08/15 - The Adventures of Gunner Yossarian, Assyria Deity conquest of Europe*

Looking at the OP, it looks like the asterisk means that it's a conquest of North Africa and the Middle East too.
The BIG MAN with a Plan - The road to Assyrian Autocracy.

Knowing this is a huge map and one resource that will be in abundant supply in a Domination game will be AI cities, I decided to build my game plan around it. I knew that buying stuff is way more efficient than building it, especially if you stack the discount modifiers, and knowing that AI will pay top dollar for slightly used cities I beelined Industrialization not just for factories and access to two free tenets in Autocracy but also to rush Big Ben (liberty free GE).

Ben's fifteen percent discount, stacks with Mercantilism's 25% reduction in commerce, and Nationalism's 33% discount from Autocracy. So once I had them all online, I can buy 290 gold privateers with 3 EXP buildings, 15 xp from Total War in Autocracy and a looted great writing they start with logistics. 320 gold artillery with 70 xp and only ten city shots away from logistics. 390 gold Ghost bombers with autorepair, and the list goes on. A successful conquest of AI empire as long as there are wiling buyers can net 2-9k early in the game. The only limiting factors are of course happiness, military unit support limits, and limited time before one of the AIs launches. And the biggest obstacle is an all out All AIs against the player war to prevent Domination win. Its not something that happens a lot on lower levels as AI can't rebuild fast enough after defeats, but even on Emperor I have seen them band together and try, but without units it did not get very far. Best example was Deity Challenge 32 Russia, by Tabarnak where AI coalition stopped him cold with one cap to go. I discount diplo as any reasonably competent player can prevent AI win in this manner.

Social Policy wise I have opened with left liberty, then patronage to consulates, then I made a mistake of gambling for LToPisa, and finished liberty for GE. More optimal would have been to play it safe and open rationalism and grab Secularism for extra beakers from Specialists. Then Commerce to Mercantilism and time liberty finish to grab that GE for big Ben. I have taken Fortified borders and Futurism in addition to Mobilization in tier one of Autocracy as I was hoping to make up for complete lack of tourism until now (Zero until t190 as my early war against Necro-Nebby had to be called off and he got to keep his rotting manuscripts and grave art for now). Those 100 tourism points per GWAM were nice but even with each counter at 100 to start, as I avoided working those slots, not enough to overcome deity AI tourism to me, to get even exotic level with anyone yet. I am thinking of actually voting for Arts funding for first time ever as it will help in that department and slow AI teching. Besides I will get all those great works eventually. You can see the SPtree up to t 210 here:

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I have decided not to sign any RAs as any tech deficiency will be eventually evened out with my UA. But maybe few well placed ones to push me through to arty faster might have been more optimal. I might still sign a few to grab Manhattan faster but now the political waters get muddier and muddier and I am not sure what alliances will survive once I start taking cap after cap. To clarify the big geopolitical picture PAC is allied with almost every nation in Europe* save Ottomen, Arabs, Greece and Egypt. Ourselves, Carthage, Rome, Spain and Mongols are righteous autocratic states, trying to rid the world from Polish, Russian, Egyptian, German, Swedish, English, Portuguese, Arab and Moroccan Communism or Greek and Byzantine pseudo Freedom.

You notice Greeks being the only odd men out, (Byz took freedom very recently and is fighting against Alex) it might have something to do with his political isolation. As soon as I founded WC, I proposed to embargo Greece and sneaky Arabs wanted to embargo the Assyrian Empire. I hate Alex grabbing all those CS, but he is easy to turn other nations against him as he pisses people off with his CS competition.
We denounced him, and agreed to a cooperative war against him. Soon he picked up a boatload of denouncements and was fighting multiple fronts.

