
  1. ToastedHCL

    Making a mini-modmod to make CoM more engaging and balanced (IMHO) - let's all share our personal ideas/tweaks for CoM!

    This is my own thread to continue the discussion starting from this post (and including the ones right below it): Thanks for the well wishes guys, I appreciate them :). Unfortunately, one of my big problems is...
  2. T

    JFD's Sovereignty for VP

    Current version of JFDs RTP Sovereignty mod is broken and doesn't work. I found the idea and mechanics of it really cool, so I made a full adaptation of it to Vox Populi (EUI) The description of what mod does you can find in the above URL, here I present only changes that I have made to the...
  3. Recursive

    Mod Dependency Issues with VP 2.0

    The 2.0 version of Vox Populi, due to The Great Merge, will create some temporary compatibility issues with some modmods. For modmodders: I suggest using (2) Vox Populi as a dependency if your mod requires the full VP package to function, and (3a) EUI Compatibility Files if the changes from our...
  4. Mailbox

    Age of Renewal 1.0.0

    After the defeat of Mulcarn, the grip of the God of Winter didn't dissipate as quickly as Kylorin had hoped. In those desperate times, the remnants of the few civilizations left on Erebus had to band together even tighter. The merging of these civilizations resulted in both homogenization and...
  5. Mailbox

    [MOD] The Age of Renewal

    After the defeat of Mulcarn, the grip of the God of Winter didn't dissipate as quickly as Kylorin had hoped. In those desperate times, the remnants of the few civilizations left on Erebus had to band together even tighter. The merging of these civilizations resulted in both homogenization and...
  6. Hinin

    (modmod concept) Mercenaries & Militias

    This thread is a concept presentation that could be transformed into a full-fledged modmod project if the feedback is good enough. The idea is to introduced two new units lines : A Mercenary unit line, which would complete the current 3 we have right (Free Company, Foreign Legion, Mercenaries)...
  7. Vaeringjar

    V's SubMod

    v1.0.0 for RaR-WtP 2.8.2.* .zip and .7z are the same, just half the download size for 7z users # V's SubMod: Notes: - The dynamic version of the DLL as provided by Nightingale is required and included. - Vanilla files included, so you can easily revert to vanilla. - This submod is not...
  8. Mad Madigan

    ModMod for VP: Adjustment of Late-Game Civilian Unit Era-based Models/Icons

    For as many things that VP has improved about the experience of playing Civ 5, one remaining bugbear for me has been the way that certain civilian units change in appearance in the later eras of the game. Specifically, that there is a model and icon for cargo ships, caravans, workers, work...
  9. Bangra 7

    Audiodefine problems, and game hangs on PythonInit

    I am having a series of problems modding Civ4 Reimagined. I wanted to add in a couple original nations to the game. I got their artwork in, plus the nations work effectively. HOWEVER, I got brave. I wanted to add game music. First, I added the audio defines into that respective xml file. I then...
  10. L

    ExtraModMod (archive) 0.6.0-beta9

    Forum thread Installation instructions: Download and install Fall from Heaven 0.41 and patch "o" from here. Copy or move the the "Mods/Fall from Heaven 2" folder to "Mods/ExtraModMod". Extract into "Mods" (or extract the contents of the "ExtraModMod" folder inside the...
  11. L

    ExtraModMod (installer) 0.6.0-beta9

    Forum thread Installation instructions: Download and install Fall from Heaven 0.41 and patch "o" from here. Unpack the anywhere and execute the contained installer. Troubleshooting If you're running Civ4 from steam, you might have to switch to the original...
  12. L

    More Naval AI unofficial (archive) 2.9.2-1u

    Forum Thread: Installation instructions: If you have installed a previous version, uninstall it or delete the old "Mods/More Naval AI" folder. Download and install Fall from Heaven 0.41 and patch "o" from here, if...
  13. L

    More Naval AI unofficial (Installer) 2.9.2-1u

    Forum Thread: Installation instructions: If you have installed a previous version, uninstall it or delete the old "Mods/More Naval AI" folder. Download and install Fall from Heaven 0.41 and patch "o" from here, if...
  14. adan_eslavo

    [MOD] Few questions without answers

    I play with modded VP, but these are rather overall issues. I have stucked at few problems: 1. I use following codes: function OnSpawnChangeSelected(eCs) local bSpawnDisabled = Players[eCs]:IsMinorCivUnitSpawningDisabled(Game.GetActivePlayer()) Network.SendMinorNoUnitSpawning(eCs, not...
  15. Sir Monster The Great

    Civology Remake

    I haven't been modding C2C for a while now, mostly due to disinterest. As of now, I mostly mod Total War games. But now I have good motivation to go back on my Civology modmod I did years ago. This remake will try to add many buildings that add new fields of study much like the old mod...
  16. D

    [SCENARIO] Warlords scenario on Illuria map needed

    Hi everybody, a couple of years ago I stumbled over Fall from Heaven 2 and a scenario based on the map of Illuria. Illuria (I bet you know) is the map of Warlords, a great round based fantasy strategy game from the 80s. The mod and the scenario tied me to my computer for months. I can't...
  17. M

    Epic Modular Mod

    Hello everybody Here I present my modmod of... well... a bunch of mods. I'm not certain exactly how many Civilizations are in this mod but I will do my best to list them. Mods from which this mod's content is derived: The East Indies - Danish Colonies, Robert Clive leaderhead, Vietnam, China...
  18. Imperator Knoedel

    [Modmod]Sunset of Civilization

    DOWNLOAD LATEST RELEASE VERSION HERE Welcome to my little pet project, a modmod trying to improve upon Dawn of Civilization in whichever way I see fit. The current version is 1.1. It is up-to-date with DoC 1.16.2. I have made too many little changes and tweaks in almost every area of the mod...
  19. Hinin

    Alternate Leaders for VP project thread

    Hello everyone :hatsoff: After the 3/4 UC for VP modmod had been released by the coders (thanks once again to all of them : what you did was truly great), I decided to make some sort of pause from all of this for some time, but, as always with me, ideas kept arriving, and here we are now. I've...
  20. C

    Bits of Tales: new modmod about more bits of history

    After a long hiatus I decided to come back, with a new modmod: Bits_of_tales Available at repository: In short I will track the main branch, but add changes to light some interesting but mostly unknown historical aspects...
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