Term 1 - Nominations for Minister of Science


Basileus, Founding Father
Oct 6, 2005
Nashville, Tennessee
The Minister of Science is in charge of what choosing what technology to be researched and all Great Scientists.

Please submit nominations for the Minister of Science in this thread and Accept or Decline any nominations you may receive. Self nominations are allowed. Citizens may only run for one elected position.

Nominations will close and elections open 00:00 GMT on the December 29 (7PM EST/6PM CST December 28).

-the Wolf
Edit: I delcine this possition infavor for the State Ministry.
Here's a question for the canidates..

If you feel taking the religion path is risky, then how do you weigh in:

1 - The lack of monastaries that we'll have?
2 - The lack of a potential shrine to give 1 gold per city with our religion?
3 - The lack of religious espionage?
4 - The lack of atleast a few points in good relations with the AI?
5 - The lack of temples to keep our citizens happy?

I know someone who had all 7 religions, and it was powerful! (high science - Industrial Age in record time!)

So, how do you justify disregarding religion for a short term worker gain?


The obligatory questions:

- What version do you have? (1.00? 1.09? 1.52?)
- How many games have you played so far?
- What level do you feel most comfortable with?
- How many games have you won and at what level?
Chieftess said:
I know someone who had all 7 religions, and it was powerful! (high science - Industrial Age in record time!)

This is very true the two times I got all seven Holy Cities happened to me I easily beat the AI. :) Religions are Powerful!

-the Wolf
I like to nominate myself (and naturally accept the nomination) for this position.
Chieftess said:
Here's a question for the canidates..


I know someone who had all 7 religions, and it was powerful! (high science - Industrial Age in record time!)

So, how do you justify disregarding religion for a short term worker gain?

Maybe my English is not good enough, anyway I don't understand those questions - or more percisely, the context in which they're raised. They look rather like rhetorical questions than real questions to me.

Chieftess said:
The obligatory questions:

- What version do you have? (1.00? 1.09? 1.52?)
- How many games have you played so far?
- What level do you feel most comfortable with?
- How many games have you won and at what level?

- I have 1.09 right now and will update to 1.52 eventually.
- I've played (and won) two single games, both Large maps starting from the Ancient Era. I'm also playing a PBEM right now, and participating in the Warmup Demogame.
- I'm going up with the Difficulty Level from game to game, so far the highest has been Noble, which was pretty easy for me to play.

If you'd like to know more about my style of play, particularly my stance on Research in the early stage of a game, please refer to my various posts in the Warmup Demogame subforum.
Blkbird said:
So, how do you justify disregarding religion for a short term worker gain?
Maybe my English is not good enough, anyway I don't understand those questions - or more percisely, the context in which they're raised. They look rather like rhetorical questions than real questions to me.

Ok, what I meant was:

- Some people choose to research the religion techs as part of their strategy. (i.e., to get monastaries, spawn Great Prophets to hopefully get a shrine - which means more income).

- Others choose things like concentrating on worker techs (agriculture, mining, etc.).

- Still others choose war techs (bronze working, iron working, machinery...).

So, the question is asking, "Why would you pick one strategy over another?" (i.e., religion and not domestic (worker techs), or worker techs and not war techs, etc.).

Since you're from Germany, I'll ask it in German (but please answer it in English if you can).
Warum Forschungen Sie "landwirtschaftliche Technologien" und nicht "Religion Technologien"? Was ist deinen Strategie?

Please answer in English. (Anworten Sie auf Englisch, bitte).
Chieftess said:
Since you're from Germany, I'll ask it in German (but please answer it in English if you can).

First, despite living in Germany, I'm not a German, and German is not my first language (I do master it fairly well, as proven by the fact that I regularly write for German-language press). Second, your German is a lot worse than my English (sorry). Third, your clarification above was enough, it wasn't a language problem after all, it was the context of your questions which you originally left out.

I am, if you will, a "Worker Tech" player in my single games. My general strategy in the early stage is to build a few cities in a very short time (with some chop-rush) to secure important resources and strategical locations. Researching worker techs help me doing this, and the effects of those techs (higher production) multiply with the number of cities.

To answer your original questions in detail:

1 - The lack of monastaries that we'll have?
After adopting State Religion (which I usually do after I discovered my first religion) no Monatary is needed to train Missionary any more. The Research bonus is compesated by a higher commercial productivity due to the "worker techs" and buildings.

2 - The lack of a potential shrine to give 1 gold per city with our religion?
That's not much. The Colossus brings more Gold, for instance.

3 - The lack of religious espionage?
The most important thing, what is a foreign city building currently, is not revealed through religious espionage, thus it appears quite useless to me.

4 - The lack of atleast a few points in good relations with the AI?
Having a different State Religion is much worse, relation-weise, than no State Religion at all.

5 - The lack of temples to keep our citizens happy?
Luxurious resources. Secure as many as possible, as early as possible.

I don't play "atheistically", I do race for the later Religions. Also, all of the above are related to my personaly single games and the general strategies I use there. I am fully aware that our Demogame is unlikely to be played the same style as my single games, and I am both willing and prepared to adapt the Research strategy to other aspects of our game.
Ah. Your user profile (ISP) said .de when I looked. :) (so it was just a guess)
I nominate koondrad
k again to all candidates, why should i vote for you? what makes you better than all the rest. what technology should we research first and why? obviously this depends what civilization we are, in which case what 2 techs would you research first?
BCLG100 said:
k again to all candidates, why should i vote for you? what makes you better than all the rest. what technology should we research first and why? obviously this depends what civilization we are, in which case what 2 techs would you research first?

Your questions are too confused to be answered. If you recognize the dependance of the techs to the civ we choose, what exactly do you want to know?
k ill try and explain better
1)why should i vote for you?
2)what would you bring that no-one else would to the ministry?
3)what tech would you advise we look at first
4) if we already have that tech as we get it as our starting tech what other tech should we research?
BCLG100 said:
k ill try and explain better
1)why should i vote for you?
2)what would you bring that no-one else would to the ministry?
3)what tech would you advise we look at first
4) if we already have that tech as we get it as our starting tech what other tech should we research?

1. Because I have a fair understanding about Techs in Civ4, as is evident through my participation in the Warmup Demogame.
2. I don't know the other candidates that well, you have to do the comparison yourself.
3. It absolutely depends on what civ we'll be playing. There is no "must-have" tech I would research first regardless of what civ we play.
4. See 3.

In my opinion, the idea implied by your question, that we would already have a more or less fixed research plan before the civ question is decided, is rather strange.
BCLG100 said:
well ok, what tech if you were a civ with no traits would you choose to research first?

That's an interesting question. However, I prefer not to answer it because I think the hypothesis is irrelevant to the real situation at hand. In my opinion, the civ/leader traits are the single most important factor for the tech development. Therefore, to me your question is equivalent to: "What would you like to eat if you had lost your sense of taste?"
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