Once the Arabs are no more, and Ottomen a shadow of their former Empire, I will move on to Athens and Constantinople as they are on the way deeper into Europe. And really first proper European Capitals to be seized. I can't absorb an entire Ottomen empire, too many cities and plenty of useless ones, and after selling what I can will have to live with him on my doorstep. Maybe later once he rebuilds an army, Darius will oblige and work him over a little bit for a fee, but obviously not too much or too early as I don't want an even bigger Persian problem. Nebby is already becoming a credible threat with all those Arab cities I fed him and one more coming still. But he is technologically backwards for now and I hope will stay so.

The main part of the conquest will be a push through central Europe to grab all of the landlocked capitals. The exact routes, directions and timing is still not even in planning phase, as I need to know how the game will develop from now. But there were few fortunate events, some of them of my making:

-Carthage took Rome for me (13 times so far :lol: I am serious, I have seen some seesaw action in Civ before but this takes the cake) that also means Augustus C. took it twelve times. I love the mindless destruction of AI materiel, and yes I did pay for it.

-Maria put her boot to Isabella's bum and I did not have to pay a cent. That's what sharing a medium size peninsula will do to otherwise civilized gals. Madrid changed hands four or five times, enough to make it worthless. Another huge bonus here, as it is landlocked and I already stopped renewing DOFs with Izzy thinking I will have to land big invasion force and cut my way inland. Now I can just DoW Maria and take Lisbon then move east to secure Madrid. 2 caps for one DoW, that's how we like it. Even better outcome is possible with Dido as she is superior to AC and might even push him out of Italy completely and take Venice from him. (poor Niccolo the first AI to go out, even before we met him).

You can see the latest fall of Madrid, down to size 3 now :) and on right side notification area a fall and recapture of Rome for Nth time ;) And if you were paying close attention, in the same spot on the 2nd screenshot of previous update, on t197 one of earlier Rome liberations. Got to give it to AC, he is one persitent bugger.
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I have paid for other war recently:
Sweden vs Russia and Germany and I am looking for more opportunities to sow discord and degrade AI military, but need evenly matched partners as I don't need anyone else to grow to the size Dido is now.

And the final phase will be a combined assault on all coastal capitals remaining in the game. It will require lots of oil, aluminum and uranium but Autocracy (Third Alternative) will help here. That is the only way I see to avoid or minimize the All Out All AI against PAC global war I am bound to lose or at least not win long enough for someone to launch.

Please let me know what you think. Any comments and suggestions will be considered. I have really enjoyed writing this thread so far, and your comments made it even more enjoyable. If there is anything you would like to see discussed, highlighted or explained please don't hesitate to ask.



Supreme Leader, Pan-Assyrian Confederacy (SL PAC)


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Great strategy, but I'm not really sure how you can do all that with so many other civs before someone else wins.
Well that's what makes this game interesting, the very real possibility of losing. I know it will be a challenge, but I really do think it can be done. As a major military and economic power I can influence events all over the map. As last resort I can send in the navy and air force quickly to deal with emerging threats. But now that more modern weapons come online I can accelerate the speed of conquest. You got to remember that AI is even worse at modern warfare than classical or medieval one.
To do this, you're going to need to keep up a humongous standing army, keep a good economy going at all times, not fall behind in tech, and be prepared for backstabbings at any part of the map. You really haven't conquered all that much so far, and even though you can quite easily defeat any one army, you have at most 100 turns (probably less unless you actively cripple the leaders through war) to conquer about 18 capitals right now. If you could do this I would be very impressed.

You better hope that order or freedom doesn't get passed as a world ideology. That by itself would be crippling, and I don't know how you could stop it on a map this size while still spending money on your army.
Very well put, I have not conquered as much as I hoped for by this point. On the other hand I did not suffer any major setbacks and I can make up ground on tech front faster than any other Civ in the game. I can't really pull ahead but at least I can always catch up. And fighting AI at tech parity is like taking candy from a baby. I can already defeat any one army as you say, even Carthage, and I am not about to attack her until I am good and ready. Other major powers I can probably take on two at a time, and minor ones five or six. From now on I intend to fight multiple front wars non stop, I just need more oil right now. Coming back to the speed of conquest, it's very non linear, in late game caps will be falling left and right and if everything goes well 4-6 in last few turns. It's getting the next dozen that's going to be a challenge. I have not used Xcom or bazooka or even GDR or Nuclear missiles and all of those will greatly speed up the game.

