New unit: Roman Ballista/Scorpion


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal

Roman ballista - a good flavour catapult for the romans. And perhaps to some other civs too. And this might prove very useful in some scenarios. ;)


Here is RomanBallistaLarge -civilopedia picture


  • romanballistalarge.gif
    6.3 KB · Views: 5,154
This unit has not been tested in game, so if any problems occur, please let me know.

Here are some animated previews.
The order is: default, fortify, attack, victory, run, fidget and death

Well, that was fast. And it looks great. And I'm going to put him in my mod. :)

He doesn't flinch/jump when firing though...

Originally posted by Drift
He doesn't flinch/jump when firing though...

Well, he's a batlle hardened little guy, who has pushed this thing for kilometer after mile. And he has shot it so many times... he does not flinch for such small things anymore... :)

... and he's not a wussy :p
Great unit!!!

He's going right in my mod!... and this frees up the fire catapult
for someone else (Byz. perhaps? they seem to dig fire :) )
@The Slayer,

I don't do the animated gifs from the flc's. I do them straight from the individual frames with a program called Gif movie gear. It's very decent program for gif anims.

[EDIT]: you can download the demo of that program from here:
@Aaglo: Where can I get a demo?

@The Slayer: To have all the different animations in one, using Flc2Gif, you need to make a special flc for it.
I must say it before Xen does...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Great unit!:goodjob:
AWESOME!!! I love it :D :goodjob: :D
@Aaglo, can I ask you a question about the program? First, thanks for telling where I can get a demo. Second, okay, I have my four storyboard PCXs I want to use. Is there a way to get what I want in, without exporting, and then importing, every sungle frame separeatly?
I don't know how it works with storyboards. I think it does, but in a bit different sb's compared to the flicster sb's. And it does not accept (IIRC) pcx-files. you have to save them as .gif or .bmp
I saved it as a .gif, but it takes the whole thing as one frame, is there anyway I can have it split the frame? How do you do it?

Thanks for the help.
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