Empire above all


Sep 19, 2008
I am truly sorry for the lack of screenshots but I have no idea how to work them. I do not have any expacks so this is the basic build. Also in case I do get screenshots up I played as Russians with Cathrine. And check for updates on ALL posts because i'm writing this from memory so I might check the replay and alter stuff

Excerpt from:Mortal Gods: A History of Anolia
Anolia was the common name for a group of tribes on the south eastern tip of the continent. Although records from that early era are vague we can be resonbly certain that the then and current capitol of Anoliam was founded around 4000 B.C. It lies in the same place it did then south of lake Radlaav and North of Anoliam Bay.

And thus the Anolian Empire was born. They elected a man named Flaer to be king. He built the empire and created many good projects and above all erected the city of Costopolis it quickly became a center of commerce. Then came the city of Innia, in the shadow of a mountain it became heavily militerizied quite early. However in 3047 B.C. King Flaer died in his sleep at age 83. He was buried at the royal cemetary.

After 2000 years of building and light skirmishing with barbarians. Anolia went to war.
Chapter 2: The Northern War

Egypt under their queen Hatsuphat had been expanding and building up for
years. It was much like Anolia in land area and concept. But their close borders were making them mildly annoyed. The Anolian empress at the time (290 B.C.) was named Erin. She would go down in history as Erin the Conquerer because of the Northern War as it would come to be called. Her father had discovered iron. It allowed Anolia to become the most powerful military power in the known world. In 308 B.C. Isabella of Spain Declared war on the Egyptens, they begged the Anolians for help and to open a second front. Erin told Isabella to hold out for as long as possible because they were not ready. A few months later Isabella made peace. And In Febuary 8th 290 B.C. Erin Invaded Egypt... and the first northern war was on.
The Northern War 2

The Egyptians were horribly unprepared for war. Erin Later commented that Egypt at the time was "like a bird without wings but still thinks it can fly." A force of 50,000 men marched from the plains north of Innia to Pi Ramses. The Egyptian general Arkos surrendered after a day of bombardment. After pillaging the city for all it was worth Erin ordered it burned to the ground. The drive for Thebes was one of the most well executed campaigns in military history. And although the tactical details are lost to history we know that it was a huge success. Thebes fell fairly easily with minimum causlties. But then came Heliopolis. Heliopolis was strategically located in the center of the former Egyptian empire. Erin acted against her generals word and went straight for the city. Most historians agree that it would have been better to take the surrounding cities and starve them out. But Erin wanted Heliopolis, now. It was an extremely bloody battle during which over 7000 men died. Splitting up the army took Elephantine, Alexandria and Memphis.
The Egyptians were gone. Erin was worshipped like a god. And Anolia became the most powerful nation on earth.
To take screenshots, hit the prt scrn button, and it'll be placed in the "screenshots" folder.
What would that be on a laptop?
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