1000 Clues youve been playing Civilization 3 too much

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I hope this is 92 - I hope that not another one will be snuck in - remember...?

92 - You pummel your kids with military troops because they're resisting against your rule

93 - You build a Adeduct in your house to grow beyond pop 6

94 - You turn your first-aid kit into a hospital to grow into a metropolitis

95 - You went to a movie theather and saw a Modern Ages Joan look-alike in a military movie - but it wasn't really there.
97 - You look in an almanac and look at each country's government and start thinking all the monarchy and communist countries must be warmongers.
98 - You beleive spearmen realy win against modern armor so you try it out.

99 - You win.
100- You're currently waiting for a real life multiplayer expansion pack so that you can venture outside your own home.

101- You're obsessed with always being honest so that you don't ruin your reputation.

102- You hire a foreign advisor to tell you everything about other people that you've met.
103- You actually try to order The Great Books from amazon.com

104-you tell your girlfriend she won't be getting a birthday gift because a rivials spy sabatoged the production.

105- you are searching the net for a better graphics package for your life.
106- it distresses you to realize that a trip on a "real" railroad actually takes up some time.

107- you can't understand how the city you live in gets by as there are no mines anywhere!

108- you instantly want to attack anyone wearing white.
107 Your getting low on food so you give the kids rakes and tell them to start irrigating the back yard.
108- not sure if this has been said yet but: when you divide your house and land into grids with paint so you can build your next town in a good spot
109 You offer your neighbor your world map and 40 gold for him to teach you 'Computers'
111 If you decide the only way you can bring happiness into the house and end the revolt is if you buy more luxuries, specifically wines, furs or gems!
112 You sit arround all day in your dumpy appartment waiting for someone to tell you that you can upgrade your "Palace". Pretty soon their going to have to make this "the 2000 clues...":lol:
112- Your nextdoor neighbour is getting a pool for summer, you class It as a great wonder and you sabotage the production. So you are culturally superior to the enemy.
To all the moderators... How big has 1 posting gotten in 24 hours? Here we are at 112 rules, 72 postings and over 720 viewings in 23 hours and 45 minutes.
yep, best thread ever!:lol:

114- you know you'll have to pay your rent in 2 turns because your calendar works in turns....

115- when you rename the city you have just moved in by changing all the signs at the entry of the city

116- you dont want friends that are Zulu because you think they are more likely to backstab you

117- you just want your female friends to be french

118-you dont work too hard at the job because you dont want to cause pollution....

119-you think that in real life you would have 50 % of chance of surviving a nuclear attack

120-you think that when the US finished the Manhattan project it gave the secret to the nuclear weapon to all civs on Earth including Perou, Tuvalu, Ethiopia, Thailand, and even Vatican...

121- you think South Africa rule the world because Koffi Annan is the president of the UN

122- you think you home will expand if you watch jeopardy

and the last will be :
1000 - you read all the 1000 posts!!!!!
You guys really think this is a good post... I thought it would be just some fun.

123- You start to think that maybe george bush is going to war for WORLD DOMINATION.
124 When you buy/have a second apartment and you start referring to it as your Forbidden Palace.
125- you remove all the unercarry keys from your keyboard - that is the ones not needed for playing civ3
126- you had to send your CIV III CD to Firaxis in the USA because it cracked and your addiction has got you to shake,sweat and not sleeping (real):cry:
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