US Jetpack: F14, F15, F16, F18


King of the Krauts
Nov 2, 2000
This zip contains updates of my US jets (Tomcat, Falcon, Hornet) and a F15 Eagle by me as a bonus.

I made them since there were many requests on the CFC for updates of my first jets. They do not only have new, improved anims, but also new pedia art (except the F14, here I kept the old pics, because I still like them).

DL. 1,2 MB)

Hope you like them :)


F14 attack
YEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can´t believe this, beautiful! :goodjob:

:love: :king: :worship: Thank you "Guru" Bebro, thank you.
I´ve tested the units in the game, SUPER and new pedia icons, PERFECT

There is only one little problem with the F15.ini In the line with the "bomb.flc" that should mean "JetFighterbomb.flc".

Thank you "Guru" :jesus: Bebro, thank you. :worship:
Ah, thanks. Let´s hope one day I manage to releasa .inis without some errors....;)

For those who don´t want to edit, here´s a corrected F15 ini file.
Originally posted by BeBro
Ah, thanks. Let´s hope one day I manage to releasa .inis without some errors....;)


Even a Guru is not perfect at all ;), but you do a very good job. I have replaced the original F-15 by yours and i would like to have another version of yours, maybe a Strike Eagle with a big payload?!
It seems reasonable that the people who do the research about these planes would also provide the numbers for the units for those of us who know nothing about the unit.

I have no idea what the differnence is between each plane, why I would choose to build one of another, ect, ect and the standard answer of "#.#.#" really don't tell us the whole story. I'd like to be true to the unit and know its capabilities.

Any thoughts?
Originally posted by greenmtnsun
It seems reasonable that the people who do the research about these planes would also provide the numbers for the units for those of us who know nothing about the unit.

Problem is...many of us use a different system of combat values than the regular game uses. I'd bet most modders have completely changed the system. For example, for me the "Tank," a WWII era vehicle has an A-D-M of 24-18-2 and a modern era "Challenger Tank" has an A-D-M of 51-41-2.

My system probably wouldn't make sense to anyone else! :crazyeye:

I made the F-15 Eagle my best fighter for the era but it cannot load onto a carrier. The F-14 Tomcat is slightly weaker but can load onto a carrier. You have to be pretty creative to fit all the unit animations into the game. :scan:
Im using almost every fighter released on this forum, as tradable units, meaning, i have a bunch of strategic resources placed in an earth map, each of my fighters and tanks too require one of these resources besides the usual oil and metals, the Americans for instances have american resources on their territory so they get access to the american units, and they can trade their strategic resources thus giving access to the american units to other civs. Its a very cool system.

How I set up these 4 fighters:
Made the F15 and F16 unable to land on carriers by giving them the unload flag with carry only tactical missiles and foot units.
The F14 is the best interceptor with higher attack value but it cannot bomb. The F16 is a good multi purpose with defense value higher than the others so it has a better chance of taking down enemy interceptors but has the lowest range. The F15 and F18 are the ones with higher bombard value, F15's is higher but the F18 has higher range. And there are other differences like unit costs and stuff.

And those are just 4 of the dozens of fighters and bombers I have on my mod. Thats how I did it, its possible its not accurate, im no expert in jet fighters, but it works.
Last I heard the F16 was a Navy interceptor designed for use on carriers :)

The F15 is an air superiority fighter and not really intended much for bombing, and the F18 is a fighter/bomber which is intended for bombing.

The F14 is an older air superiority fighter that should be able to land on aircraft carriers.
Yea, no F16s on the Navy as far as i now :)
Also, I believe there are multiple versions of the F15, and since it has one hell of a payload I prefer making it a strike fighter.
HI ther, I wanted dow nloadload the files for the American Jets, F-16, F-15, and F-14, but the link doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know where I can get them?
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