Screenshot of the Day #71: Teleport


Oct 25, 2000
I was playing as the Americans on a huge map, and I sent my trireme out to explore, since land was at a premium on our continent. My trireme had just recently entered Iroquois territory, and, as usual, they wanted em out. So yeah, I agreed for my troops to be moved. But somehow, it ended up moving it to a new, yet undiscovered, continent, probably because that was the nearest unowned shore tile. Unfortunately, the continent was occupied by several other civs, slightly more technologically advanced, and much larger...

Thanks to Richard for the screenshot.
Wow, Thunderfall. Posting it at 2:00AM...wonder what you're doing online now. (11:00PM at my time)

Cool shot. Although I think that this could be an exploit, teleporting troops to nearest unowned tiles. But cool nonetheless.
Originally posted by hbdragon88
Although I think that this could be an exploit, teleporting troops to nearest unowned tiles.
Maybe, but this situation where the nearest unowned tile is on an unknown continent might be kind of rare. Also, if the continent is far apart from yours, you may never get your galley back (if you want it back, that is).
I've had a galley go over a long chokehold, but never across the ocean! And, in my game, the rest of the continent wasn't even discovered yet.
Unfortunately, the continent was occupied by several other civs, slightly more technologically advanced, and much larger...

I'm not sure why this is "unfortunate." It's very valuable to be the first to contact the civs on the other continent, particularly if they are technologically superior. You can slingshot into parity in no time!

cool screenie, though. :)
I've had similar situation, but in my case it was much more favorable.

I did not have triremes, but I was able to send ground units (insluding settlers and scouts) to a nearby continent by exploiting the neighbour civ, which kept teleporting them.
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