Trade Discussion - 1495AD


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
England -

IMPORT: 9gpt
EXPORT: Dyes, Ivory

France -

IMPORT: Silks, World Map, 51gpt, 109g, Worker
EXPORT: Steel OR Electronics (I'd go with Steel)


IMPORT: Silks (renegotiate), 75gpt
EXPORT: Gems, (Steel OR Electronics)

Greece - Gift them with 100g to improve relations.


Greece - Dyes and Gems deal ends. Do not renegotiate.

Turn 1:

Russia - Dyes deal ends. Don't renegotiate unless they ask.

Turn 3:

Russia - Peace treaty ends
Greece - Peace Treaty ends

Turn 4:

Greece - Ivory deal ends (Do not renegotiate)
We can also sell coal to Greece. It would be best to save the game and upload (since we'll be doing troop movement and the invasion of the Iroquois anyway).

Turn 7:

England - 9gpt tech trade deal ends
Greece - Tech deal ends
America - Gems deal ends. Don't renegotiate.

Turn 8:

America - 3gpt deal ends.

Turn 10:

England - 4gpt for iron ends. Leave it for the next turn chat.
America - 15gpt for ivory ends. Leave it for the next turn chat.
THe Trade Deals looks Aok :D. I cant wait to Get to build Steel :).
I think we should go with these deals, but go with the first French deal because we get a worker with it, plus the gold.
These look great to me Chieftess. I like the first french deal, we get much more from that.
I say not to do the English deal... To lux's for only 9gpt?? I'd say instead of wasting those lux's for 20 turns to wait and see if another deal comes up that's better...

The first french trade I would go with.
CT, two of our huge trade deals with Greece end in 3-4 turns. Shouldn't we wait to give coal to them under a new deal? I think that their opinion of us will improve whether we give them the coal or sell them the coal, so let's try to regain some of the gold we will lose.

Also, we can maybe sell them Combustion to get that gold back(we discover it next turn), although I am wary of having the Greeks keep pace with us in the tech race.
I tried selling coal now, but they wouldn't take it. I'm assuming that they are stripped for cash. But, I will post an instruction to sell coal after those deals end.
I am in favor of any treaty that binds the English to Fanatika. Their central strategic posibion makes them a natural conduit for our final offensive against Greece and Persia.

:soldier: :tank: :ar15: :sniper:

:soldier: :tank: :ar15: :sniper:
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