New Model - Blaster Master Tank (3/19/06)


Gun Mage
Mar 28, 2005
The Gateway to the West
UPDATED: 3/20/06 - I updated the model to be brighter in-game. Playing around with it, I thought it seemed way too dark compared to the other units.

This is my first unit model for Civ4, the hero's tank from the NES game Blaster Master. Here's a link to info about the game, if you've never heard of it:

The tank is named S.O.P.H.I.A. the 3rd in the game's instruction manual, but don't ask me what it stands for. :lol: I just like the way the tank looks, and wanted it in my game.

The model has a polygon count of 1242.

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Here's some pics:

BlasterBuild2.jpg Blaster.jpg Blaster1.jpg
Loved that game :). Animations working fine? Can the unit jump over mountains? :p
Thanks for the compliments everyone. :)

Zuul said:
Loved that game :). Animations working fine? Can the unit jump over mountains? :p

:lol: Not yet. :p That would look cool though, wouldn't it? Maybe have the unit jump everytime you press the "B" key. :lol:
I just updated the model by making the materials I used brighter. I just noticed a while ago that the unit seemed way too dark in the game.

Now you should be able to see the detail a bit better. :)
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