4th Open Game preparado

For players accomplished this task. The first part is based on 1AD save. Basically I am gonna summarize each player indepandant on the the others. But some points are put together. So here we start (at the order of leaving save) ...

Basic info:
Managed to found 5 cities. 2 of them seem to be strong. The cities produce 50 beakers without loosing coins. The production equals 30 hammers. Giaur runs Representation and Slavery. Giaur has medium military. Cities mobilized to produce army. 1 great person was born by far.

5,5 buildings in all cities (monument – 0,5 value)
The Pyramids
The Great Lighthouse

Most advanced techs:

Currently working on Metal Casting
4 workers are improving the tiles.
No cottages.

Giaur managed to found Hinduism and his state religion is hinduism. G.Khan adopted hinduism too.

Diplomacy and trade:
Trade route possible with Khan. Open borders is signed. Asoka has been met. No wars by far.
Giaur possess Copper, Iron ans Stone.

Basic info:
Managed to found 3 cities. 2 cities were taken by conquest. 2 of the cities seem to be strong. The cities produce 37 beakers without loosing coins. The production equals 38 hammers. Shyuhe runs Slavery. Shyuhe has quite strong military. Cities mobilized to produce army. 2 great persons were born by far.

17 buildings in all cities (monument – 0,5 value)
No wonders

Most advanced techs:

Currently working on Construction
5 workers are improving the tiles.
3 cottages are being worked.

Shyuhe managed to found Taoism and his state religion is taoism. G.Khan adopted taoism too.

Diplomacy and trade:
Trade route possible with Khan, but open borders is not signed (due to early war). No other civs met. One invasion towards G.Khan.
Shyuhe possess Copper and Iron.

Basic info:
Managed to found 4 cities. 2 of them seem to be strong. The cities produce 32 beakers without loosing coins. The production equals 22 hammers. Mrchadt runs Slavery and Organized Religion. Mrchadt has medium military. Cities mobilized to produce buildings. 1 great persons was born by far.

10 buildings in all cities (monument – 0,5 value)
The Oracle
The Church of Nativity

Most advanced techs:

Currently working on Mathematics
2 workers are improving the tiles.
No cottages.

Mrchadt managed to found Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity and his state religion is christianity. G.Khan adopted christianity too.

Diplomacy and trade:
No trade routes are possible. Khan and Asoka have been met. No wars.
Mrchadt possess Copper and Iron.

Basic info:
Managed to found 5 cities. All of these cities seem to be strong. The cities produce 63 beakers without loosing coins. The production equals 40 hammers. Oyzar runs Slavery. Oyzar has strong military. Cities mobilized to produce both army and buildings. No great person was born by far.

15 buildings in all cities (monument – 0,5 value)
No wonders

Most advanced techs:

Currently working on Alphabet
5 workers are improving the tiles.
11 cottages are being worked.

No religions were found by Oyzar. And both Oyzar and G.Khan have no state religion. Asoka managed to found hinduism.

Diplomacy and trade:
Trade route possible with Khan and open borders is signed. Asoka has been met. No wars.
Oyzar possess Copper and Stone.

The first part of the first part is finished. Now I will focus on few aspects that connected players or not ...
The second part:
1) Research path (might have made mistakes due to tribal villages):
Giaur: Polytheism -> A.Husbandry -> Mining -> Archery
Shyuhe: Fishing -> A.Husbandry -> Mining -> B.Working
Mrchadt: Polytheism -> Mining -> B.Working -> Fishing
Oyzar: Agriculture -> Mining -> B.Working -> The Wheel

All players were armed before 2500BC. Some with bows other with axes. Noone was lucky enough to pop IronWorking from Goodie Hut :)

2) City Placement
In general there were only few placements identical in at least 2 players games:

a) copper city. Personally avoided this placement, cause remembered in Worldbuilder (while analising starting conditions, not for personal benefit OFCZ) where Copper was.

Shyuhe and Mrchadt put the city in that place:

b) fish&gold city:

Giaur and Oyzar put the city in that place.

