Enrico speaks real Venetian

Funny because the first time I heard him speaking I heard almost Portuguese with a Italian accent :D
And what about this one? When he is making an offer he says something like "Ik heb hier iets dat u enig belang zal inboezemen". In modern Dutch would be wrong, I think. It should be something like "Ik heb hier iets dat u enige belangstelling zal inboezemen". But perhaps this construction is also something antiquated?
'Inboezemen' is an old fashioned verb, but 'belang inboezemen' is correct. More modern would be 'belang bij hebben' or 'belangstelling opwekken'. I think they chose 'belang inboezemen' just because it's a bit archaic, just like 'Mij staat nog veel te doen'. People don't say this anymore, and that's why it got picked.
This isn't 16th century Dutch, it's more the way old prime minister Van Agt would speak, but it's okay in my view.

But William is certainly one of the blandest leaders in the game, they did almost nothing with his character, and the voice actor doesn't spice it up either. For interesting personalities in the game we need to look elsewhere.
Maria of Portugal have a strong personality she speaks exactly as it should sound in her time and act as a real noble.
I like Napoleon and Gustav Adolf myself, because I can actually understand those two despite them speaking in non-English languages! Also Gustav Adolf has an adorable accent and calls me "friend" all the time.

and Gustav's beard is magnificent. How could you not love the guy?
I also found myself happy when I listened to Pachacuti for the first time, the Quechua they got is nice and fluid, and some of his reactions are nice too.

and Gustav's beard is magnificent. How could you not love the guy?

Well, Gustavous does look like a different leader of the same civ, rather than himself... But yeah, his voice and language is amazing.
I'm ridiculously annoyed the be few errors in Ramkhamhaeng's speeches; most glaringly his proposals. You've already said hello! Stop replying to all my offers with hello. Then there's the intro...

I can't believe they got that wrong; It's nowhere near a dead language, and I hear there's a small but significant Thai-speaking population in the US. I feel sorta insulted they got Latin and Venetian right but managed to mess up Thai....

Fung me? No, fung YOU, potnuh.
I'm ridiculously annoyed the be few errors in Ramkhamhaeng's speeches; most glaringly his proposals. You've already said hello! Stop replying to all my offers with hello. Then there's the intro...

I can't believe they got that wrong; It's nowhere near a dead language, and I hear there's a small but significant Thai-speaking population in the US. I feel sorta insulted they got Latin and Venetian right but managed to mess up Thai....

Probably won't make you feel any better, but the Venetian does have errors in it.
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