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1.17f Problems/Bug Reports

Originally posted by loki

I got one in a standard game. This is the new patch 1.17. I don't think it's a bug.


[Mr Burns Voice] EXCELLENT! [/Mr Burns Voice]

I also got back to back settlers in the same game! :goodjob:

I LIKE this new patch!!!
Originally posted by Sid Amazing
I have notice it now takes 40 turns to complete the first tech (in ver 1.17f), this is different to the other versions. Come on Faxis is this a new rule we should know about?....


What I mean by this is that it takes 40 turns to complete this first TECH no matter what % is assigned to science. So if you start a new game and then select a TECH and the increase your % on science (F1 screen)to 100% it still took 40 turns. For example I had 3 citys producing a total of 15 science units, but it was still took 40 turns to complete that first tech. After that it when back to normal say every 10-15 turns (for a new tech)... So I checked with v1.16f and its different you can reduce the number of turns to obtain that first tech, but not in v1.17f...

As anybody else seen this with v1.17f, with the first tech only...
Hmmm, my first posting from Beijing and its about annoying stuff in 1.17f, oh well.

My game tend to crash when changing era after I installed 1.17f. I notice that is caused by editing the Babarian tribes name. Now the program only accept 76 lines in babarian names so if you add one you need to remove an old one. This is ok, but the editor would not inform you about the error unless you go to the Civilization tab (I open my old .bic file and update some unit info without going to the civilization tab at first and no error but my game crash when changing era :p ). However, if you go to the Civilization tab the editor will not allow you to quit if you have more than 76 lines in the barbarian names.

I also notice that somehow the Civ manage to contact some of the other Civs over deep sea even before the Lighthouse after 1.17f.
Great Post, meu amigo!

You are absolutely right! We are here because we love Civilization (the whole series)... it is just that i can't understand how some people get into here just to flame Civ, and/or Civlovers like most of us.

Keep sharing your opinions! I may disagree sometimes, but there is allways something valuable in everybodies thought.

Muchos saludos desde Sudamerica,

Resurrected from Little Round Top, Gettysburg, PA

Originally posted by Silvagem

My dear CivFan Padma, this is nothing personal, but let me clarify a few things with you.

Let me first thank you for letting me know how to calculate 50%. Just kidding! :)

I did those calculations, because I know that most people only scan these messages, and most of the time they are not up to make any calculations, because they are in a hurry. So I tried to be as clear as possible.

Perhaps I was “too” clear. In that case, I’m sorry for that.
I didn’t want to call anyone “stupid” or something. But I must apologize if I felt you feel like that. It was not my intention.

However, you are giving me more reasons to proceed in that way, because your were in such a hurry to reply to me, that you didn’t even put my phrase in its own context, and worst, you didn’t even saw the reply to it a few lines down.

So it seems to have been hurry! Didn’t I tell you ;)

But the implementation of specialists Citizens allocation is a very weird one. At the very least, we don’t have absolutely any means to now how much (either money or science) we are making out of them, and perhaps that is why we don’t seem to see any bug on how it’s being managed.

People only seem to complain from what they see. It’s easier. And we certainly believe our own eyes the most.

I try to make an effort to see a bit further (having a software background), by doing some tests, and bringing the results of those tests here so that people might confirm, or not, my problems. Sharing this knowledge is all this forum is about, right?

