YYY-01 We don't need no Education


Jun 2, 2006
"Hey, Teacher leave those kids alone!"
Opening date: 1st Sept.
Never discover Education & win via Space Launch.

Lets proove those stinky academic philosophers that we can beat'em w/o their silly Unis.
SPACELAUNCH 'll be most painfull. [pimp]

- never declare war and always sign peace when asked (Just to prevent killing too advanced AIs (I was considering always peace but it would be too boring without the fear of being attacked))
- no Academia - "we don't need no school control!"
- never build GL /added/

Settings (TBD):
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Prince
Civilization: China - Qin (Ind/Fin)
Opponents: 4 (all stinky philosophers),
Map Size: Small
Map Script: Fractal
Climate: Rocky
Sea Level: Low
Rules: Standard
Victory: Space Ship only, but Conquest and Domination enabled.
Variant: can NOT discover Education, can build no Academia, never declare war, always sign peace when asked.
Version: Vanilla 1.61

Turnsets: 30, 20, 10, 10, ...
Normal 24/48 timing blah, blah

The settings R to be discussed (no philosophing! ;) ), especially I want to hear about difficulty: is Prince enough?
I want normal game speed and small map - this is supposed to be fast event.

Difficulties expected:
- No universities or factories => serious backdraw in research & prod.
- Few important techs will be out of reach (Liberalism, Assembly line, Industrialization), but all (exept 1 :( ) techs needed for SS parts are available.
- Many civics out of reach

- Atlas*
- Blake / Grater
- Blid
- Compromise
- Iustus
- mihau

Robotics needed for Docking Bay have Plastics as prerequisite (Plastics have Industrialization ... an down to Education eventually). Mod is taking away Plastics form Robotics prereq. and does nothing else(!).

To play the mod:
1. Copy unzipped folder "No Education Mod" to: civ4_install_folder\Mods\ (Not that one in /My Documents/My Games !)
2. Play the mod: Boot up Civ4, go to Advanced -> Load_mod -> No Education Mod. After restart U can play.

Spoiler :


was changed to:


The mod we have was written by Asioasioasio, to whom I send many thanks.
For all the modfans here R 2 mods by this author:
Polish Tribes


NoEd START2.jpg

Our start location.
There R 4 opponents out there somewhere: Sally, Fred, Alex & Peter all of'em :evil: philosophers.

Click here to skip pregame discusion.
Banning the GL has been proposed - I comply, should have thought about it myself.

What do U think about banning all the scientists? :eek:
...and HOW to do so?
Not to make the game unplayable/unwinnable ? I see 2 ways for it:
1) banning lib/obs/lab/SoL to avoid MM
2) MMing ...sic! ...even on the small map

BTW: I have got nice starting location (screen on RB forum) while testing the mod, but forgot to set philo opponents, bummer:cry:
If governors are set to Emphasize Food, Hammers and Commerce they will only create specialists as a last resort - and they prefer engineers and priests over scientists. So I don't think a no scientists rule will be a big deal - just set all new cities to emphasize.
Compromise checking in. As a general rule, that is an offer of sympathy for having to put up with my pitiful gameplay and worse wit.

I'm not opposed to bumping the difficulty up to Monarch. Too many people seem to be winning their epics and SGs these days.
Iustus said:
Why not? Either should work.

Never tried - I guess it is newer too late to... oh no! ...no learning in this thread :cool:

@Blake: I guess U R right, we can play soft varian:
"avoid having scientist specialists" -> some black sheep will happpen even in the decent labour family, rite? [pimp]

I guess everybody is happy with Monarch lev. :)
With Iustus on board we only need 1 more Playa.
I fear this will be at the cost of an RB event, but whatever. I've not participated in an RB SG before and am willing to join if you'll have me

Clarification question :

Mihau said:
never declare war, always sign peace when asked
Shall we accept peace even if we have to pay for it ? say for example a city building a spaceship part ?
blid said:
Shall we accept peace even if we have to pay for it ? say for example a city building a spaceship part ?

That's not peace; that's extortion!

I think the variant is in place to prevent us from just taking over the world and building the spaceship whenever we want with no AI competition.

Besides, I can't remember the AI asking me for peace while demanding something from me. It usually asks for peace because it's not doing too well in our little spat.
Checking in, I will also have to aplogize in advance for my spelling and :smoke:. If I had been to skool I mite huv lerned how 2 spell, but I mised it :lol: .

Compromise said:
I'm not opposed to bumping the difficulty up to Monarch. Too many people seem to be winning their epics and SGs these days.
I agree, no shame in losing (if you could see my SP games ;) ).

You got me starting this thing, you might have missed more school than me..... :lol: .
Wait a sec, with the war rules, when someone chooses unwisely, we are allowed to invade them and take their cities until they squeal for peace, correct?
This will be a lot easier if we pick up a few cities from our even less wise than us neighbours.
Compromise said:
the variant is in place to prevent us from just taking over the world and building the spaceship whenever we want with no AI competition.