I think your estimate of 100 turns or less is spot on if AI is left alone. But that's unlikely as they hate each other and I will help them in that regard too. And I will be impressed myself if I can pull this off too ;)
I think Yossarian is right, they are trying to kill him. And where's Milo to corner the iron market?
War with the Ottomen and the Second AA War...

Once the commie pharaoh Ramses' forces were defeated and his capital Thebes occupied, SL PAC graciously signed a peace treaty with the Egyptians, taking two of their cities as reparation payment for the war he started. Egyptians thought it was a good deal anyway as their forces were routed and they got one of their cities back for a small sum of gold per year.

Yossarian was learning quick and didn't expect the peace to last long as the main reparation payments from Arabia were coming to an end, but even he was surprised how quickly a new war broke out. It was against the not treacherous enough Ottomen who dared to attack our friends and victims the Egyptians. While he was still moving his artillery pieces across the Nile delta and the Sinai, through the again Arab city of faithless Khurasanians the Pan-Assyrian Navy (PAN) was making a short work of the Ottomen Navy. The fleets were evenly matched, but caught between two Assyrian task groups their admirals were no match in a deeply tactical dance that naval combat is.
I lost maybe five or six boats, none of them vets and few of them newly captured. You need to keep them in tight groups, expose only the units you are ok with losing and again concentrate fire of frigates until the privateers move in to either sink or capture. Unless faced with possibility that a boat you do not sink with frigate fire will heal up and deliver a killing shot to one of your ships, just leave zombie ships in the water to be captured next turn by the privateers. In a regular games you can get a world class navy by building three galleasses and two privateers. And the of course picking your battles. City sacking promos are better for privateers as they get them to logistics faster, and two attacks and more importantly ability to withdraw afterwards is crucial in keeping your veteran units alive. I specialize a few in naval combat and those act as screen, and one or two with extra move as that comes in handy often. Don't discount the 15% combat bonus from Admirals, keep one in each force and more if you expect heavy casualties and need to heal up fast and move to next target or overpower current enemy.

The Assyrians opened two fronts against the Ottomen, one in the south where their three cities quickly fell to attack from the main army returning from Egypt and newly created units from Assyrian heartland. The unprecedented pace of mobilization was the handywork of Yossarian's old buddy from the siege tower crew: Milo M. It seems his scheme to corner the Mesopotamian iron market has so impressed the King that he was recalled to Assur and first put in charge of Chinese contractors hired to industrialize the nation and then spearheaded the Mobilization Board. The new units were arriving so fast and at such attractive prices that it seemed that the only thing slowing us down were Assyrian mothers not able to bear kids fast enough. Work parties throughout the PAC were disbanded and assigned to newly formed regiments.

I had a large stash of cash from last two wars, but shortage of cities and therefore military unit support. I had to keep disbanding workers and gifting some captured caravels and frigates to CS, to allow formation of new units.

The northern front where the fighting was fiercest, was manned by entirely new units. But not inexperienced ones by any means. With the rigorous training ranging from Basic training to Military Academies and supplemented by looted Egyptian and Arabian Art of War manuscripts, indoctrinated with the tales of Assyrian Heroic Epic of Nimrud, they were more than a match for the Ottomen rifle and doughboy regiments. Supported by the PAN they steadily pushed into Asia Minor and took Cyprus.

Now with the exception of Babylonia, PAC has reached the historical extent of Neo-Assyrian Empire.

The new units all come from Nimrud, as it has all three XP buildings, GWW in royal library and Heroic Epic to maximize the benefits. New rifle units with three one ground promos and other bonuses and GG have 75% combat strength bonus. They can block off enemy cities, to shield the artillery units as they set up and pound their targets. The best place to set them up is in fact right next to the city, as cities usually have ranged garrison and therefore can't be attacked by melee as well. The well promoted infantry units can easily take a city shot and few ranged shots as well. Pillage to heal if it will last one more round or rotate them out if not.

