King Cobra Unit Renovation


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
This Unit was first created by Kinboat and I acknowledge credit to him for it.
...I made Default and Victory flcs, Remade Attack and Run flcs and adjusted/altered all other flcs for this unit. Added New pcx files and created all sounds. Game tested.
...This was a very difficult unit to make flcs for as I am certain Kinboat would agree. I altered the existing flc files in order to correct the King Cobra's Attack... mainly due to it's long length and size. This unit had to be set off center in the game squares and the flcs remade to aid in correcting the Attack. Because the Fortify position is always to the SE and the Pillage position is always to the NW in the Civ III game, those two functions will cause the King Cobra to shift from it's Off Set square positions and will be more obvious than a centered unit when moving into the Fortify or Pillage positions...I think it is Not a Big Deal. I tried to keep this unit centered and correct for the Atack in many ways without success due to the Attack distance and game settings. The New Run was created to have the King Cobra more Upright and also from my initial flc renovations to correct the Attack.
... Again, Big Thanks to Kinboat and I hope you will Enjoy this Unit.
Download the Zip File Here
Here is the Default and Run Preview


  • default and run.gif
    default and run.gif
    76.8 KB · Views: 1,838
here are the Fidget and Death

...Note that some subtle changes have been made since these gifs were made. Basically, I tried to keep the unit the same but added some subtle features and corrected the Attack.


  • fidget and death.gif
    fidget and death.gif
    73.5 KB · Views: 1,467
Very Nice:goodjob:!
What would we use this for? :nospam: It was very well done, nontheless! It compares to units made by Kryten and aaglo! :goodjob::thumbsup::goodjob:
Well, I would suggest using this Unit in a Fantasy MOD or Scenario...and again, Credit for this Unit goes to Kinboat. I only take credit for the Default, Victory and New Attack flcs, adjusting and adding to the other flcs, making all sounds and the new pcx files. Other than adding the additional flcs, my main reason for working on this Unit was to correct the Attack distance. I included a Read Me file with the Download. Personally, I use this Unit in my Fantasy MOD called Dragon and you can bet that I use many of Kinboat's Great Units such as his Green Dragon, Balrog and Ettin. Kinboat created this Unit at my request and after putting in so much initial effort and having so many more Units to make, he had no time to try adjusting or remaking any flc further. This unit works well in game and is a Fun addition.
The Settings I use are Prerequisite: Monarchy, no Required Resourses, Class: Land, All Standard Orders checked, Special Orders: Load, Airlift and Pillage, Shield Cost: 70, Moves 5, Attack: 6, Defense: 5, Operational Range: 3 and HP: 4. Unit Abilities: Foot Unit, Blitz, and Radar. AI Strategies: Offence, Defense and Explore. I gave this Unit to India, Egypt and Japan.
...These settings are Very Strong and probably most would say "Over Kill" but the MOD I use this Unit in has toward 200 Extra Units and all are Very Strong. How ever you adjust the Settings for this is a Fun Addition to use and Yes I Like the Fidget too. Thank Kinboat for that. All initial Credit for creating this Unit goes to Kinboat.
Yeah, like I said, great unit. I'll make some use of it. I'm glad you gave the suggested stats. I wouldn't know what I should pt that would be believable for a giant snake. Now you should make a pediaicons for this! I can't wait. It's just too much of a good unit to pass up! :goodjob::thumbsup::goodjob:
All pcx files are in the Download and as for the PediaIcon.txt I assume that you know how to place it. If Not here you go:


...just Replace "Number" with the number you use for this unit addition in your units_32.pcx file and add that Number in front of the Large and Small .pcx files included. You will then need to add the Large and Small pcx files to your Art/Civilopedia/Icons/Units folder.

The Only thing not included in the Download is the Civilopedia.txt for the Civilopedia Read concerning this Unit.

...Please feel free to give feedback and let me know your thoughts about the Sounds. Never much feedback about sounds for Units. Without .amb files the Run is most always difficult to adjust where it will work correctly at all but we do the best we can.
I plan to use this in my fantasy mod. Now I have a unit to make with the Animal Control tech.:thumbsup:
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