New Unit: Tornado


Mar 10, 2003
Virginia, USA
No, not the airplane. ;)

This is my first completed unit. It's really simple, just a Default, Run, and Death animation. The run is used for the attack as well.

It's been tested and it works fine ingame. I really don't know what it should be used for. I made it for Grandraem, so he probably has something planned for it.

Programs used:

Sim City 2000 Urban Renewal Kit (for screenshots)
Paint (for creating the cells)
Steph's SBB (for creating the storyboard)
Irfanview (for changing the BMP's to PCX's)
Flicster (for creating the flics)

A big thanks to pdescobar for fixing some palette and timing issues.

Here's the zip (391 kb): Tornado

And here's a preview of the death anim (looks much better in-game, of course):


  • tornadodeath.gif
    20.6 KB · Views: 3,831
pretty good for ur first unit, maybe u should do a simcity disaster pack:) , do u have sc3000?, i think that one has a more detailed tornado, just a thought
I know SimCity 4 Has a more Detailed version of the Tornado.
Originally posted by SethAdarion
that is very cool and original. A good use for this would be a replacement for barbarians. "survive against the elements" haha!

Or a weather mod.
That is GREAT!
I was looking for some disaster units for my mod! (well Pesoloco and my mod :p )

Do you plan on making more disasters like this and can we use it?
I can't thank you enough GEChallenger.:)

Sorry I didn't say so sooner, I hadn't noticed it when I was on the forum because I was only on for a few minutes in the past few days to post something for Yoda Power.

Thanks again.:goodjob:
How about some good old imagination?

Let's gather some facts... There's no natural disasters in Civ3, right? In Civ2 the disasters were limited to cities, yes?

Get my drift? No? Here we go:

Edit the .INI file and remove all references to .flc animations, EXCEPT attack animation. Enable the unit for barbarians only, make it invisible.

Now you can encounter a tornado (by surprise) anywhere on the map, which is especially bad when you've gathered some forces on the battlefield.


Similarily, you can add Thunderstorm (but not volcanos, earthquakes or floods).

This tornado unit is one of the most interesting ideas ever for Civ3! Even Firaxis couldn't do it!
Thats a great way to incorporate Natura Disasters into the game. You could also give them a (small) range, possible only 1. YOu should also give them a pretty high defense so things like Tanks can't destroy them (would be pretty silly).
With this, you can also make Icebergs (sp?). You give them a default animation and for an attack, have it shake a bit. You would need to place these, but you give them a rage of X and make them immoblie. Passing ships get a HUGE suprise when they run into this! :p

Some notes: That tank wouldn't "destroy" the tornado, the tornado would simply "disperse" (sorry cant find the right word for this). Plus, maybe this tornado should act like a cruise missile, e.g. it hits then disperses...

FINALLY we can have natural disasters!
Well, I'm glad that at least a few people have a use for a tornado. :)
Now that I think about it, you could probably use this as a replacement for the SAM flic for fantasy mods. If you get attacked by an air unit, the tornado is whipped up by a sorcerer or something to defend the city.

As for other natural disasters, no, I probably won't make any more. I don't have the right utilities to do conversions from SC3K and SC4. When I get back from vacation I'll probably begin working on a big Star Wars mod (I'm going to postpone my Civ3K mod for right now).

Anyone can use this tornado in any mod they like. I'd appreciate a credit for it, but I don't really care one way or another. :)
Didnt someone make a fantasy mod....... It would be a great spell effect :D And if made powerful enough .... a long lasting spell effect

By the way Challenger Great job ....
This is what i found out,when testing this unit:
if you make it a cruise missile,the unit won't move(giving it no attack and defense) and if you give it attack and defense(and cruise missile),it won't disappear.
anyone got a solution for that?:confused: :cry:
Here's my suggestion:

5 movement ("WOW!")
Blitz, pillage without movement penalty, hiddenationality, cruise missle (destroyed after use), ignore all movement penatly
30 attack
1 defense (needed for AI strategy flag)
AI strategy: offense

That's just one possibility...
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