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SGOTM2 - Spoiler 1. Middle Ages plus 3 contacts.


GOTM Staff
Jan 24, 2003
SGOTM2 - Spoiler 1

Rules for Posting and Viewing this thread

1. Your team must be researching a middle age tech.
2. Your team must have contact with the three AI opponents that started on "your" continent.
3. A nominated team member must have posted a summary of the teams game to the limit of this spoiler.
4. No discussion is permitted regarding "Free Techs".
5. No discussion is permitted of any contact made from other continents.
6. No discussion is permitted of any Middle Age resource locations.

REMEMBER: Wait until your teams' summary has been posted before reading or posting in this thread yourself.
SGOTM2 Team Kunningas Middle Ages in 550BC

Found Berlin on the spot and start developing terrain towards goal of 4 turn settlers and building military. At turn 24 in 2850BC found Leipzig to the east and start building workforce to improve the terrain. Berlin is building its granary after dispatching warriors to uncover the map. In 2630BC meet the English and in 2390 meet the Russians. In 2230 Berlin finishes its granary and goes into settler training full time.

Our exploring warriors encountered a lot of barbarians and camps and got at least one tech from a goody hut.

In 2030 do a tech trading round with Russia and England that nets 3 technologies, 249g and 3gpt.

From 2230BC until 710Bc Berlin produces a settler every four turns and we found ten cities beginning with Hamburg in 1910 and ending with Stuttgart in 690.

In 1790BC we meet the French and trade contact with the English and 34g for Writing, then sell England a date with Russia for 28g.

In 650BC or thereabouts learn Currency and trade it for all the rest of the Ancient Technologies plus most of the gold in the world. Here's the sequence:

Trade: Currency, WM, 147g to French for Construction
Trade: Currency, Construction to Russian for Polytheism, CoL, WM, HBR and 104g (all Catherine have).
Trade: Polytheism to French for 151 g and WM.
Trade: Construction, Currency to English for 132 g and WM.

Whereupon we enter into the Middle Ages.

Also in 650BC a short and very decisive war begins with the Russians. By 550BC, we capture one city, raze another, and get three at the peace table.

Note to MB: DA screenshot shows research set at Republic so as not to provide "Free Tech" clues.
Blimey oh Riley Bede, is that bottom screen shot from 550BC? :eek:

The next game will just have to be harder I guess. :evil: If I keep turning up the gas I'll find everyones level eventually. :ack:

GOTM8 was one of the openings covered in crackers "Opening Plays" article which you can find >>here<<

Because I was a little worried that we would get 13 identical openings from the teams I made a small adjustment to the opening by moving a wheat to a different tile and adding the deer.
That's a relief. I played the first 100 turns in this game twice, and would have been real upset if you had walked the game so easily.
mad-bax said:
Blimey oh Riley Bede, is that bottom screen shot from 550BC? :eek:

All screen shots at end of post are 550BC. :nya:

You've created a solid team here, mb, thanks for the introductions.

I have been nominated by Team Alamo (well, volunteered to be more accurate) to write up the summary for the spoiler thread. The beginnings of our world domination started thus:

In 4000 bc we settled Berlin where the settler stood. There was much discussion about a possible move, but afetr a scouting move with the worker, we settled in that spot. Of course we were happy with how it worked out, as the wheat and game gave us the opportunity for a four turn factory.

Our initial build order could probably be questioned by some, but was reasoned out very logically. We decided to go warrior, warrior, worker, granary. The thinking on the worker was that if there was much jungle/forest to be worked as the start implied, that the extra worker would start to reap the rewards about thirty or so turns later.

Our initial research path was also predetermined. We started full on Pottery, learning it in 3350 bc, and then went to IW. We decided that it was important to know where the iron was early, and also figured that, as a second level tech, it would garner us more trading opportunities.

After surveying the surrounding land, we decided to use an RCP approach with rings at 5 and 8. This allowed us seven viable sites at RCP5, and six sites at RCP8. The mountains everywhere really screwed with rcp strats to the SW.

In 2230bc we met the first foreigner, an English warrior. At that time, they were up CB and Alphabet. They also had four cities to our one.

