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The Douche Burger

Sep 2, 2006
No, you read that title right. A food truck in New York is selling the douche burger for $666. I'll let the article explain the rest:

New York City’s 666 Burger food truck has a treat for you. For just $666 you can purchase a foie gras-stuffed Kobe patty covered in Gruyere cheese that’s been melted with champagne steam and topped with lobster, truffles, caviar, and a BBQ sauce made with Kopi Luwak coffee beans that have been pooped out by some sort of animal called the Asian palm civet. The whole thing is then served in a gold-leaf wrapper. It’s called the Douche Burger, and, yes, it really is for sale. Franz Aliquo, 36, co-owner of 666 Burger, explains why.

But at least they are doing it for the "right" reason:

The idea came from our deep-seated disgust and hatred of all the other douche burgers out there. A burger is about meat, bun, and cheese. All of this other stuff just ruins the flavor.


We were talking about terrible overtopped burgers one night, and my girlfriend at the time said, “Somebody should just make a burger and pile all the rich people stuff on it and it would be the douchiest thing in the world.” So we’re like, “Yeah! We’re gonna do it.”

Has hipsterism reached a new level?
Gotta get me some of that.
They also wrap it on a hundred dollar bill and encourage you to wipe your face with Benjamin Franklin.
Oh, are they being 'ironic' and spending a lot of money on an unprofitable business to somehow stick it rich people who spend their money on stupid things ?
The burger itself sounds pretty awful too. Kaviar ? Disgusting. It's a random pile of expensive stuff and they aren't even trying to make a good burger. BBQ sauce with coffe beans ? What's wrong with saffron ?
And while I'm at it, a good Burger is not just about the bun, the meat and cheese. A good burger also has lettuce, tomatoes and onions goddamit.
Oh, are they being 'ironic' .....

Yes. that is exactly what they are doing. The douche burger isn't their flagship item; it's a joke. I'm sure they laugh all the way to back if and whenever someone orders one.
i, for one, like the idea. i hope others like it too despite the fact that it has been labelled "hipster" a word which is defined as "stuff i think is stupid".
This caveman is full of it.

I love lettuce, hot mustard, pickles, tomato, and onion. Screw that 'just cheese' jazz.
GoodSarmatian said:
BBQ sauce with coffe beans ?
It works, and it's a common way of flavoring BBQ sauce.
I read somewhere that actual Kobe beef isn't available anywhere outside Japan, with the exception of Macau.
"Kobe beef" isn't a term that has an actual legal definition within the United States so any piece of beef can be called Kobe. A limited number of domestic-Kobe crossbreeds do exist in the US though. The US doesn't important any beef, or cattle, from Japan at this time.
I read somewhere that actual Kobe beef isn't available anywhere outside Japan, with the exception of Macau.

No, you can buy it just about any where in the 1st world. Now, if you want to buy meat from the same breed of cows treated the same way but raised outside of Japan then they call that wagu instead of Kobe beef. Much like you can have carbonated white wine from dozens of places but there is only one champagne region (though the differences between the two are next to nonexistent in many cases).
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