1000 Clues You're Anticipating Civ5 Too Much

148: You read all this post BEFORE even watching the screenshots as a diagnosis measure
149: You realize that in fact, you are actually expecting CiV way too much to survive the screenshots
150: You really don't care about your life, only about CiV
152) you fear that some one has rule 34'ed Civ V, but then decide it might be awesome :D
18. The number of civilizations in Civilization V!

You spend an hour or two making a chart of possible civs we'd see in Civ V, based on historically what civs were in the previous games, determining the chances you'll see a certain civ in the new game, and update the chart almost hourly. Heh.

you forgot the hebrews, weren't they added in one of the civ3 expansion packs?
156) You hope Catherine looks even more CivIVish in Civ V
158) You study the screenshots over and over and look for a clue to what will be featured in ciV.
159) When you first saw ciV was announced your day was automatically the best day of your life (since the release of Civ4 Bts).
160) You just can't play previous civ games because ciV looks too awesome.
161) you are already wondering when they will announce the price and system requirements, just so you can save up till september
162) you are also wondering what day it comes out on, just so you can plan a 'sick' day ;)
164) You participate in stupid "1000 clues" threads. :rolleyes:
165) You make post-it notes reminding you to make the "1000 Clues You Play ciV Too Much" thread.

166) You visit threads like this one at least five times a day because it somehow satisfies your Civ V itch. (Guilty!)

167) You are annoyed at Firaxis because they haven't supplied any more information about the game, even though it's been FOUR WHOLE DAYS since the original announcement.

168) You'd be grateful even for rumours and flow-of-consciousness musings from people at Firaxis.

169) You start to wonder if there's someone at Firaxis one could bribe or threaten into giving *some kind* of insider dope.

170) You get seriously annoyed at other posters because they would like other things to be in Civ V than you would.
144) You wake up in the middle of the night from a dream wherein the entire basis of Civ5 turned out to be a John Lennon lyric ("Imagine there's no countries... And no religion too...")

:lol: Great reference!

171. Baba Yetu keeps playing over and over in your head...
173. You arrange Baba Yetu for full orchestra, record it, and send it in to Firaxis as a suggestion for main menu music.

174. You learn a whole bunch of history from leading all the "What civs/leaders should be in Civ V?" threads.
175. You suddenly find yourself modding Battle for Wesnoth to plan your CiV tactics
176. You even take screenshots of every cIV unit to use 'em as your BfW's units graphics
177. You wait until each unit animates to copy even that!
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