Should Civilization IV be "Starforce" Protected?

Should Civilization IV be Starforce protected?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 51 96.2%

  • Total voters


Nov 26, 2004
Hi Guys,

Should Civilization IV be protected by the "Starforce" Protection System? Please post your opinions and take part in the poll. Thanks
Blackbird_SR-71 said:
what do you mean by starforce protection system?

Some games recently have been released with a copy protection called "Starforce". Ask about Starforce from any dedicated gamer.
icet said:
Some games recently have been released with a copy protection called "Starforce". Ask about Starforce from any dedicated gamer.

okay, i'm asking you.
Definitely no, despite being fanatical about Civ and eagerly awaiting Civ4 I wouldn't buy it if Starforce was the copy protection system used.

StarForce installs a hidden device driver on your computer, one that many people have found interferes with cd and usb drives and which isn't even removed if you uninstall the game unless you search out and use a special removal tool. Far too many people have reported problems with StarForce and as someone who is meticulous about what goes on their computer I wouldn't touch a game that has it.

But of course there has been no suggestion by Firaxis that they are looking at using StarForce, I'm going to presume they are sensible and nice and will look at other more computer friendly copy protection systems.
do they have a logo on the box stated it is star focre protected?

i think i ran into this installing battlefield found out i had an illegal copy of winzip, brought up a window tallying all the days i was over expired, which was like 350, and then wouldnt let me play the game....

this is sick technology....
brinko said:
i think i ran into this installing battlefield found out i had an illegal copy of winzip, brought up a window tallying all the days i was over expired, which was like 350, and then wouldnt let me play the game....

:lol: That's too funny!
No, there's no need for it, the civplayers are such an honest bunch anyway...
Civ3 is one of the few games i bought original. Albeit i have no problems to find it in p2p networks, i forked out the money happily: i honestly believe they deserve them.
However, if Civ4 comes out with that piece of crapware i won't buy it, nor even take a legitimate copy for free.
Starforce is no better than spyware/malware etc. bundled with some piece of crap like kazaa & so on: it borks your pc's functionality and stays resident even if you uninstall the software. It is also utterly useless: how much time will it take, for an experienced cracker, to find out the right ASM instructions and blank them out?

Battlefield Vietnam's publishers have definitely pissed out of the loo. Thanks for the advice. I will NEVER buy that game.
Loppan Torkel said:
No, there's no need for it, the civplayers are such an honest bunch anyway...

Here in the forums maybe, but some other people would do just about anything else.

There should be something other than Starforce.

It just doesn't sound good for it to be used on top-notch games.
I think if anything, giving consumers good, relatively functional games at reasonable prices does more to stop pirateing than other factors. Just look at the music industry. For nearly five years the only way to get music over the internet was p2p networks. No legitimate option existed for people despite a large demand. Now that many reasonable pay p2p networks exist, many of the former piraters are willing to pay for good quality music.

Pirates will always exist, making sure that most customers do not feel it is much better to pirate is the key. Of course it is more complicated than this, but this is my humble opinion.
sir_schwick said:
I think if anything, giving consumers good, relatively functional games at reasonable prices does more to stop pirateing than other factors. Just look at the music industry. For nearly five years the only way to get music over the internet was p2p networks. No legitimate option existed for people despite a large demand. Now that many reasonable pay p2p networks exist, many of the former piraters are willing to pay for good quality music.

Pirates will always exist, making sure that most customers do not feel it is much better to pirate is the key. Of course it is more complicated than this, but this is my humble opinion.

Of course, in some countries consumers pay a levy on all recording media (MP3 players, blank CDs, etc.) to pay for any music they might potentially download onto it... and are then called pirates by the same industries that are raking in the levies. Very annoying.

I miss the good old days of Civ II when I only had to put in one of my CDs if I wanted to see what my advisors had to say. *sigh*
no way!!!! do u no how much of my computer is downloaded?! it would probably just freeze up n explode or something. im a student so i can hardly afford the lastest software, i just wanna play civ :)
"Copy Protection" is a joke that makes software exec's feel all warm and safe in their very own emperors new clothing. In reality "the more they tighten their grip the more pirates will slip though their fingers". ;) Yes they need something since just like locking your door keeps dumb criminals out of your house, so to dose “Light” copy protection keep copies to a minimal. As for the Starforce annoyance, well if its on the disk I will still buy it once someone hacks it so I don’t have to put up with it. And someone will since there is no security built by a person that another person can't get around.

To Software exec's:
Keep your spyware off my computer! I mean honestly its like peeing in another persons pool... STAY OUT OF MY POOL! :mischief: :)
If Starforce is part of Civ4 then I won't buy it.
one word followed by many others...

Rebate...!!! 5$ or 10$ back? or maybe 10$ off the expansion pack coupon...
or a nice technology poster or one displaying all units.
civ 2 for playstation 1, they had a nice poster of the technologic advances
anyways i had ruined my original civ3, so i went out and bought it again, but this time it came with play the world and conquests. its a little bit different when u actually enjoy the game and want to see it grow, opposed to buying some new rap cd, which had 20 songs but only 1 or 2 of them are any good.
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