c) stone city

Giaur and Oyzar put the city in that place

d) ivory city

Giaur and Mrchadt put the city in that place

Great report there. I'm very impressed. Maybe if we start another game all players can submit the order they researched early technologies. I think this will help me get a good idea of how I can improve my start.
ps, I did in fact fouond Confucialism. I took christianity from the oracle with the idea of using theocracy to improve my military, I could have taken CoL or MC or Monarchy. I'm not sure what I should have taken here as a big trouble with growing my cities was health. Builing on the copper had its benifits, I didn't need roads to link up the copper.
As I tried to run a specialist economy I really should have pushed hard to get the Pyramids, the placement of the stone, gold, pig city in 2 of the others games was very good, unfortunatly I couldn't go there as Ghengis had a city too close.
What is the opinion when this happens? Should I try to amass some military and take out his city to place mine in the better spot or just settle for a poor city just to get the resource. I think I had 2 reasonable cities by then and IW so maybe I should have been thinking about taking out his cities rather then placing mine in poor places. Also I think I should have made that my second city as gold, stone and pigs make for a very nice city. But I wrongly thought it was too far away from my capital.
Thankyou to all who submitted there games, I enjoy comparing how others play, it makes the game much more interesting.
Keep up the good work.
you can see the log of the reasearch path of different ppl. Dont remember how now though. Giaur obviously did this when he determined early reaserch path.
Excelent start. Very big continent (4 AI's). Rivers and grasslands. For cottage spamming. Monarch. Plenty space for founding cities. I hope this will encourage you to try new game on more fair conditions.

The second part of writeup will be ready till monday's morning ...


  • Giaur BC-4000.CivWarlordsSave
    77.1 KB · Views: 71
It's playable. This time cottage economy :)

And some proof ...

Spoiler :



  • Giaur AD-0001.CivWarlordsSave
    195.4 KB · Views: 61
  • Giaur AD-1000.CivWarlordsSave
    245.3 KB · Views: 51
I'm playing this monarch one. It seems very playable. However, are we allowed to trade resources and open borders? I'm assuming yes, since you only said no 'tech trade'.. but I opened borders to spread religion already. So maybe I didn't obey the rules...

So far the game is going well though. Lots of good commerce, haven't made a good military city yet though. I'll update with save etc later.

This is my 1 AD save. Comments in spoiler~
Spoiler :
Ok, it turns out we have a rediculous amount of happiness (ivory/gold/charismatic/spiritual). I did a strange build since brennes doesn't have good starting techs for worker first. So I did settler and research meditation instead. Got lucky and founded buddhism. First city founded near gold to spike up research. I've founded 4 cities total and am about to declare war on mehmed II. I ended up making one city with farms/ a couple mines to whip out elephants and cats. I'm not sure what mehmeds tech situation is because I don't have alphabet yet (1 turn...). Lots of big cities and nice commerce though. Mehmed has juicy land and this should be an easy game. My weakness right now is GP production.. I made one prophet with oracle (for monarch) and running a priest, but I don't know how I'm going to continue at a good pace. Anyways I'm going to go play to 1000 AD now
Are we allowed to extort/beg for gold or is that considered trading?

Same thing with selling resources etc.

right now I haven't done any trading besides open borders.
I didn't realize that there was an option to click for 'no tech trading' haha.

So all of my questions above are answered. Sorry to spam the thread.

Going to beg some gold now :)
Here is the save: http://forums.civfanatics.com/uploads/40411/Giaur_s_Game_AD-1000.CivWarlordsSave

Comments etc
Spoiler :
Ok, overall I misplayed a lot of things, but it's still going well. I'm currently at war with toku, and am fairly vulnerable at this point. I'm relying on cathy (friendly) and ramsees (pleased) to not declare war. I'm actually more worried about cathy for this though...
Some screens:

Mehmed had a lot of workers to steal..

I got lucky and discovered gems in my capital.

Liberalism in 860 (using no scientists..)
Played a little past 1000 AD.

Spoiler :
I decided to try the Brennus opening - settler first this game. I tried polytheism but was beaten to the punch. Grrr. My scout wandered around looking for a good second city spot - I see the gold and settle there with cows. Next, I continue my expansion with a settler to the SW to grab the three hills to prevent any advance by Toku to grab my land. I then settle my third city to the north to grab the stones and horses. I barely beat Cathy to that spot. A barb city sprung up on the east coast so I grabbed that. After these early cities, I started building a military and went after Toku (he had built the pyramids and later would build Ankor, and had the smallest military of the AI). I grabbed a few of Toku's cities, even advancing as far as his capital. I have to say, the protective bonus on hills is REALLY annoying. I lost a lot more troops than I would normally lose for a war at this point in the game, but I got Toku's nice riverside cities.

The religion is a mess on my continent - Ramses got Buddhism and converted Mehmeh, Cathy picked up Judaism from Ramses, and Toku got Confucianism + Taoism. Mehmed later founded Christianity and took that. I have so far avoided any religion, as I can't afford to deal with a multi-front war right now as I finish off Toku. Toku has a few crappy cities left in the south - I thought about vassalizing him but there is no merit to a crappy vassal with tech trading off so I will probably try to finish him off. I've stolen Toku's pyramids, which is really nice - police state!

