Screenshot of the Day #104: Invisible Sub


Oct 25, 2000
I'm not sure if this is a bug with the Mac version of Civ3, or just a screen refresh issue, but everytime my nuclear subs have fired their tactical nuke, they develop a cloaking device :-) It's just a shame that the effect doesn't last into the next turn!

Thanks to Frunobulax for the screenshot.
i bet the AI still saw it!
its a conspiricy to hide all your units so you dont know where they are! you suppose that the AI bribes the computer??? :eek:
I think that the nuke luanch pushed the sub too far below the water.
Originally posted by OmegaMega
I think that the nuke luanch pushed the sub too far below the water.

:rotfl: Ya the crew forgot to empty ballast
Don't think of it as a bug in the Mac version; Think of it as a feature! ;) :lol:

Originally posted by SewerStarFish
If I fired a nuclear missile,I'd dive my sub too :)

Exactly what I was thinking.
Originally posted by DiamondzAndGunz
Don't think of it as a bug in the Mac version; Think of it as a feature! ;) :lol:

Yeah, their subs are actually submerged in the mac version for one turn! :lol:
this reminds me of the pic in OT on 'American Stealth Fighters' - where you see the pilot and ladder, but not the plane he climbs into.

screen refresh problem I guess, I see similar things if I nuke cities and the next active unit doesn't require a 'move' of the screen - and that is PC version.
Wow..... Wouldn't you love to have that?

Edit: 2000th post!!!
Now that is a strange SOTD, I have never seen that happened before.
Well, it can't be that the missle launch pushed the sub under.

A ballistic missle sub lets a missle containing pod go that is less dense than water. This increases the density of the sub. We know from our fluid statics the manometer equation p=ghro. knowing that the change in mass is negliable whilr the volume remains constant, our ro is virtually un changed as is our downward force, f=mg, so remembering that the surface area of the sub is unchanged, area=area. so: f=parea, ghro/area=mg-> ro/(m area)=h. since mass (m) and the area are constant, and knowing that the derivative of the density (dro/dt) is 0, the depth change is negliable. :crazyeye: :lol:

I think it was the ai intimdating the sub.

(sorry, i've done 1 too many fluid mechanics problems)

Submerging the sub...those seen spots do freak me out though. They look weird.
Sounds like a graphic mess up to me, maybe in the attack or fidget animation? Dunno, strange to be sure:D.
This is nothing new at all. I discovered that bug already in f.1.16 patch. It was really annoying, since I got trouble to find my subs. I thought that was patched, since I have not discovered it later. Anyway, that problem was not related to the Mac version.
Originally posted by PCHighway
Sounds like a graphic mess up to me, maybe in the attack or fidget animation? Dunno, strange to be sure:D.

Nope, it was not a graphic problem. It was also other problems related to that. When you launched a nuke, you also nuked your own sub, even if it was out of the nuke range. So the only way too handle it, was to make sure that it was a great distance between the target area and your sub :D
Originally posted by hbdragon88

Submerging the sub...those seen spots do freak me out though. They look weird.
Yeah, what's with the four lighter circles? If you have a sub there, shouldn't you be able to see more of your surroundings?
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