The way the war variant is set we have very limited exploit area.
Lets say we "set a trap": wait for an attack and intend to rapid conquer attacker's land (we could even have some units prepared: 1 turn from completition)
1) the attack will be pursued from unknown AI/direction (from the sea maybe) probably taking a city.
2) the attacker will (surely) plead for peace just after he/she loses a city. There is only(?) 10 turns of warfare we can be sure of.
3) we will be stuck with newly built army not capable to declare to someone else.

I don't see war efficient under the variant.

Of course we R not planning to intentionally provoke wars (send arrogant demands or "mimic power").

@Atlas: :lol: 've sin a script fo such ritin' somewere.

@Blid: Welcome aboard. :)

BTW: Is anybody (beside me) not from US? I had an idea about rooster order depending on the timezones (or W-E hemispheres), but I guess it won't matter.
Edited the first paragraph:
Yes, I assumed we could take a city or two from uppity AIs, but wouldn't be implementing the standard "take over our continent and don't care about anyone because we have so much more land" strategy.

I am in the US. Are you from Poland, mihau? I have some (very dilute) Polish ancestry and would love to learn a few phrases from you!
Compromise said:
I am in the US. Are you from Poland, mihau? I have some (very dilute) Polish ancestry and would love to learn a few phrases from you!

Pronunciation (tough word - [pimp]) could be difficult (another tough word - [pimp]) to convey (a bunch of 'em in 1 phrase... [pimp]).
...I think I could search in Utube for some oral examples.

I didn't think we will have everything set up so quickly - there is still a week untill 1st Sept.
Is it the opening day for skool year in US, too?
I don't care where you put me in the roster, I thought the previous posting had the roster, but I now realize it is alphabetical order, perphaps if I had some education I would have realized that ;) .

In the US school starts at different times in different places, my university started on Aug. 23, the university 15 kilometers away starts on Aug. 28. My cousin's university started on Aug. 7. Some won't start until Sept. 7.

BTW-I am US.

@ Compromise, I don't know much Polish, but I could teach you Russian.
Atlas* said:
@ Compromise, I don't know much Polish, but I could teach you Russian.

That would be very cool. Can the forum support both non-English characters and English at the same time? So that you could give both a phonetic and Cyrrilic versions of the same phrase.

It'd be great if the phrase(s) were something I could use in the forum (thereby making a relevant statement) and in real life if/when I ever make it to Russia.

The same could probably be done for Polish too, I imagine. Are the two scripts related

Does it matter if this post is totally irrelevant since the game hasn't started yet? (We can easily take this elsewhere if it's distracting to anyone.)

And I am aware of the irony of learning new phrases in a no-Education variant ! :rolleyes:
It seems we R EUR:2 and US:4, the rooster distribution as it is is fine, guess.

I was asking about school opening dates becasue in Poland it is 1st Sept. Children dress white&black and have official ceremony. As U can probably guess most of them just LUVE the day and can't wait for it to happen.


This game is supposed to aid those innocent creatures in their gehenna :cool:

Atlas said:
my university started on Aug. 23

I join in pain with U.
This is an argument for starting the game earlier - if 1st Sept. is for most of U just ordinary day there is no reason to wait with the event, shall we?

Compromise said:
Does it matter if this post is totally irrelevant since the game hasn't started yet? (We can easily take this elsewhere if it's distracting to anyone.)

I have left the 2nd post reserved to put the start location and I will put a link there to bypass all the pregame chat since we R not making any strategy (yet?).

As Atlas mentioned it:
alfabet (PL) - alphabet (EN) ;)
bronz (PL) - bronze (EN)
metal (PL) - metal (EN)
monoteizm (PL) - monotheism (EN)
kompas (PL) - compass (EN)
feudalizm (PL) - feudalism (EN)
liberalizm - liberalism
radio - radio
those ABOVE sound exactly the same in both lan.
those BELOW differ a bit
politeizm (PL) - polytheism (EN)
papier (PL) - paper (EN)
Edukacja - Education /spits when said/
nacjonalizm - nationalizm /spits again/
faszyzm - fascism /spits.../
komunizm - communism ...well enough before I dihydrate myself :drool:

I gues U will be able to use 'em,
There is also Polish Tribes mod (see 1st post) I don't remember if it changes the interface language into Polish (I was learning Czech this way :D ), but units responded in polish - this was awesome :)

In PL we don't use cyrylica, only Russian, post ZSRR countries and Bulgarian(!) do so (any more Atlas? Greek?). Actually we can hardly understand Russians, Czech, Slowaks, Slovakians, ... because languages got so different over last centuries.
School opening day in France is scheduled on sept 4. You better not use it as reference

Are all players here students ? Start to feel :old: all of a sudden :lol:
I'm up there with you blid, maybe moreso.

@mihau: Dzi&#281;kuj&#281; [Thank you] (Hey it transferred correctly!)
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