In 2190bc we found our second city. This is pretty late by normal standards, but we had not found anyone nearby, and we also built a granary and tried to get growth so we could get the factory running ASAP. At this point, the factory was not functioning, but it was getting close.

In 2070bc we discover Iron Working, and realize our fears of being iron deprived are unfounded. Research is set to Writing.

1870bc was a busy year. On this turn, our settler factory is ready for use, although there was some miscommunication about how it works. We also met Russia in this year. When we met them, they were up CB and Masonry.

Somewhere around these dates we realized that even though the barbs were set to raging, the game had been modded to remove the GH from our area. We know they weren’t removed entirely, as we found one sandwiched between English and Russian lands later.

In 1500 bc we discovered writing. Set research to Polytheism. As of this date, we were at tech parity. Looking through the turnlogs, I can’t see when we met the French, but they were involved in trades on this date.

From 1500bc on, we spewed a settler approximately every four turns. The factory was up and running, but there was an instance or two for each of us that we forgot to MM on the second turn of the cycle, thus making it a five turn factory. FWIW, we had four cities at this point.

There were no noteworthy specifics for quite a few turns here. During our expansion we were able to claim spices, incense, and ivory. We secured on source of iron, and two more can be had if we want them. We also built a city on the horses by the small lake NW of starting position.

Our research order went Lit, Math, Currency and Construction. With, of course, trades along the way to pick up the others.

One of the more lengthy discussions that was had in our thread was what level of aggressiveness we should be thinking of using. While I won’t detail our specific plans, those of you that know me could guess that I was happy when we decided that Cathy’s lands were poor and pitiful, and could be worked much better by someone who was not a computer. :hammer:

I personally had the honor of calling her up and informing her of my intentions. In 250bc I declared war. By the time Barbarossa appeared in 30bc, the war was over, for all intents and puposes. Although the Russians live, their lands now belong to the Fatherland.

In the year of our lord, 190anno domini, our diligent scientists finally work out the final details of Construction. For our free tech ….. well, I guess that’s for the next spoiler, right? ;)

Out stats at this date:
25 cities, score 527.
We own the Colossus, and by a quirk of fate missed the GL by a turn.
We have 80 units, including 20 native workers, 15 slaves, and 27 swords.
We have ivory, incense, spices, iron, and horses all connected.
Here's the first TeamX spoiler. Our censors red pencilled the last few years of our Ancient Age as classified information, but we hope this post will help to fuel discussion about the early expansion and development phase.

Our first worker marched east to see what was what. He spotted some game in a forest and so our settler strolled south east for 50 years, and in 3950 BC we founded the city of Berlin. Herr Kapitan Buttkick decided we needed to learn about iron - slowly, and we all hoped that we would soon meet someone to tell us about pots so that we could store food.

In 3350 BC we met Russia, and they taught us pottery in exchange for Warror Code and an arm and a leg (aka 42 gold+1gpt). By this time we had built three warriors, and we now built a granary in Berlin. With the aid of a well timed forest chop the granary was completed in 2950 BC and we started building our first settler in 2900 BC

In 2590 BC we met France. She had trades available but her prices were a bit steep.

Hauptmeister Erikson delivered our first settler in 2670 BC and she headed north west to found Leipzig in more fertile territory 200 years later, 5 tiles away from Berlin. At that stage we had enough information about the immediate jungly surroundings of Berlin to know that we needed to develop our way out of there :eek:. We also knew that this looked like a large continent requiring a rather distributed city layout. So we tentatively planned a two ring RCP pattern at radii of 5 and 9.

In 2390 BC Chancellor Zamint the 3rd did some neat wheeling and dealing, buying Alphabet and a worker from France for 105 gold and 3 gpt, selling Alphabet to Russia for Ceremonial Burial and Masonry and 16 gold, and selling Ceremonial Burial back to France for 30 gold.

We met England in 2190 BC. She had unleashed Mysticism, which we bought from France and sold to Russia, making a 17 gold profit :hmm: That was the year we founded our third city, Hamburg, 5 tiles NE of Berlin. By this time bararians were starting to become a bit of a nuisance :rolleyes:

In 2170 BC we learnt Ironworking, Kapitan Buttkick's hunch had paid off, and Herr President AdrianE used it in part exchange, plus cash and gpt, to Russia for the Wheel. We then sold Wheel to France and England for all the cash they had. We started research on Polytheism, again at a 40 turn rate.