My tech rate isn't terrible, but it's not very fast. As I didn't get the pyramids until recently, I have a lot of cottages growing along the river. My production is pretty decent, but I'm missing lots of tech. Mehmed and Ramses have quite a few techs on me (including such wonderful discoveries like alphabet, archery, HBR). I *think* I will be the first to liberalism with a very late date but I'm not sure... I skipped engineering in a hurry to hit liberalism but that may have been a bad idea - trebs may be nice to finish off Toku.

All in all, this is a lot better than my attempt in the previous game, as I actually have a sustainable economy. The religious situation is a bit unfortunate, but I will probably go after Cathy next after Toku is done (and my southern borders are secure). Cathy seems to have cleared out all of the jungle for me :D

My initial tech order went something like polytheism-animal husbandry, mining, BW, wheel, agriculture, masonry, monotheism (failed attempt), pottery

Are we allowed to extort/beg for gold or is that considered trading?

Same thing with selling resources etc.

right now I haven't done any trading besides open borders.

In fact we can do anything, what is possible. Technology Trading is not possible. Selling resources of course is allowed. Asking for help too.

btw. welcome aboard ...
@Galileo44: thx :)

@all who participate in open game:

I you wish to play further than 1000AD, before the second round begins - Try to make saves from 1500AD and 1700AD, unless your games finish earlier.

I am just working on the second part of writeup from previous game ...
This time reverted order ...

Basic Info:
Total population: 63
Total cities: 8
Average pop per city: 7.9
Beakers: 132
Production: 84

Oyzar favours Cats and Axeman. Due to wars Oyzar lost 13 units and killed 37 units. Oyzar has quite strong military. He is warring now with G.Khan. Open Borders is signed with Asoka.

Best known techs:
Civil Service

Education is in progress ...
22 cottages are being worked, 1 specialist is assigned.
1 Great Person was born by far.
Oyzar has access to Copper and Stone.
7 workers are improving tiles

Oyzar runs Heralditary Rule, Bureurocracy and Slavery.

Oyzar spent total 2750 hammers on buildings and on average 343 hammers per city. Oyzar favours libraries and markets.

Heroic Epic

Basic Info:
Total population: 39
Total cities: 5
Average pop per city: 7.8
Beakers: 62, but some additional gold
Production: 42

Mrchadt favours War Elephants. Rest army is balanced. Due to wars Mrchadt lost 5 units and killed 33 units. Mrchadt has very strong military. He is warring now with G.Khan. Open Borders is signed with Asoka.

Best known techs:
Civil Service

Machinery is in progress ...
No cottages, 4 specialists are assigned.
2 Great Persons were born by far.
Mrchadt has access to Copper, Iron and Stone.
4 workers are improving tiles

Mrchadt runs Bureurocracy,Slavery and Theocracy.

Mrchadt spent total 2140 hammers on buildings and on average 535 hammers per city. Mrchadt favours monasteries, temples and walls(duns).

Heroic Epic

Basic Info:
Total population: 67
Total cities: 11
Average pop per city: 5.8
Beakers: 46, and no gold
Production: 80

Shyuhe favours War Elephants and Gallic Warriors. Due to wars Shyuhe lost 28 units and killed 80 units. Shyuhe has quite strong military. Peace with Khan. Open Borders is signed with Asoka, but without trading routes yet. There are some trading options with Asoka available.

Best known techs:
Civil Service

Sailing is in progress ...
10 cottages, 6 specialists are assigned.
3 Great Persons were born by far.
Shyuhe has access to Copper and Iron.
13 workers are improving tiles

Shyuhe runs Heralditary Rule, Bureurocracy and Slavery.

Shyuhe spent total 2580 hammers on buildings and on average 258 hammers per city. Shyuhe favours courthouses.

No wonders.

Basic Info:
Total population: 52
Total cities: 9
Average pop per city: 5.8
Beakers: 153 and some gold
Production: 65

Giaur favours Gallic Warriors and Archers. Due to wars Giaur lost 29 units and killed 75 units. Giaur has weak military. Peace with Khan. Open Borders is signed with Asoka.

Best known techs:
Civil Service

Education is in progress ...
2 cottages, 10 empowered specialists are assigned.
3 Great Persons were born by far.
Giaur has access to Copper, Iron and Stone(x2).
8 workers are improving tiles

Giaur runs Representation, Bureurocracy, Caste System and Pacifism.

Giaur spent total 1110 hammers on buildings and on average 138 hammers per city. Giaur slightly favours forges.

The Collosus
Great congrats to Oyzar, the only player who finished previous game. And thx for your effort and involvment :goodjob:

To those who are interested, I remind that Oyzar left the final save of his game.

edit: This round will be closed on Wednesday.
I played some turns beyond the first session ... (1500AD & 1700AD)


  • Giaur AD-1520.CivWarlordsSave
    340.6 KB · Views: 45
  • Giaur AD-1685.CivWarlordsSave
    374.5 KB · Views: 68
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