Once the southern Turkish cities fell and were razed (2) or sold (1), Yossarian's battery set up in position to deal with the Arab threat once and for all. Harun's incursion was the only second time foreign troops trampled Assyrian soil. Byblos was already punished for their transgression, now it was time for Harun to pay. In just thirty years he rebuilt his army and once the war was declared, his Great war infantry moved in to take back Damascus. The citadel built to overlook Mecca and provide easy access to our artillery is pillaged on the first turn.

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Yossarian was definitely enjoying this war more, no one was shooting at him anymore, and he was grateful for the infantry support his and other artillery batteries received.The fighting is very tense and Arab forces are close to overrun Assyrian lines north of Mecca. Eventually concentrated Gatling gun, artillery and even crossbow fire, coupled with repeated cavalry charges drives them back.

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And just as soon as Yossarian is ready to go back to enjoying another war in which no one is shooting at him, when a huge shadow covers the sky. His worst nightmare come to life, Arabian ghost bombers taking off. They were trying to kill him, he knew it all along. He dove for cover, something he was pretty good at, but they passed overhead, bound for Khurasan. He was grateful that the troops on the western front, took that nest of treacherous snakes who let themselves be sold left and right and set it on fire. It was at least drawing the ghost bombers away and keeping him safe for now. This war has not been going the way he hoped.:( He knew that until the megalomaniacal war criminal Harun is captured he will not be able to look at the sky without fear.

ON the screenies above you can see how many troops you can mow down with concentrated range fire and cavalry charges in one turn. XBs are still in the field as his ghost bombers have not shown up yet. The arty unit highlighted in 1st screen, is Yossarian's battery. It is taking part in all campaign so far, and i intend to keep it busy, but it is getting a bit more protection than other vets. As much as we need people trying to kill Yossarian to stoke his healthy paranoia, we don't actually want him killed.

I am still few turns away from flight, and without air cover. This is the time to put away any veteran XBs still not upgraded to Gatlings and watch your veteran arties. Ghost bombers need targets and you need to provide them if your arties are being targeted. Cities are best but some other expendable units will do.

Eventually the last Arab city falls and is sold to the Babylonians who must be buying it for all the corpses, as there is not a lot of infrastructure left. ASF dig out Harun from some hole he was hiding in and the world is deprived of a great beacon of beauty and enlightement. He sure was a modest guy ;)

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The fall of Ottomen Empire and the Balkan Wars

After publishing the Assyrian Military Doctrine, also know as Manifesto of Assyrian Destiny (MAD), Supreme Leader was besieged by his advisors. The doveish faction lead by Js9001 and Redwings1340 advocated slowing down the conquests and establishing Autocracy as the World Ideology, or at least something in that manner. While the optimistic hawks led behind the scenes by Moriarte advocated continued push into Europe and discounted the possibility of enemy escaping into space before the final triumph. Some fumed that the Manifesto's publication at CFC itself was a mistake, but SL dismissed them, saying that those who can do anything to stop us, like Genghis and Dido, won't believe that it is possible as they can't do it themselves with vastly superior forces, while the lesser nations even if aware of our plans won't be able to prevent it.

And so the Plan proceeded apace. Envoys were dispatched to many European capitals, bearing offers of mostly gold per year for favorable votes at the upcoming first Council of Karakorum, and then the first UN session of Assur. While abroad they often met Mongolian delegation, under the name of GreenPiece, probably something to do with their traditional attire featuring a prominent green handkerchiefs. They were on a mission to persuade the whole civilized world to Save the Whales, or at least stop eating them, while they die on their own from overfishing of their prey or habitat destruction. Very peculiar pursuit for steppe nomads most of whom have never seen a whale or tasted one.

