Screenshot of the Day #24: Suicide


Oct 25, 2000
A while ago a poster reported that Joan of Arc said "I would rather burn in hell than give in to your demands!" during a diplomatic negotiation. In today's SOTD Joan wants to commit suicide! :suicide: She's definitely obsessed with death! :eek:

In this game, I am Mao, benevolent leader of the Chinese people and all others who have sworn fealty to us over the centuries. We have just recently concluded our war with the Americans in which the French and Romans assisted us in repelling their unprovoked invasion into our Aztec holdings in the north. Our Persian neighbors have now taken up a rather hostile posture and it seems likely that the Chinese military will once again be called upon to bring peace to a violent world. We have just renegotiated our Mutual Protection Pact with France when Joan d'Arc's response leaves me somewhat speechless, but none-the-less armed with an ally in the upcoming war…

Thanks to Hunt Davis for the screenshot.
Originally posted by Thunderfall
She's definitely obsessed with death!

Underneath it all, she's really a goth. :vampire:
I bet she got dumped on a date when she was 14. Since then, all she has on her mind is death and suffering... :rolleyes:

That poor, confused little girl just needs a strong man to take care of her an dher 'needs' ;)

Apparently Uncle Otto needs to go west again :D
This was from an unedited game. v1.29f and no mods to or edits at all.

I found it also interesting that she was still Furious after renegotiating a MPP. I guess she really didn't like me that much after all.
Sometimes I feel that way when a much stronger AI comes and decides to attack me for no reason on Diety level.....I am sure that has happened to some of you.
Originally posted by FortyJ
This was from an unedited game. v1.29f and no mods to or edits at all.

I found it also interesting that she was still Furious after renegotiating a MPP. I guess she really didn't like me that much after all.

hahaha, now I bet you have people doing a search in the civopedia.txt to make sure those words are really in there...
Originally posted by sabo10

hahaha, now I bet you have people doing a search in the civopedia.txt to make sure those words are really in there...

lol... It is indeed in the diplomacy.txt:
"That's the end of that. So perhaps you could go away now, thank you very much."
"It's always a SINCERE pleasure to deal with the most kind, gracious and generous $CIVNOUN5. Unless there's more to discuss, I'd like to go home now and shoot myself..."
"Well, that's over with. Anything else you'd like to talk about?"

and becuase she is a saint and been burn, she always talk death...
Joan is a very interesting case. She was burned at the stake after defeating England in a series of battles. 25 year after her death, the Catholic Church decided she had not been a witch. Five centuries after her execution, she was declared a saint by the Catholic Church.

Heh, at 1758 she wouldn't be a saint yet; she'd still be an in-between...
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