We continued to pump settlers out of Berlin and we settled further west beyond Leipzig to grab some flood plains, and south into the mountains in the general direction of our known rivals. by 1500 BC we had seven cities, with five of them in our inner 5-ring.

In 1475 BC Herr Kapitan Buttkick bought Mathematics from England and sold it to France and Russia. Net cost to us was 34 gold and 4 gpt. A few turns later in 1300 BC he was able to do some more horse trading (literally) to snag HBR in exchange for our maps, and to acquire our neighbours' territory maps.

In 1000 BC we had 8 cities and 13 citizens and we had three settlers on the move. We had built 6 barracks, 20 warriors, an archer and 10 workers. We learnt Polytheism on that turn, and our ace trader, Chancellor Zamint the 3rd, was able to use this to reach tech parity. By 750 BC we only needed Currency to reach the Middle Ages, we had 12 cities, 24 citizens, 26 warriors, 15 workers and an archer.

... And at that point our censor's red pencil erases history, until the next the next spoiler. All I am allowed to divulge at this stage is that we obtained Currency in 170 BC to enter the Medieval Era ... ;)
grs said:
The southern blue area is not ours, it`s French, there is a color glitch in the pic.

Thank the gods for that one!! When I first looked, I thought you had commandeered the entire continent already!!
Hmmm. Interesting to see that we started our real expansion late, our second city was founded 300 years after teamX, and fully 650 years after team Kuningas. Yet our number of cities seems to be approximately on par with the other two teams at this point.

I find it especially impressive that TeamX was able to reach the middle ages in 170 bc while using two 40 turn gambits.
Yep, joint research efforts can go quick, with a little luck and a bunch of barter.

I suspected that the early leaders were peacefully expanding - there is so much land, and a fertile valley to start.

Our luck in exploration was rotten - we went NW and SE, while everyone was SW.

No goodie huts for us - except the one in Russian territory. Was that by design?
SGM02 - Team Handy

Here's a "Bare bones" summary of our route to the Middle Ages. I've noted the founding of towns and major trading rounds but haven't elaborated on our strategy or barbarian encounters :)

4000BC: Our illustrious leader sends the Worker East and settles on spot - revealing Wheat to the Northwest.

Initial objectives are to build a Granary, establish a 4 turn Settler Factory and meet & greet our neighbours.

Research on Pottery is started @ 100% and we're off on the road to victory!

3500BC: Start chop of Forest on Game.

3300BC: Pottery discovered and we start on The Wheel.

2950BC: Granary completed at Berlin, Barracks started. Russian border spotted.

2590BC: Pop Goody Hut for map revealing Pink borders (France).

2550BC: Discover Wheel, start Iron Working @10%.

2430BC: Trade Pottery & Wheek to France for Masonry + 37gp

2270BC: Contact with England. Buy Alphabet for Wheel +4gp.

2150BC: Buy Ceremonial Burial from Russia for 31gp

2070BC: Found Leipzig (3NW Berlin). Sell CB to England for 14gp, buy IW from France for 42gp + 3gpt. Research Writing @10%

1910BC: France has discovered Writing. Buy Mysticism from France for contact with England + 4gp. Research Poly (aiming to be first to Monarchy)

1870BC: Found Hamburg (3S of Berlin).

1700BC: Konigsberg founded. Barbarians are starting to show up now.

1575BC: Buy Writing from France for 90gp + 2gpt

1425BC: Buy Horseback Riding from France for 60gp + 1gpt

1400BC: Found Frankfurt to the Southwest of Berlin

1350BC: Found Munich Northwest of Leipzig.

1225BC: Found Heidelburg to the West of Berlin.

1100BC: Found Hannover on the Incense to the East of Berlin.

1075BC: Buy Map Making from England for Mathematics, Horseback Riding and 1gp. Trade Maps around for a complete World Map and 29gp (total).

1000BC: Found Bremen to the Southeast of Berlin.

925BC: Buy Philosophy from France for 180gp + 1gpt.

875BC: Discover Polytheism, start Monarchy @max.