I have moved the WC to Mongolia as I did not trust Dido and was afraid that it might be too difficult to wrest from her later as she competed for CS as well and Genghis would be easier to outmaneuver while staying friendly. Also Dido was leading in tech and I knew I might have to take action against her before I am ready if she gets too close to launching. Once UN was created I had healthy CS vote lead and simply moved it to Assur.

In the meantime as all those palace discussions were taking place, Assyrian boots on the ground and PAN sailors were busy doing their job. Gunner Yossarian made it to the Turkish front just in time to lob a few shells at Istanbul. He was enjoying himself a bit more, as the Assyrian Airforce (AA) was out there making sure the ghost bombers were not able to kill him. Not that the Ottomen had much of air force anyway, but it was a comforting thought. They did steal the secret of Artillery from Assur despite a veteran counterespionage network, and now their gunners could shoot at him. But with AA ghost bombers dominating the skies, their artillery did not last long in the open. After the fall of Istanbul he expected a quick peace and some land deals as he and his battery would move to next target. But it was not to be, the next target was across the water in Europe proper and one more Ottoman city separated him from it: Bursa. It was the new capital and had to be taken by force.

I would have made a deal and moved on, but the new cap location prevented it. Not a major setback, as I wanted to downgrade Sully a lot as to prevent late game resurgence. I reduced a number of his cities (Dyarbakir, Bursa, Kayseri and Gaziantep) to zero and on the turn Bursa fell took them all. As expected it plunged us into deep unhappy, maybe most I had so far in any game-65. That included two cities I got in peace deal. Since those two new ones were close to Darius I wanted him to buy, but he was broke. I sold them back to Sully, burned Bursa and one more to the ground, and sold two to Dido. This allowed me to move my arties across from Constantinople, as we were already at war, and start shelling. In meantime I took as many CS allies from Alex as was prudent (some were to pricey even for me, I stop at 1.5k) and DoWed him. I needed access to Bosforus, can't land in Europe with Black Sea in Byz hands and no navy support. Well it CAN be done, but I did not need the losses. Most units are vets no need to drown them, and what would Yossarian think of that, his own Supreme Leader trying to kill him now ;)

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While Yossarian was busy shelling Constaninope from relative safety of Asia Minor's shores, first PAN carrier task force and few battalions of artillery, Gatling guns, GWInfantry and cavalry laid siege to Athens. It was a quick one as Alex had mostly foreign legions defending his home turf, while his main Army laid a siege of Tirana. It must have been a grudge thing, as the ferocious Albanians schooled him during our second war, when despite completely surrounding the city he could not take it and lost a good chunk of his forces to city and garrison bombards and Carthaginian navy and air force operating out of Italian peninsula.

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Constantinople was at the very end of range for my ghost bombers, and after pounding it with all i got i sailed three privateers to take it and block the strait to allow my land forces to land on the continent. One privateer was a deliberate sacriifice and was sunk, two got through and did the job. A Glorious Day, or G-Day as it is know in Assyrian history books. Almost ended in disaster, when it was one cavalry movement point away from being retaken next turn by Theodora. SHe had ariforce and artillery and reduced it to zero, while my GWI blocked one approach she snuck in a cavvlry unit but run out of movement points. And the city was half full of my airforce, all newer units without logistics, as i was fearinf uch a scenario and held back my vets.


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To his Majesty, Revered General, his Holiness, Supreme Commander, Despot Maxym of Assyria.


Following your inquiry, I, representative of top secret Assyrian Foreign Intelligence (AFI), understand that it is my duty to present you with our grasp of foreign intelligence, delivered by spy drones from all across the known world and beyond.

We are delighted your Majesty made a difficult and wise decision of adopting Autocracy. I am convinced we are one step away from imposing our truly superior ways upon lesser people everywhere.

Bosphorus is ours and we strongly urge you to consider establishing "presence" in Mongolia, Russia and Poland, and thus securing eastern part of the known world, before spreading our influence in continental Europe.

While patrolling the Black Sea does not require substantial naval force, our suggestion would be to keep a dominant share of naval units (and some air units) in Mediterranean, aiming to free the people of Mediterranean from oppression of Carthaginian regime.

