Looking for mod suggestions!


Apr 10, 2014
I tend to play on HUGE maps (I actually went into the games files and upped the map size of Huge by about 30% because it was clustering people together too much) with Abundant resources, 12 players.

Mods I currently like are CEP (Seriously, win), diplomacy values (though it does not seem to be working, for whatever reason), CSD, less warmonger hate, Really Advanced Setup, and IGE; graphical mods are kinda nice, i have the RED thing, but they aren't important to me.

Any good mods that are compatible with all the above? I like the idea of the CivIV diplomacy mod, but it doesn't play very nice with IGE+CEP and while I could live without IGE (though I would be very sad since I use it to space out civilizations when the increased map size isn't enough, since Reseed and CEP don't play nice) but CEP improved the game so much for me I can't imagine going back on that one.

Thanks for any recommendations! Just please no crazy broken overpowered building mods or what have you, ones that generally improve the game/add more options are preferable. Especially if they help with diplomacy, really would like to have Vassalage and such as an option but from all I've seen it never fully plays nice with CEP/CSD... boo.

There's really not much in the way of diplomacy mods. I use a unit promotion mod that has a bunch of options like being able to move on enemy roads like they where your own and I noticed in the last game I played when I captured a worker I had the option of making them slaves.
Also the AWAC mod is awesome for looking into enemy territory but you only get three.
I don't use the RED mod so I don't know if these would muck up the works for you.
Good Hunting.
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