850BC: Sell Polytheism to France for WM, Construction + 80gp. Sell Russia Polytheism for WM, Code of Laws + 10gp.

800BC: Hannover pillaged by barbarians.

490BC: Found Salzburg (3N Berlin).

470BC: Discover Monarchy, start Currency.

450BC: Found Dortmund (River mouth Northeast of Konigsberg). Sell Monarchy to France for Currency, Literature + 245gp to enter the Middle Ages.

Our Mighty Empire

Tech lead or parity
13 Towns
2 Settlers, 13 Workers, 18 Warriors, 8 Spearmen & 3 Swordsmen
All AA techs except Republic
514gp @+35gpt
Score: 311

SesnOfWthr said:
Thank the gods for that one!! When I first looked, I thought you had commandeered the entire continent already!!

Then our score would be much greater :)
alamo said:
No goodie huts for us - except the one in Russian territory. Was that by design?

IIRC We discovered 4 goody huts.
+25gp, CB, Mysticism and barbs.
Yes, the turn of era is always exciting with raging barbs. There seem to be two alternative strategies for dealing with it. Option 1 is to try to get them to disperse and attack them with a strong force to build up an elite force. Option 2 is the one we went for, as our troops were busy elsewhere. We just let them assemble - 32 horses, I think, and left a pop 1 frontier town wide open for them. We had a fairly low treasury at the time, having invested our gold heavily for another project :mischief:. As it was they all pillaged the single town, took a few gold coins and few shields we had started to save up, and that was it. We actually lost more gold during a much earlier single barb pillage. We had just learnt Writing, and I should have spent our cash on an embassy or two to reduce their haul.
Kuningas said:
IIRC We discovered 4 goody huts.
+25gp, CB, Mysticism and barbs.

Wow! That's some good luck. There were no huts to be found in our NW nad SE treks. A random map would have them all over the place.
3300BC: We meet Russia.
2630BC: We get CB from hut.
2350BC: We set up a 4-turn settler factory in Berlin. We only had one city at this point. ;)
1790BC: We meet England and get Writing/Masonry. Contact with France is on the table but couldn't buy yet.
1250BC: We meet France ourselves.
975BC: By Polytheism gambit we get back on tech parity:
Poly to Russia for Map Making+CoL+23g.
Poly+44g to England for Math+Philosophy.
Philosophy+Math to France for Iron Working+Wheel+2g.
Start min on Republic.
570BC: We declare on Russia.
550BC: Moscow is ours.
130BC: Make peace with Russia and we get Construction + Currency + HBR + 39g + WM and am in Middle Ages. Republic is due next turn.

Literature is not known on our continent but China already built Great Library long time ago.


Team Ankka Civ 1.29f
I. Larkin
King Alexander

We settle on spot and chose 40 turns IW research at min.
We founded Leipzig at turn 27 and met English (no deal).
At turn 37 we met Russians and after chain trade of Technologies we establish technological parity with both. (Wheel, Masonry, Alphabet, Pottery, CB, BW, WC)
At turn 40 we discover IW and trade it to Russians for 118g+5gpt. Then we set our research goal to Literature and keep 100% research.
At 1500 – 1250 BC we had short war with English: they sneak attack well defended Hamburg next turn after Peace Treaty renegotiation. During the war we lost 2 warriors and English lost 4 warriors. We quit from war for 60 gold.

We discover Literature at 1100 BC gain technological parity again and trade it for contact with France. We build first Library at 975 BC. We also trade French and English WM this year.

At 850 BC Paris build Pyramids and we set our military goal to capture Paris.
At 750 BC we trade Russian WM for Mathematics and open almost all map of our continent (except small area far NW).

At 590 BC we connect Iron, upgrade warriors and send troops toward to Moscow.
At 490 BC we declare war to Russians and enter their land.

At 410 BC we discover Currency and trade French Construction +29 gold for Polytheism and Currency. We and French both enter Mid Age as the result of this trade. We are up on English on Currency, Poly and Constructions. Also, this year we capture Moscow.
Looks like most Germans were drawn to attack Russia. TeamX spent all their money on a project not mentionable in the AAge... I wonder where all those 'projects' are going?

While everyone went for the settler factory, not everyone went for barb farming.

Only 1 team is reporting goodie hut bonuses.
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