Random Gameplay Videos #1: Vidiot Vidiocracy

How do you even accidentally exterminate a town, anyway?

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250 human player battle from last Sunday, Gauls vs Romans using the new multiplayer Mount&Blade: Warband mod Mount&Gladius. I wasn't in it but apparently it was pretty crazy, although poorly run, hopefully that will change for future events (this was kind of the first or second major event for it).

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Second video from the perspective of the Naked Fanatics:

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It's like Sherman's March to the sea, except with the British Arthur Wellesley doing it in the opposite direction to the French.

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I didn't even know the Amtrac could explore the seabed like that.

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Nah there will be new maps, new guns, new gameplay, and an updated engine. And I've never been a CoD fan.
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