According to our intelligence, (scientific, demographic, strategic disposition) four civilizations mentioned above present the greatest danger and claim top four places in our annual "Evil Civilizations of the World" report, and, therefore, should be pacified without hesitation.

We strongly suggest to keep increasing airplane production levels and prioritize securing locations with access to oil, aluminium and uranium.

End of message.
:lol: It's really funny to see Alex attacking a city state with all of his resources (Alex of all people) and failing at even taking that as his capital is destroyed undefended. Also, how have you managed to avoid everyone hating you for warmongering leading to a huge DOW by multiple leaders?
Top Secret: for Assyrian Foreign Intelligence Director's and Supreme Leader's Council eyes only.

Dear Dr. JS9001, Dear Dr. Moriarte, you are a real Doctors of some sort, right? Or is it still classified information like your real names? Thank you for your insightful analysis. Let me assure you that certain actions have already been taken to address the situation, and we have the pictures to prove this. I would call them satellite photos, but satellites not having been invented yet, let's call them screen shots for now.

I think there is a double agent or even a sophisticated counterespionage network operated by Her Communist Majesty Elizabeth II within your Foreign Intelligence Department Dr. Moriarte. Your analysis completely omits the clear and present danger, that Elizabeth's space program, technological breakthroughs, military and especially naval buildup present to the Pan-Assyrian Confederacy's Plan for World Domiation, also known as Manifesto Of Assyrian Destiny (MAD). Please deal with the enemy agents.

I am afraid that events on the ground and developing geopolitical situation has outpaced your intelligence gathering efforts and fear the impact on subsequent analyses. Hence I am providing you, my loyal Assyrian Foreign Intelligence Director as well as my most trusted advisors with this top secret intel brief.

The victorious Balkan armies supported by new troops from the PAC have been split into three columns. One is landing as we speak in the area of Sochi, to establish a base from which to attack Moscow and eventually Karakorum. We will do this most likely by seizing a few Polish settlements in that theater of operations first to use as a base. They are supported by a new fast carrier ready to deploy fighter and bomber squadrons as well as AA guns if they need to operate outside of air cover for a while. Both caps can be seen at the top edge of the screen.

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We have decided to forgive the Arabs their past transgressions, and incorporated Mecca into Assyria proper. The new units with full training and Alhambra secrets are the most advanced in the empire. Paratrooper regiments able to fight like lions in mountainous and forested terrain and live off the land if need be.
( Alhambra is my favourite war wonder, much more so than Brandenburg. I am getting three rough promo paras with march and bonus ten experience towards next promo, from the get go. They will be deadly.)

While fighting Byzantines we liberated Bucharest, but instead of flowers and kisses to greet the handsome Assyrian boys, they were welcome with sniper fire and Molotov cocktails. Turns out Greek agitators subverted the population and turned it against us. Main army has finished the job of demolishing the remains of Greek empire, and has brought the war criminal Alex to justice. We were hoping that the complete destruction of the nest of capitalist troublemakers and show trials of arch criminal Alex and his top command will quickly turn the public opinion in our favor. As in fact it did, Bucharest now our staunch ally and finally grateful for it's liberation from Byzantine oppression.

Since Alex was allied with few more CS in my way, I figured removing him and his evil CS subverting ways from the game would make the trek through central Europe and future engagements easier. He only had three or four more cities after the cap fell. I kept northernmost one as air base and sold the rest to Dido, who burned them to the ground as they pushed ber past unhappy limit.

The main forces advance towards Central Europe and the new targets of Berlin and Warsaw. German forces are exhausted from the wars against Sweden and Poland we got them involved in. While Poles had to fight another two front war against the Germans and Russians. Yes, we paid for those too ;) That history, it loves reasserting itself, doesn't it? We anticipate only token German resistance and much fiercer one from the Poles but attacked from the west and south east task force and weakened from multiple wars they will fall as well.

