TSG118 After Actions

Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1937AD
Turns played: 357
Base score: 1073
Final score: 1511
Time played: 7:47:00

This took about 100 turns longer than It was supposed to. Took three cycles of waiting after bulbing to Telecommunications to get enough money to buy my votes.

- Describe any significant World Congress accomplishments? Who founded if you didn't? WC Proposal order?

Passed World Ideology by force, founded but Carthage ran it until I made enough money to buy all the city states.

- Did you use your UU/UB to any benefit for a Diplomacy victory?

UU was UUseless without Iron on my island. UB though helped me get a couple more Great people.

- In hindsight, describe where you could have improved with votes, proposals, strategy, etc.

Needed to do everything quicker, I made a few mistakes early on that I didn't need to. But oh well, its all done now. TSG119 here we come. Huns or Mongols DomV maybe?
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 2008AD
Turns played: 428
Base score: 2503
Final score: 2944
Time played: 8:52:00

I got the vote by a large margin, and on the first possible UN vote. Still, the first vote didn't occur is until 2008. It was pretty dull after about 1950.
So am I correct in assuming that part of getting an earlier vote, is to sort of 'help out' the other civs advance technologically? That is, DON'T put one of your spies on counter-espionage duty, DON'T build the constabulary, etc. but DO participate in as many research deals as possible?
If that's the case, then the early vote for cultural great people (and less great scientists) may have been a factor for me in this game.
Turns played: 392

I see I wasn't alone in destroying a resource with a spice city. In this game resources were important because they were scarce: iron, coal, oil. Added to the fact that Indonesia didn't have a lot of early production opportunities, it was challenging.

On the other hand all that jungle meant science moved fast from the mid-game on. I founded the World Congress even though Spain beat me to the Forbidden City which meant I had to capture Madrid right at the end. The main proposal, tucked in among all the luxury bans, was Spain promoting Cultural Heritage Sites. Rome had the most wonders and I knew I'd need to attack Rome after India, so I could see that would be an advantage for Indonesia.

Frequent Great Prophets from the Candi meant substantial money from Tithe, so probably I should have used the cargo ships more for food and less for gold. In fact I used them a lot for production. Production was always slow. Having spices to trade was a big help with the gold.

I also had lots of friends up to turn 276 which helped with research agreements. Once I built an army and attacked India that all ended.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 118
Date submitted: 2015-10-01 11:54:49
Reference number: 33288
Your name: beto_java
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1999AD
Turns played: 419
Base score: 1118
Final score: 1346
Time played: 5:42:00
Submitted save: final_Gajah Mada_0420 AD-2000.Civ5Save
Renamed file: beto_java_C511801.Civ5Save
DV Turn 312
5 City Liberty Commerce and Freedom. Missed most early wonders apart from Pyramids for workers. Peaceful , not even worker steals, until vote.
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1995AD
Turns played: 415
Base score: 2806
Final score: 3380

I played as if going for Domination Victory. Defeated Gandhi but then got too belligerent and was regarded worldwide as a warmonger. I then stayed quiet during mid game and was a mediocre civ points-wise. Dido was running away with it via expansion, allying city states, and taking out weaker neighbors. I eventually friended Dido and side-kick Isabella. Rome behaved badly, and I joined with Carthage and Spain to remove Rome, primarily with frigates. This was the turning point as I benefited most from the war, grabbing Rome and a few other cities. After upgrade to battleships, I took out Dido, liberated a few also-rans (Rome, Byzantium, Japan), and bought out all remaining city states for Diplomatic Victory.

- Describe any significant World Congress accomplishments? Who founded if you didn't? WC Proposal order?
I think Dido did and was hosting the congress for quite some time.

- Did you use your UU/UB to any benefit for a Diplomacy victory?
I had only one Kris Warrior due to iron shortage and priority on frigates. The building was OK. I used the faith points for a few happiness buildings and great generals.

- In hindsight, describe where you could have improved with votes, proposals, strategy, etc.
I lost luxuries founding a city on an island. I was too late to found a religion. I was too aggressive early on.
t323 completely peaceful diplo victory. I was allied with all city states and the AI didn't even try to buy any of them. Also had World Religion, World Ideology, Forbidden Palace and 5 diplomats for a total of 49 votes (with 40 required) :D

UU was complete crap, I only got 3 out of curiosity what the promotions would be when I finally got Iron from some CS. Sent them against some remote barb camps in the ice. Well what have you, all three of them got "Evil Spirits" curse :( I just sacrificed them to the barbs. How are you ever going to wage a war with these units?

Made one huge mistake in completing Rationalism literally 1 turn too late to get an earlier voting cycle. As a result, couldn't buy GS (or any other GP, as I went Liberty / Patronage / Rationalism / Order) and had 9k faith lying around uselessly by the end of the game.

settled on river hill. went optics first and got 4 cities out quickly (1 near gibraltar, 1 near india, 1 near rome, 1 next to citrus). decided to do liberty as hammers were scarce. got oracle, ltop and fp.

kept rome, india and carthage busy with eachother and eventually friended rome and india after initial worker steals.

had four GS to spare in the end, so i think it's possible in two votes. in the end i did it in three. something like this:

t147 pp
+30 (1st vote WF)
+25 (2nd vote WI)
+25 (3rd vote WR)
+changing eras and votes
t242 start un
t253 win

t80 NC
t90 liberty
t113 education
t126 astronomy
t130,135,140,173 rationalism
t147 pp
t178 radio (freedom)
t210 plastics
t234 telecom
T343 Diplo Victory.

Doesn't seem that bad a time now. Fairly conventional with no DOW on me (although Rome stormed off into the lead and both they and India settled on my island - was unnerved by how large their militaries got at non-Prince levels of play, so had to build a defensive military for once) Founded two cities abroad for the lux. Beelined for Forbidden palace and was able to found the WC. With the extra lux cash wasn't a problem and the Freedom Tier 3 policy meant I didn't even have to buy any votes in the end.

Thanks for the game.
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