Random Rants VI: See, this is why we can't have nice things!

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I'm bored! :(
I would be the one to get sick before 4th of July and my first day of work. I'd better get healthy soon, I really don't want to miss that pancake breakfast. :sad:
The static's even worse.

It sounds like some sort of fly's in there. And what a wonder: Those headphones were what I got for selling magazines! LOL! Cheap piece of crap!
Our "democracy" is nothing but a joke, A BAD JOKE, a estructure were politicians are nothing but a leecherous elite who use the resources of the governament for their own benefits while being deaf to the complaints of the common people. Voting is not falcutative, it's obrigatory! I love my country, but I hate my governament and I frankly believe that our governament, our politicians and our current president, they should all catch a horrible, painful disease and slowly die die die die die DIEEEE!

I wish a Anarcho-Capitalism took over my country. We Brazilians have a hard-working people, I think we would do better without a governament, though. We have semi-Norway taxes and South Africa services. A free-market anarchy would provide much better services. If I could, I would get the . .. .. .. . off my contry. Can't live like a dign, just, honest guy here. You either are . .. .. .. .ing rich or you continually live in terror, scared by crime and being robbed by those mo.............ers in the governament at the same time. Wish I could make this lame hole better, but the only option it seems I have is to get out of here when I can.
@Slaughter: Your country sounds a lot like the USA...
The stupid rednecks across the way are shooting off fireworks, and it's really loud and annoying. Wait until tommorw, dummies!!
I don't think I can cough up enough money (excluding loans, which I don't plan on getting) to go to the college that I want to go to.
@Slaughter: Your country sounds a lot like the USA...

It's Brazil, a country I'm sure you might have heard of. I'm TIRED of this country. I wish I could leave and that this country would burn to hell after that. I wish I could do something to change it, to make it better... but I'm just some loser. There is no hope for Brazil. The only thing I could do is find a way to go to somewhere decent, where people actually have rights, decent lifes, pay realistic taxes and can live decent lifes without being terrorized by crime or the state.
Sorry, but this is Earth. There is no such place.
It's gonna be $700 to replace my computer! :mad:

Before rebates though. :p

Do you use it to drive to work?

I need to go for my run but these stupid jerkface neighbors are lighting off fireworks that scare my doggie. And I can't go without my doggie. :(
I got what I think is a cold right before 4th of July. Bleh.
Sorry, but this is Earth. There is no such place.

From what I heard, Scandinavian countries are quite decent. A little high on the tax side, but the governament usually expends it to help people. They are small and quite away, which means no wars or too many people. I wish I could go to, say Finland, and forget my country once and for all. I own nothing to this place.
I missed the very last thread I would have chance to have. :(

So long now.
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