

Sep 26, 2005
new zealand
Ok ive read thru the threads but can't find a similar problem too mine,firstly my flag decals keep switching with the barbarian flag decals which is'nt a major really,but what really annoys me is i cannot find a key that unlocks a unit from pan across the map and think hey,ill build there next turn *presses turn button* "whoosh!!!" is propelled back too veiw the last selected unit..hmmm.. ok..after awhile this becomes a painful bore for me..sometimes i want too remain exactly on the map where i am currently veiwing..not have too be taken back too veiw (evry frikkin turn) my last selected unit,ive looked through the key options and can't seem too find a "deselect" key anywhere..why this (for me anyway) painful omission,oh..also my build tabs for my workers remain highlighted even when building a feature..why???? am i not supposed too be able too tell when my worker is about too build something???..seems hairy bugs pop up as the game is being played...oh and never had these bloody problems before the 1:09 patch was installed.
I think it's by design so there's nothing you can do. But you may try to turn off "Show Enemy Unit Moves" and "Show Friendly Unit Moves" options, maybe it'll help.
Tried em all im pretty sure dragon but appreciate the suggestion..i will try it,just really erks me that it centres on a unit at the start of evry turn,must just be me though as cud'nt find a thread with a similar complaint,ive got alotta games and they all pretty much all allow you too deselect a unit or whateva and dont have this annoying recentreing habit..hey,still love the game..but just wish...
It sounds like you know how its supposed to work, but here are the two reasons I found where this happens:

  • You didn't mention if the little circular button in the lower right portion of the screen was green or not. If it's green, some of your units still have turns left. To end your turn with moves still left you have to force it by pressing shift+enter.
  • The second way this happens I think is a bug, I would put one of my units on 'Guard' but the game would still snap back to that unit when I tried ending the turn. Making the unit un-guard then guard again seemed to fix the problem.
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