Observation on Great Artists


Dr. Minion
Dec 28, 2003
Sunny California
I conquered a barbarian city and had a GA to burn, so I figured I'd end the 4 turn resistance and grab a huge chunk of land by doing a great work.... bummer, that did _not_ end the resistance and the effects of the great work did not show until resistance had ended.

Has anyone else seen this ??? Looks like the GA has been nerfed in BtS (maybe also in the newest patches for CIV and Warlords ??).
I noticed that too. It's still advantageous because once the rebelling is over you will get your expanded borders; but yes, as you say, not as useful as they used to be.
I don't think it ever did...?

No, it used to end resistance and apply the culture immediately. If what the OP says is true, that's very disappointing. The GA was already the least-useful GP in the eyes of many players. This change makes them even less valuable. Thanks for the heads up.
It was like that in patched vanilla too, so I guess it may only have been different in the out-of-the-box version of Civ IV.
can't remember anything else than an immidiate culturebom and all happy faces again when I pressed the painting. loved it. will miss it. trust some mod will fix it
I can confirm that this is the case. Culture bombed a conquered barb city, then had to wait 4 or 5 turns for it to come out of resistance until it popped its borders.
well then, save it for the golden age then
GA now are much better than they used to be at warlords. You can lightbulb more techs than before. My main tactic is to research drama, then music. So, you lightbulb philosophy from the free artist.
They nerfed the Great Artist "culture bomb" a long time ago.
Perhaps Warlords gave it less potency than in the vanilla game, but even in Warlords the "culture bomb" would immediately end a revolt and instantly apply the new cultural borders. It made an awesome weapon by gutting a civ if dropped in the right spot.

I'm sorry to hear about the BTS changes.
I'm pleased they nerfed it personally. It's very unrealistic. You capture another city, they are really miffed and then you introduce an "artist" and everyone gets all lovey dovey with your civ despite the fact you just killed, maimed, raped, pillaged the populace? lol!
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