new +3 Trainer


M-o-d-d-i-n-g Deity
Apr 30, 2002
Munich, Germany
I've created a +3 trainer for Civ3 V1.21f & V1.29f and Civ3PtW all versions (+4 for PtW-V1.27f)
and also Civ3Conquest V1.00-V1.22
now with Civ3Gold-support (+3) and a multilanguage-interface
now with Civ3Complete-support (+8)

for latest C3C-versions (V1.20 and V1.22) it's a +9 trainer

You can add 50.000 gold (5.000 gold since C3C V1.12b), complete science and +/- one game turn.
since C3C V1.20: add 1000, 10000 or 50000 gold, complete science, +/- one game turn, set money-value to cities or units on map, always hurry with gold

The trainer also support other games. You can get a list of these and a setup program (1303kb) resp. an update-version (~353kb) from the MTXL-page ->

current version:
(final setup and update-setup are available now)
Looks like an awfully big carbon-copy of CyberMan's 100K/finish improvement/one turn science trainer that has been out for some time now.
Probably not, since it Cyberman's crashes when used with PTW 1.14f (not compatible last time I looked).
Hey CCJ (guten abends), . . I finally got in to your site, I had to upgrade to Netscape 7.0 1st.
Fine that you can visit my page now.
(verstehst du den gesamten deutschen Teil meiner HP?)
Can you visit the news-part of my page without Netscape7.0?
Because so I can insert a part with the requirements there.
This trainer may be like cyberman's old trainer but his hasn't worked with the last half-dozen versions of the game!
Thx for reply! :crazyeye:

If the trainer should support more versions of Civ3 or Civ3PtW please tell me them. I know the adresses for any version, but I've only added the latest gameversions, because it need much time to insert all versions.
Originally posted by martinw7
This trainer may be like cyberman's old trainer but his hasn't worked with the last half-dozen versions of the game!

You should have downloaded the updated version of his trainer... he has already updated his site with one that is compatiable with all CIv 3 and PTW version... including PTW 1.21f
Cyberman's works great for the 1.29 version. I don't know about the PTW bcause I have yet to get it.
To the people who say cyberman's doesn't work - try downloading the new versions he releases after each patch of CIV3 & PTW :rolleyes:

EDIT: Didn't notice that someone already said that - sorry. :)
the new version ( supports now Civ3PtW 1.27f

I've attached the small file (60kb), which you can use if you already have installed the MTXl in earlier version, else you have to download the setup or full-setup version from my homepage (1,2MB or 4,6MB)

german downloadpage
english downloadpage


    60.4 KB · Views: 717
C3C: I think I can update it in a few days, I only have to test the addresses a second time and then program and test the update

Civ3Gold: I don't own this version, so I cannot write a trainer to it, if anyone want to help in programming a compatible version, please PM me (I tell you how to find 2 of the 5 addresses, I can calculate the rest; after you send me the 2 add. I make a small beta-version of my trainer and you can test if it works)
can you send me in PM what kind of tools are needed and how to do it?

I got game cheater 1.2, but i could not find address for gold. :confused:
ok, MTXL1.0.0.8 is running the betatests now
thanks to XCom for testing and searching needed addresses and thanks to Sunlight for testing
I hope I can publish the final version tomorrow, it will supports C3C V1.00 and Civ3Gold V1.29f
as a result of different results with testing the Civ3Gold-support, I only added the support of Civ3Conquests to version

here can you download the latest version

(I also atteched the update version, it needs an installed version of the MTXL)


    60.7 KB · Views: 674
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