1000 ways you know you've played Civ2 too much when...

5167: You're nowhere near the game, but you still have the theme music (or more than one) stuck in your head ( going on right now).

5168. You made a copy of Civ2 CD and you put it in the CD-reader in your car in order to listen Civ2 music while driving.

5169. You write down the name of a city you've heard about in order to add it in city.txt file.

5170. When you heard about cities like Naples, Cremona or even Salzburg, you think "what a lack of imagination! They already names all their cities"

5171. You spend a lot of time reding the 5000 reasons listed before and you laugh after some of them because you know you are in this case
5172. You own a collection of DVD full of Civ2 saves since 1996.

5173. You wonder why there is so much police stations in the US, they became obsolete with the UN.
5180 > You get fired from your job, and your very angry with your boss. and you say "I have decided to rid the world of your worthless corperation, Prepair for WAR!"

5181 > you get into a disagreement with your neighbour, and you make a scenario about it!
5184:You wonder why most of the posts have only one reason.
5185:Then you realise it's because they're writing in the computer's turn
5186:You wonder how they write at all, because yours is less than one second
5187:You haven't posted on this thread
5188:You don't know this thread exists
5189:You wonder why most of the posts have only one reason.
5190:Then you realise it's because they're writing in the computers turn
5191:You wonder how they write at all, because yours is less than one second
5192:You haven't posted on this thread
5193:You don't know this thread exists
5189:You didn't notice I repeated the last 4 reasons
5190: You tell your parents your using an "ICS" strategy at school, and they shouldn't expect you to write anything longer than a paragraph, though you will write several thousand book reports a day.

5191: You think your town should sell the library to close the budget gap.

5192: You refuse to stand next to a Chinese man on the subway, saying that "We aren't allied with them" and citing "Zones of control."

5193: You think the reason South Korea hasn't started a nuclear war is because they don't have enough eingeneers to clean up the pollution.

5194: You think the reason the US lost in Iraq is "Too many Marines, not enough Howies."
5195: The real reason the US is struggling in Iraq is because it's conquest created a lot of Partisans but the Shiite ones are making war on the Sunni ones, and a bunch of renegade Fanatics are running around too. Aside from Fallujah, the US is too timid to level cities with Howies.
The capture of the captial caused the Iraqi empire to split into not two, but 3 factions. The loyalists and one of the other two factions (shia) are Enraged. They both have plenty of partisans and are producing fanatics at an amazing rate. Furthermore, the shia faction has an alliance with Persians who have been Hostile for nearly 30 years though there has not been any open warfare.

The Americans are stuck in Democracy and barely managed the senate to go along with the Iraq war. Meanwhile their once prosperous treasury is being drained quickly and they may have to resort to selling infrastructure soon.

All this activity has been nothing short of a blessing for the fundamentalist Persians who have used the opportunity to build up and modernize their beaten up forces and swell their treasury. Foreign advisor reports that the tech they are currently pursuing is Nuclear Fission. Given that they already have Rocketry and that Americans built Manhattan long time ago, their building of a nuclear missile is only a matter of time. Americans who are too broke to finish up researching Laser tech and build SDIs are understandably worried.
Magic_gorter, congradulations on your new settler. I hope s/he finds a 4-special site to build a new prosperous city when the time comes.
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