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AG6 - The OCC Space Race (Monarch)


Jan 11, 2002
Amsterdam, Netherlands
We conquered the world with only one city, now it's time to head for space!

Space is the only victory type considered as a win, only one city and the end of a turn is allowed.

Standard map size, archipelago, 80% water.
AI Aggression: normal
Tribe: Byzantines.
Opponents: random
Rules: Standard, all standard single player victories enabled
Barbarians: None

-Nad (if you want, you can have this spot!)
-Jack Merchant (same as Nad)
-yoshi74 (same as Nad and Jack)

I will start with 25 turns, then 10 turns each after that.

When you're up, 24hrs to post a "got it" notice, and up to 48hrs after that to finish and post your turns.

If anyone has a great other tribe in mind to achieve this, please share your thoughts. I think that an archipelago map and the Byzantine traits are perfect for this variant. But maybe I'm thinking too two-dimensional and are other options as promising. So I won't start yet, but let the discussion begin.
Count me in :D.

However, maybe we can take from 10-20 turns at the player's discretion as 10 turns can go by mighty quick in an OCC !

Byzantines are an excellent choice - imho we only need to research CB for an early temple and can then go straight on to writing, CoL, Philo for an early Republic (or Lit somewhere in between). I suspect we'll want to go Colossus, Library, maybe Lighthouse and in the MA we need to make sure to get Cop's and Newton's, the rest we can dispense with (though getting ToE ought to be mighty helpful !).
Jack, your gameplan sounds great! However, as Byzantines we may just as well start Writing immediately, because we surely will meet civs with CB and other techs.

The Knight's Templar can also be a big help for us, but all in due time.
Since the OCC conquest finished so fast, i gladly join this (hopefully) longer SG :)

Byzentine are perfect, although maybe boring for OCC players after al l ;)

But since our goal is quite high, i think we should go the 'easy' way with the byzentine.
I think it will play for a long time like the cultural one, but with more focus on the research wonders, less for other wonders. Still we need several wonders in the beginning, if even for the tourist cash later.
Just one think slipped into my mind. When cultural victory is on, we have to take care not building to much wonders, otherwise we can trigger the culture victory before launching to space.
On the other hand building less wonders may make it harder, because sometimes we won't know what to build, and the wonders will definitly benefit in the late game, for the tourist money already mentioned.

Maybe we should consider turning cultural victory off?
yoshi, Aggie played the exact same game a while back and you can find it in "Tales and Stories". Even the civ is the same.

I'm not sure if it would get rid of some fun of uncertainty if people go and read it, so I am not attaching the link here. :)
Thanks for the invite Aggie, but I'm going to pass on this one. I like the Byzantines but I've already had 3SGs with them! :o. I'll be reading along though, but I'm not going to join any more SGs now until the AG Sid game :mwaha: ...

Good luck everyone :)
We start near a river, on the coast. I settle on the spot.I start with a curragh.Research to 100% on writing (43 turns).


I move to a BG tile to mine it.

Turn 1 - 6 (3950 - 3700 BC) Zzzz

IT: Curragh->curragh

Turn 7 (3650 BC) Curragh goes west, worker starts roading.

Turn 8 - 9 (3600 - 2550 BC) Zzzz

Turn 10 (3500 BC) Byzantium is size 2. Worker goes to cattle tile. We see pink borders.

Turn 11 (3450 BC) Worker roads the cattle tile. We can't make contact with the pink people. They are not coastal yet :(

IT: Curragh->warrior.

Turn 12 (3400 BC) 2nd curragh goes south.

Turn 13 (3350 BC) Zzzz

Turn 14 (3300 BC) Worker goes to normal grass tile to irrigate towards the cattle. The pink people have silks and ivory on their island.

IT: warrior->warrior.

Turn 15, 16 (3250 BC, 3200 BC) Zzzz

IT: warrior->The Colossus.

Turn 17 (3150 BC) This warrior goes to explore the island. Our western curragh finally meets the French. They know Masonry, we know Bronze Working.

Turn 18 (3100 BC) Zzzz

Turn 19 (3050 BC) We appear to be on an island on our own. Close to the north-pole, but that is only a good thing.

Turn 20 (3000 BC) Zzzz

IT: The Largest Nations list:


Turn 21 - 23 (2950, 2900, 2850 BC) Zzzz

Turn 24 (2800 BC) Worker goes to bg tile after irrigation of the cattle. Warrior returns home to serve duty as MP, while Byzantium grew to size 4.

