.

ACTUALLY! Take a look at the art file, it's FULL of all the dif rail images, there are TONS, if you wanted to take the time to figure it out, you could make this kind of change. do it and post it, maybe it will be cool.
Hey, skanky!

Here's the version of civ2-style railways I was working before you beat me to it. I was going to post it in a different thread, but I suppose it would be most logical to place it in here (check below for screenshots).


  • image1.jpg
    156.7 KB · Views: 12,549
Download the file, rename it to "railroads.pcx" and place it in the art/terrain/ subdirectory (remembering to back up the original first!)


  • soufie's civ2railroads.pcx
    296 KB · Views: 769
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