However I might be wrong, and that is why every opinion, like yours, is very useful. But it is only useful, if you answer my problem. If you *only* complain about how the problem was presented you are not being helpful, and people like me, might be retracted from posting them, being afraid of such judgements like yours… :(

Besides, the forum is to discuss ideas about Civ, not if you like me to write in a style or another. That’s what I think. But again it’s just my opinion. You don’t have to share it, but it would be reasonable to ask you to respect it, wouldn’t it? :)

Long Live Civilization! :)
That’s why we are all here after all.
Originally posted by Dark Sheer

I also notice that somehow the Civ manage to contact some of the other Civs over deep sea even before the Lighthouse after 1.17f.

seen that, too..... and Galley can end turn in ocean squares even before navigation now.... I always assumed the AI got lucky there but now I watched one praked close to my coast in deep water for 7 (!) turns in a row (btw: I had the Lighthouse,too), then it happily came to the shore, picked up a leader from my neighbours territory, and went to cross the 30 tile ocean.... I guess it arrived savely since the Russians suddenly rushed Leonardos.... :(
I installed this patch over 1.16. After installing I loaded a saved game - huge map - 16 civs. I could only get about three turns to run every 1/2 hour. In my first turn I set almost all of my settlers to automated, but the big lag was between turns. I exited that game and it crashed to windows with a memory error.
I then started a map on a large world with max civs - 12, I think. It started ok. about ten seconds between turns, but after getting about ten advances I noticed that the game kept getting slower and slower. To the point where just clicking on the advisors button would take ten seconds.
While in the advisors screen I looked at the culture advisor. It took about twenty seconds for this screen to come up.
I then went to exit the game. It took two minutes just to get back to windows and my HDD kept running for another minute after that.
I think that there are some major memory problems with this patch. I didn't have these problems pre-1.17f.
One note - it shouldn't matter, but I have installed the game on a partitioned drive - not the Windows drive. I also have an AMD 475 w/ 128 MD SDRAM.

I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Please check your PM.

For the rest of the Civ world: The snippet I responded to (the rest had already been well-covered) sounded to me like he was complaining that increasing his spending by 50% increased his spending by 50%. He has pointed out I misunderstood him, and I have apologized.

I do NOT come here to flame Civ and/or Civers. I WILL point out what I see as flaws in logic. I may be wrong on occasion, but then I am human (I have the DNA tests to prove it!:D).
Originally posted by Killer

seen that, too..... and Galley can end turn in ocean squares even before navigation now.... I always assumed the AI got lucky there but now I watched one praked close to my coast in deep water for 7 (!) turns in a row (btw: I had the Lighthouse,too), then it happily came to the shore, picked up a leader from my neighbours territory, and went to cross the 30 tile ocean.... I guess it arrived savely since the Russians suddenly rushed Leonardos.... :(
I see the ocean going galley all the time. I have seen AI galleys *patrolling* in ocean squares : this is one nasty bug which has been rampant since 1.07f. Somehow, magically after navigation, the galleys can sail in ocean squares ? :mad:
FIRAXIS :whipped: Fix this !
And please do not improve :rolleyes: the AI again in the new patch by lowering the tech value.

Originally posted by Melinder
My post-patch game seems to have mixed up the text files, so that about a third of the words on the screen are out of place, e.g. where it should say year, it says something like "turns until next...". Instead of "B.C.", it says "War time, argument undefined" or something. In diplomacy, I don't know what I"m trading, because after what should be gold amounts, it says some other gobbledegook instead of "gold" or "gold per turn". Instead of saying "english warrior", it says "nation gender warrior". Etc.

Any help would be appreicated. I'm upgrading from 1.16.
This happens if you are using the 1.16 executable after the 1.17 patch.
I have a question

I started the a new game with the new patch 1.17f. Then I destroyed to nations in the game and I didn`t believe, THEY RELIVED again on another starting location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it a bug or didn`t I read the preferences for the v1.17f?????


Just to counterbalance for anyone reading this and feeling they should definitely not install 1.17f, it's working perfectly for me.

It did overwrite my .bic and my civilopedia text files, but I reentered my mod, including adding back three units, and now all my old save games are working and everything else seems peachy. Stacked movement is a life saver and the fact that four workers will jump to polluted squares is also making a HUMONGOUS difference. I feel like I've been liberated from the bane of micromanagement!

Thanks Firaxis.