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As you know six other civilizations (Poland, Carthage, Sweden, Mongolia, Portugal and Russia ) have completed the Apollo Program, but only the English have been able to put any parts in orbit, namely two booster rockets. They are also vying with Russia for technology supremacy of the world. Our gambit to leverage a Great Scientific breakthrough into instant Pentagon construction was foiled by Liz building it first. This love of geometric shaped buildings cannot be tolerated, especially in a communist nation like England. We need the Pentagon, or even Octagon if we can build one! I have delayed major upgrades of our armed forces waiting for that damn building, but now decided to go ahead, upgrade our forces and aquire it by other means.

We have declared war on England and Germany, those two hotbeds of International Communism. Don't forget that Engels and the Marx Brothers are from those countries. It is much earlier than original Plan called for, as we just wanted to swipe her capital together with other coastal ones, but this situation is too serious now. It will be much harder to sail an invasion fleet to British shores but we need to slow down her space program at any cost. Or do We, Dr. Moriarte? We have denounced her, and involved her in wars with William, Nappy and Morocco. Our first strike liberated the City State of Valetta, and captured 80% of the naval task force stationed there, including two diesel submarines, the first ones in our fleets. We need more to protect our vulnerable carriers. Naval detachment of ASF uncovered the secrets of Atomic theory and as soon as we received the documents I ordered construction of Assyrian Manhattan Project (MP). That's just a code name, it really is just a plan to develop atomic weapons. Next target: Zaragoza, her Spanish colony, and hopefully another breakthrough technology. The units were enroute to Spain with intention of taking Madrid from Maria, but that will have to wait now.

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Waiting for Refrigeration to finish before taking Valetta, I have been min-maxing Assyrian UA like this whenever possible.

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With the recent discoveries of Rocketry by ASF in ruins of captured German cities, a bold plan to invent satellites and construct a space based orbiting telescope was hatched. We will show the world that Assyrians are not just best fighters but lovers of pure science too. Just between you and me, we don't care about pure science, only the applied kind, and the telescope will be used to spy on our enemies and any great scientific minds developed in this program put to work on Stealth.

Just in case anyone doubts our peace loving, but warlike nature , we intend to propose a Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty at the next available UN session. Of course, in the mean time we will complete the MP and buy as many nuclear warheads as our uranium and cash stockpiles will allow. Yossarian's old friend Milo M. Has been put in charge of the whole project after proposing an ingenious plan called Atoms for Peace, which basically involved Assyria purchasing any and all uranium available at the open market by any civilization. This was a top secret pan and in effect for over thirty years now. Milo being Milo, got us a very attractive price of one gpt per tonne of Uranium, but now the details must have leaked and we are forced to pay exorbitant sums. Hope it will pay off in the end. (you can see the end of the original Atoms for Peace program in screen number two)

As far as possible negative repercussions of our ongoing conquests, that are of particular concern to Dr.JS9001, we continue to use same diplomatic tactics as before. Common denouncements, DoFs where possible, strategic WC proposals and support of friendly proposals and WC relocations. Denouncements before DoW with few years to let our allies jump on the bandwagon, and of course NEVER breaking any promises to move troops from borders (we just suck it up and invade) or invading friendly nations or denouncing them. Picking targets that are unpopular for now has also helped. But at the same time the diplomatic repercussions accumulate. Cathy is the only Comunist leader we enjoy friendly relations with. Every other leader save fellow Autocrats is Guarded and warning us about our aggressive behavior. We are fully expecting some kind of response but hope it will be limited to communist nations and those we intend to conquer anyway.

You can see how much our diplomatic standing deterirated in screen four.

The Carthaginian question as Dr.Moriarte points out remains unresolved. But I am hoping that the alliance will hold till the last moment when nuclear warheads detonate over Carthage and the World will be Assyrian. In meantime we appease her, don't involve her in any of our wars hoping she will finish the job in Italy. After TWENTY successful liberations of Rome, AC has been pushed back out of the leg of the boot, and Venice his new capital is hanging by a thread, once it falls I will make sure he gets a peace deal and I can avoid war with him, instead take Rome, Venice and Carthage on last turn.

