M1A1 Abrahms MBT Desert ver


Lost in the wastelands
Dec 29, 2002
the tank...


  • m1a1desert.jpg
    8 KB · Views: 2,277
Excellent. Exactly what I've been waiting for! :)

Well, this and a Desert version of the Challenger II.
It looks nice but maybe you could improve the angles...What programs is this in? Looks like 3D Studio but if its Rhino Boulboulgadol has posted a good lighting and angle set up (paste the unit into the saxe file), that I'll post here. It looks good though :goodjob:


  • blankviews.zip
    6.1 KB · Views: 168
Amazin unit dude... i think u missed part of the commander's hatch... theres sum glass over there but other than that its pretty kool
Nice unit... it's a little small though, about 1/2 the size of an ordinary modern armor. Also the original Modern Armor graphic is pretty much identical to an Abrahms (just like the Mech Infantry is a Bradley) so this probably isn't a much needed unit. Nice job anyway. :)
hmm hadn't noticed the size diff before (guess I should be testing them in game with something else beside them). Yea, I know there's not a great deal of diff between it and the Modern Armour, but it was a request. I'll have to resize it.
not sure what you mean by more color. more civ color? or more colors of parts? this ver is meant to be the desert ver, so was pretty well a solid desert yellow. I could prolly add some stuff in the stowage racks on the sides of the tureet, but at this scale I doubt you'd see it
Amazing unit...:goodjob:
Will you resize it and the euro version? they are indeed a little smaller than the modern armor.

Thanks again.

BTW I already use the M60A3, :goodjob:
yup, I'm in the process of resizing, re-coloring, re-detailing and re-rendering. should be re-releasing shortly )
sorry VDog, realized I had missed your post. Yes, unfortunately I'm working in 3DMax so the Rhino viewports won't help a lot. But thanks anyways. Still fighting to get the light setup right
Hey ripptide great units. just wondering if you were going to make them a little larger.
DaprD, read the post 2 above yours: (emphasis mine)
Originally posted by ripptide
yup, I'm in the process of resizing, re-coloring, re-detailing and re-rendering. should be re-releasing shortly )
heh thanks pdescobar. the new version is all done, but since its now modeled after the M1A2 I opened a new thread for it
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