Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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Oct 15, 2003
The Dream

Old thread is at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=411642

I haven't seen any new movie lately, but am wondering what people thought of The Raven... I think it has been shown on cinemas (i might be mistaken though).
carnage. 9/10, a movie you can watch multiple times and you'll still find various new aspects of the conversations.

mis fortunates. 7.5/10 dutch movie, very moving story of a a boy's struggle with his white trash family

iron sky
: funny at times. 6.5/10

the woman in black. 6.5/10, horror movie with harry potter, very solid, loved the inside look of the haunted house.
^ It's actually based off of a book. I'm not making assumptions yet; I ended up liking Cowboys and Aliens.

Just saw Moonrise Kingdom. Hilarious and had three of my favorite actors, and well as some of the best filmography I've ever seen. 9/10

Also saw 21 Jump Street, the plot didn't really come together at the end. Still funny. 8/10
Dark Shadows. It was a decent film, though it struggled to decide whether it wanted to be a comedy or a dark and serious vampire/witch film.
Airplane! Absolutely hilarious, laughed almost the whole way through. 4/5
I saw Last of the Mohicans last Saturday. Now I know, movies based on books rarely follow the book closely, but this was miserable. Hawkeye, one of the biggest characters in the book, was erased from the whole thing! And they made Heyward out to be a(n) ****. It was dreadful. The only good thing about the movie was the music, the rest was awful.

Also, I saw the last half of Dracula (1958). It was cornier than a corn field. It didn't embrace the cornyness, but it was corny. That said, it was better than that other movie I watched.
Watched 1911 Revolution last night. It was... Not so good. The battle scenes were okay, but the bits in between were just Jackie Chan (I forget the character's name) glowering dramatically into the middle-distance, and Sun Yat-sen (I forget the actor's name) making passionately vacuous speeches at anyone who would listen. The only decent non-battle bits were the stuff with the imperial court and Yuan Shikai, which somehow managed to develop a bit of personality and dramatic weight that the alleged hero completely failed to do.
Sure DC, a curious concept. Yet, once you get about 20 seconds into the trailer it gets extremely boring and quickly; this is the trailer! The advert for the entire film, so it should get your heart pumping and your jaw dropping..It does neither. I hate it already!
Ghostrider 2 Spirit Vengeance and I like Nicolas Cage
Obe the Last Samurai or aka Codename Fox Last battle in Pacific
and Gundam Seed all 50 episodes and still have Seed Destiny another 50 episodes
Spartacus blood & sand second season
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