Mughals Scenario Erroneous Path?

Blue Monkey

Archon Without Portfolio
Jul 31, 2005
Timeless Isle
I've installed the Rise and Fall of the Mughals 2.0 on my Mac. When I try to start the scenario I can get through the game choice screens, but when it actually loads and configures the scenario I get the following error message:
View attachment 133037
I've checked very carefully, and the file is in the right path/location. Any suggestions?
I've checked very carefully, and the file is in the right path/location. Any suggestions?
Oh, really? Where did you find a "Civ3PTW" folder? :p

This is an example of the problem CIv3 Complete has finding the resources for scenarios. The scenario file (xxxx.bix) has told Civ3 to look for a file. It has supplied the following path:

Art/Units/../../CIV3PTW/extras/Medieval Japan/Art/Units/Otomo Spearman/SpearOtomoRun.amb

This means:

1. Start in the home directory of the Civ3 PTW or Civ3 Complete application. If you are using PtW I'm going to assume that you have moved that out of "Unsupported Extras" and into "Civ III Complete".

2. Go from there to the Art/Units/ directory.

3. Move up two levels in the folder hierarchy, which gets you back where you started :hmm:

4. Move down from there through Civ3PTW/extras/Medieval Japan/Art/Units/Otomo Spearman/SpearOtomoRun.amb

This sequence fails at the second step on a Mac. Look in your Civ III Complete folder. There is no Art folder at that level. There are several folders that contain Art folders, but that puts Art one level down.

The safe answer to this is to wait for Aspyr to release their patch for Civ3. That's what Brad recommends.

I'm altogether more cavalier than Brad :mischief:. Hey! What's the worst that can happen? You have to reinstall Civ3 Complete?

Sooo ... the way I overcame this in order to make another similar mod work was to copy the Art and Text folders in "Civilization 3 Game Data" and all their contents into the top level "Civ III Complete" folder. Then the mod can find that layer of folders and files. You could get over this immediate problem just by creating an empty folder called "Art" containing an empty folder called "Units", but it may fail again later if the folders are empty.

That gets you past stages 1, 2 and 3 above. After executing those two steps the software is back where it started, at your "Civ III Complete" directory. Step 4 then requires it to find a "Civ3PTW" folder. There isn't one. The Mac version of this is "Play the World Game Data", and that does contain the rest of the folder path specified. So to make that bit work without breaking anything else, I suggest you make a copy of "Play the World Game Data", in the same "Civ III Complete" directory, and rename the copy "Civ3PTW".

After this it *might* work :)
I tried several variations of my understanding of your guidelines, Alan. None of them felt quite right as I was setting them up, and all resulted in the identical error message. I went back to my PC and looked at the directory structure there. As you know Civ3 Complete's directory structure varies between PC and Mac, so I contemplated for a while where the files should be, based on the paths the Mac version is looking down.

This is a Conquests based scenario, so I decided to try putting the Civ3PTW/extras/etc. subdirectories inside the Conquest Game Data folder, where there is also an Art/Units/ path. That worked. I can play the game, save, quit, load the save etc. I have tried it both with the Biq & its related data folders in the Conquests Game Data/Conquests/ path or in the Conquests Game Data/Scenarios/ path; either option works as long as CIV3PTW/extras/etc. is inside the Conquests Game Data folder.

I have not played deeply into the game, so I don't know what later bugs may pop up. Also, I only know this to work for the Mughals scenario. But it may be worth trying other mods/scenarios (that haven't worked due to a similar error) with the CIV3PTW/extras/ subdirectories inside the Conquests Game Data folder.
... which all goes to show what a hit and miss affair this is.

The starting point for that file path must be inside Conquests Game Data, not at the top level as I indicated. Which is interesting. I assume you still had to copy Play the World Game Data and rename it to Civ3PTW?
AlanH said:
I assume you still had to copy Play the World Game Data and rename it to Civ3PTW?
Yes. however, to save space only the /extras/ and its subdirectories exist. The other copied data I deleted. I've only had time to play a very few turns, but so far so good.
This thread's been dead long ago, but I want to say that this helped me out EXTREMELY just recently in trying to get the mod Far Horizons: Heart of Destiny to work. Not too long in the game I came across trying to build a Hindu Spearman and every time I tried to build one the game would exit due to this error. Well, desperately I googled the problem and the only search result that came up was this thread. So I paid heed the advice here and it worked like a charm.

Only thing, though, I haven't done some troubleshooting as to which method worked, but I made three folders called CIV3PTW and copied the folder called Extras inside of Play the World Data into each of those CIV3PTW folders. I place one folder directly inside the Conquests Game Data folder, one inside the Conquests/Extras folder, and one inside the Conquests/Scenarios folder. I just wanted to get it to work so if you do one of these three, it should work for anyone who has this problem.

Thanks for creating this thread!
Hey Guys,

I was trying to play the Age of Imerialism scenario recently and ran into a very similar issue. I have had 4 errors so far that I have been able to get through by copying a closely named Unit and placing it is the dirctory it was looking for, but the last one stumped me until I found Alan H's reference to moving up in the dirctory structure.

My error is: \Art\Units\British Indian Inf WWI\..\Infantry\InfantryDeath.flc not found, will exit now.

Does this mean I need the Unit Art in \Art\Units\Infantry ? The \..\ meaning go up one directory as in unix?

I am wondering how may more land mines are in store for me trying this scenario. Why oh why did they change the directory structures between the Mac and PC versions? :cry: Doesn't make any sense.

Have either of you been able to get AOI to run under MacOS? I am on a dual 1G G4 mirrored door system running 10.4.8 with RevA patch in place.

Thanks for any help,
Wolp said:
My error is: \Art\Units\British Indian Inf WWI\..\Infantry\InfantryDeath.flc not found, will exit now.

Does this mean I need the Unit Art in \Art\Units\Infantry ? The \..\ meaning go up one directory as in unix?
Yes. The mod maker has added a unit folder - "British Indian Inf WWI", and wants to share the animation .flc file that exists in the "Infantry" folder on the same level. So the software has to go up one and then down into the Infantry folder to get the .flc file. \..\ means up one, as you guessed, and, yes, a lot of Windows looks like Unix. After all, Unix was around a long while before Windows, and we all know what innovators M$ are :rolleyes:

I am wondering how may more land mines are in store for me trying this scenario. Why oh why did they change the directory structures between the Mac and PC versions? :cry: Doesn't make any sense.
Well, you *could* try rebuilding a symlinked folder structure to look like the Windows one, and putting the Windows mods in there. Similar to the tricks I used to get cross-platform working going with Parallels. See my thread on that subject here.

You'll need to put your thinking head on to adapt that trick to deal with mods, but I have a feeling it just might work. Since there's no equivalent to the ~/Documents/... structure for user mods in the Windows version you'll have to do everything as if it lives in the application's folder.

Have either of you been able to get AOI to run under MacOS? I am on a dual 1G G4 mirrored door system running 10.4.8 with RevA patch in place.
Sorry, I seem to have stopped playing Civ - 3 or 4 - altogether these days.
AlanH said:
solving problems and making things is fun :)
I nominate you for Bodhisattva (ie, fully awake and fully human).

@Wolp - you posted your question in this thread about my problem with the Mughals scenario. Did you see this thread about more general solutions? If you get your situation sorted out, post there, and I'll link to it in the first post.:)
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