Turn 25 (2750 BC) I almost explored the complete northern half of the earth. Only France is discovered until now. They lead in tech with Masonry alone until now.Colossus is finished in 27 turns. Writing is done in 7. I suggest CoL as next tech and Philo after that. We should then be a republic in no-time.

Regarding wonders: Colossus is very important imho. The Great Lighthouse is a very good one as well, because it will prevent the foes from landing on our shores. Don't be afraid to send the AI away when they want something from us. They are probably far away and war hapiness is good :)

Make the best of our monopoly position, but don't make the AI too clever. They should pay full prices for our technology.



2750BC save

-Aggie--------->just played
-Melifluous ---> up
-CarlosMM ----> on deck
-Stuck as a Mac (welcome)
-Jack Merchant

Let's play 15 turns per person from here, to give everyone a chance to play an important role in the game :)
I don't like the idea of the lighthouse not so much. Of cource having it would safen our position, but since we need science and happiness wonders, going for others too could restrict us late in the game. Maybe we should plan ahaed which wonders we need.
It's archipelago map, so Great Lighthouse is a killer. Definitely should go.

Don't worry. It's Monarchy, we should at least be able to get Colossus, MoM, Great Lighthouse and Great Library. I've been playing an OCC at emperor level, and this is what I've got, and although I've been using ToA as a prebuild to Hanging Gardens, the AIs are so backward that looks like I'd have to build this one as well before anyone researches Monarchy and kill the cascade. I think our biggest problem will be to prevent a cultural win.
Our biggest problem will be the AI. They can achieve domination or they may not give us the needed resources. Also, around the middle of the industrial age we must be aware that the AI will speed up the tech pace and gain on us (or more).
It seems Melifluous is up in AG3, AG5 and AG6, and I doubt he will get into all of them together. I haven't seen CarlosMM recently either in those SGs. And I might be busy in the following days as my parents are visiting me.

So I'd like to play this one tonight (and change the order permanently in the roster), and that also makes our order the same as in AG5.

Consider it's a "got it".
preturn: everything OK. France has Masonry.

(1)2710BC: We spot a light blue border, is it America?

(2)2670BC: Geez, it must be its capital, we are in the border but still haven't met them.

(3)2630BC: Finally meet America. He has Masonry and Pottery, but lacks Alphabet. Alphabet for both techs are "close" so I expect I can meake more contacts there?

(4)2590BC: Constantinople grows and lux to 10%. Writing due in 3 with 70%.

(5)2550BC: Two techs from America for Alphabet still "close", so I hold.

(6)2510BC: mining completed, worker continue to road it.

IBT Writing due, follow Aggie's suggestion to go for CoL, 80% sci due in 34 at even. I'm not sure if we could still get Philosophy first though, so it's a gambit. If we win we can get Republic for free which is more expensive than CoL.

(7)2470BC: I'm not trading since America isn't paying full price and we are not in a hurry. Writing is held so we could get Philosophy first.

(8)2390BC: road is completed and now we can research CoL in 28 turns. Worker moves to next tile.

(9)2350BC: America has the Wheel (close), but he wouldn't sell it for Alphabet.

(10)2310BC: Our curragh survived one turn in ocean, and it sees a new land but still one tile to go! Capital grows I have to raise lux to 20 and we are at -1 with 7g in treasury. Collosus is due in 7 too.

IBT: Our curragh sinks. :(

(11)2270BC: zzz

(12)2230BC: road completes and we are even again. Continue to mine.

(13)2190BC: zzz

(14)2150BC: zzz

(15)2110BC: zzz

To the next leader: I haven't traded any tech yet, but I constantly watch what America offers for Alphabet - it's still close to Wheel, or Masonry+Pottery, so I don't think Abe is researching it. France hasn't got any new tech during my turns, so I think something will come up pretty soon. Although we only know two civs, we could get pretty good brokerage just between them.

CoL is due in 19 turns but with Colossus due in 2 turns, we should be able to get it done much faster, then max to Philosophy and take Republic as free tech if we are lucky. So hold on Writing as late as possible I suppose (Joan should not be researching it as we could still trade it with Masonry). After that I guess we should go Map Making.

For the build, after Collosus we should build more curraghs to continue suicide exploration, and temple/granary (if we have the tech). After Philosophy we go MoM (which will triger our GA) and then Great Lighthouse.

We are size-6 and 10spt. Next city in the world is size 2.

Good luck!

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