As you can see in the background of some of those screens, Carthaginian navy despite our breakneck naval buildup, is many times our size, controlling all of western and central Med, and any engagement now would delay other conquests. If i see three or more SS parts, that will change the equation, but with so many cities she took and a bunch i fed her and i intend to feed her more, her tech rate cratered, and her happiness as well. I think she can wait till the end.
And the relatively compact British Empire with higher tech rate is why i felt i needed to act now. Hopefully her conquest of William and Nappy will slow her down while my fleet makes its way there.

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This is a really interesting game! Everyone just has such huge armies on this difficulty. How did you get your income so high when you were disbanding troops before hand in order to keep it afloat?
I think he was disbanding troops because the population that could be turned into units reached its limit. Also, as you can see in CountAccountant's thread I am a Dr., in fact the Dean of Oxford University of American Sweden. Also, that's a lot of city state allies in screen number 3, and where's Yossarian right now?
He was setting up his battery to shell Munich, but the enterprising Poles have swiped it, and I am in a bit of a pickle, need another city to rebase my air force and the front lines are already out of bomber range. I will do another update from Yossarian's perspective, I just learned how to rename units, but it's hard to get experience for him, front moves too fast now.

The city states are leftovers from my Autocracy World Ideology vote, I let them fall away now, but will compete for them with upcoming targets. So lets say before attacking Poland I will take his allies, and hopefully deprive him of some strategic resources and maybe push him into unhappiness. Also it provides useful distraction and wastes AI resources.

Yes Dr.JS9001 is correct, I only had cash flow problems few times, and even then science can cover the shortfall, I never had to disband a unit for that reason. I was bumping against military unit support limit, you can see what it is in the military screen, and it's based on city numbers and population. Most of my gold is from citizens 758 , then city connections 248, then trade routes 163, and maybe 120 in payments from AI. Unit and building maintenance are 90% of my expenses and about even with 33% unit cost reduction in Autocracy.
...waits patiently for the concluding chapter...

Spoiler :
I took a crack at this, but only on immortal, and i went with epic game speed. Probably a mistake because the game took forever. At the end i was making tea and whatnot between turns. That said on a big map like this the extra time in each era allows you to make more use of a tech lead.

Anyway, game was pretty smooth sailing for the most part. Assyria shines on big maps because the warmonger hate isn't so harsh when you assimilate a few cities, so techs come quickly from the UA. Hardest part is moving the troops around. Gets quite annoying.

Seige towers got me an early win over Persia, then Arabia who was tough with camel archers. Had to get a lot of cbows. Egypt after that then Suleiman. Kept Nebby as a mate for a long time. Once i had artillery i went for Catherine who was running away with it in the north. Massive army but no ranged, so was quite straightforward.

After that, went back for Nebby, then once i had bombers started three wars. Air forces moved into Byzantium, Greece, Rome. Land troops headed west into Poland and Germany. Navy went for Carthage and was heading for Portugal and Morocco.

Xcoms made the last wars easy. But, i got a diplo win by default around turn 450 1850AD. Would have the remaining two caps, Portugal and Morocco, within 10 turns as my super promoted army was just about to strike.

Commerce + autocracy let me stay happy and buy a large triple promoted army. Big help was faith, which got me the GS to bulb late techs to stealth. Science was pretty mediocre throughout. Consulates is a joke with so many CS.

Great map.
...waits patiently for the concluding chapter...

Great map.[/SPOILER]

I just can't find time to write it, it will be two chapters though. One as Yossarian and one conclusion, whatever that may be. Yes consulates are very strong, but also science from CS allies. I never used it as I usually don't compete for CS on deity, but here since I had to compete to get autocracy world ideology i went for it and it helped a lot.

Never used XCom before but my closing strategy depends on it, I didn't have the luxury of 450 turns ;) how did you do it so fast?

I have an idea for an epic immortal culture game on similar map but I am afraid of turn times. I did dishes, laundry, read, made dinner etc.
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