P.S. Sorry for all those having problems.
Originally posted by Baron Rakkan
I have a question

I started the a new game with the new patch 1.17f. Then I destroyed to nations in the game and I didn`t believe, THEY RELIVED again on another starting location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it a bug or didn`t I read the preferences for the v1.17f?????


Yes, this is perfectly normal. It's been there since day 1. It's called "respawning" and the defeated AI will respawn on the same continent unless there is no space left.

Originally posted by rockhpi
When a city goes into unrest, the shield production is suspended until you quiet down the rioters. Since the patch, I've noticed food does this too! No matter what the food production was before the rioting, when I open a rioting city's screen, it shows zero population growth (no extra food production). It makes it impossible to tell if I'll be starving people out by making an entertainer.


This really pisses me off as well. Also when you right click on the city that is in disorder, and select "Disorder Report" The option "Give them some entertainment" doesn't pop up. This is real annoying.
Patch? I thought this was the third public beta?

Who needs QA, when you've got fanatical Civ fans that will pay
to test your product?

Seriously, I really like the game, and this patch has worked fine
for me so far (only one crash), but it does feel like it is
not quite ready for release. Even after the second patch.
At least Firaxis is making the patches, now they just need
to be honest about who is really QAing them.

Then, once they have the expansion pack out and they
have made all the money they can, they should release
the source and call it OpenCiv.
OK, thanks to anyone who posted regarding the font weirdness. I did some testing and wanted to let people know I figured it out. I was lucky to have a friend with Civ3 who was having the exact same problem and we tested it together. To make a long story short, the problem has to do with the LucidaSansRegular font - by removing this one font from our systems it corrected the text errors on both our systems. Text appears exactly like it did when I first loaded Civ3. Thanks again for the help from this forum!
Originally posted by BillChin
I have another strange bug to report. This one has to do with research and may best be described as the magic tech tree. I am playing mid game as a small peaceful Republic. After finishing a certain tech, the box comes up with the various techs to research and the number of turns to complete. However, in several cases, a certain path through the tree made for much faster research. For example, for Chemistry it showed 36 turns to complete. But, by doing Democracry first (I think), Chemistry came down to like 11 turns. I did not move the research slider!
The cost of a tech comes down as more civs know it. AI civs learned this tech while you were researching the other one so the cost was much lower when you got back to it.
Originally posted by Padma
I apologize for any misunderstanding.
Please check your PM.

Dear CivFan Padma, off course you are apologized. :)
When good sense prevails, we are always happy.
CivFans should always be friends! :)

Now, just a little thing that is “bugging” me: what is PM???
I’m not being stupid or joking. I really don’t know. :crazyeyes

Remember, not all people here are Americans (I’m Portuguese), so sometimes your jargon and abbreviations catch me by surprise. :)

Is it Personal Mail? If it is I already checked my email, and I haven’t got any message from you… and I can’t send you any message either, because you haven’t a public email address, so…

CivFans, I’m sorry for putting this personal talk here, but I have no other means… :(
City Goveners still make workers... Even after I set it to NEVER build workers... This bug is STILL here and is ANNOYING AS EVER! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fix this bug!

It appears to happen when:
I tell it to NOT make units (land, air, water) and all the city improvements are completed. Instead of switching to wealth it makes WORKERS!

Please, please, please go in and change the script so that NEVER build workers is NEVER make any more wokers!!!!

*buried in a mountain of dang WORKERS...*
Sorry, Silvagem. I thought of that after I posted, and hoped you would understand.

PM is Private Message. If you look at the buttons above each message, you will see 'profile', 'pm', 'email', etc.

To read a Private Message, click on the 'user cp' button at the top of the page. PMs will be listed on that page. Works much like email, but uses vB Code and is only within the confines of the site.
Same problem as Delar. With the new patch, when I tell a city to produce wealth, it forgets after every turn. Very tiresome after a while.

Am I missing something obvious about how to avoid this problem?
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