[Vote] (5-00) Welcome to Congress Session #5 (Instructions within)


Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
Welcome to the Vox Populi 5th Congress! Below you will find instructions for the various types of voting, as well as a list of all the proposals with some grouping for convenience.

Voting Instructions
In general, our votes are multiple choice and voting is public. You may change your vote at any time until the voting period is closed.

Majority Rules: A proposal must receive a yes vote that is the majority of votes cast AND must be 25 or more votes, otherwise the proposal counts as a NO. Example: If a proposal received 20 yes votes, and 18 no votes....while the yes vote received more it didn't meet the 25 vote standard and so would be counted as a no.

Supermajority Rules: In rare cases we have proposals that are considered such a large change to the mod that we want to ensure a large portion of the community really wants them. For these proposals (which are marked on the proposal itself), a Yes option must receive a full 75% of all votes cast in order to be approved.

There are 3 types of voting:
  • Single Yes/No choice

The most straightforward proposal. You can vote yes to include it into Vox Populi; vote no to indicate you don't want it included. You can even vote for both options if you want to indicate that you have no preference.

  • Multiple Options (Exclusive Choice)

For these proposals, there are multiple options you can choose from. Ultimately only one of the options can be incorporated into the mod, so the one that has the most votes will win, or none of them will be implemented if the No option receives the majority.

  • Multiple Options (Inclusive Choice)

These proposals also have multiple options, but the mod can accommodate one or more of them. For these proposals we give the options representing all of the combinations. So in our example, you could vote for the first option only, the second option only, both the options together, or none of the options.

Master Proposal List
[Vote] - (5-01) Proposal: Chichen Itza provides a free Teocalli. | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-03) Medic I/II Adjustments | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-04) Nerf Wall of Babylon | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-05) Nerf God of War proposals | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-06) Statue of Zeus / Terracotta Army Changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-07) Brute Force and Difficulty Barbarian Bonus rescaling | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-10) Simplify Hacienda | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-11) Feitoria changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-12) Polder changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-13) America 3 Wonder & Slater Mill changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-15) Add 2 Horses to Circus Maximus | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-16) Polish Ducal Stable nerf | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-18) Ancient Ruin changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-19) Reduce faith cost increase with Eras | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-20): Barbarian Swordsman Buff | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-21) Chariot Archers and all its replacements should receive Skirmisher Doctrine + Hand-axeman Rework | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-22): Denmark changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-23) Divine Teachings should lets you faith-purchase Libraries and buffs them. | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-24) Japan Nerf Proposals | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-25) Withdraw From Melee Changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-26) Withdrawing From Melee Units Take Protected Civilians/Embarked Units With Them | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-27) Tribute Changes (PT 1 - Adjustment of Tribute Modifiers) | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-28) Tribute Changes (Pt 2 - Gold Adjustments, New "Quest Yields" Tribute | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-29) Organization (Progress Policy) Nerf | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-30) Austria UA Change | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-31) Nerf God of Stars and Sky | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-32) Golden Age Removal Series: Remove GAP and Tourism from "All Yields" | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-33) Golden Age Removal Series: Increase the cost of Golden Ages | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-35) Golden Age Removal Series: Remove GAPs from luxury monopoly resources | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-36) Golden Age Removal Series: Remove GAPs from Artistry Policy Tree | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-37) Golden Age Removal Series: Remove GAP from Mastery Belief | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-38) Proposal: Buff Mongolia UU and UB | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-39) Patriotic War (Order) - All units healed -> units within 3 tiles of city. | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-40) T-34 - Armor Plating II removal | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-41) Rationalism Reordering | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-42) Heavily Charged Units Take Protected Civilians/Embarked Units With Them | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-43) Changes to Unit/Building Maintenance Cost Scaling | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-44) Shoshone UA change | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-45) Changes to Cossack's Withering Fire promotion | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-46) Change text of ancient building, the "lodge", to represent a "smokehouse" | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-48) Russia UA buff | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-50) Liberating CS gives you a +100 resting influence | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-51) Stadium nerf | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-52) India nerf | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-53) Unit Capture consistency | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-54) New Skirmisher Pickable Promotion: Envelopment | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-55) New Recon line promotion: Frogman | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-56) New Recon line promotion: Screening | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-57) Remove GAP from the AI handicap triggers | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-58) Halve Passive Religious Pressure by War | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-59) "Gift specific unit" Quest reworked | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-60) Heavy Charge consistency | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-61) Historic Event tourism amount change | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-62) City-states don't ask for units that can be upgraded | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-64) Change Incan Terrace Farm name | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-65) Re-proposal: Integrate Tourism process as an Order Ideology | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-66) Syncretism Belief rework | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-67) Number of spies and Shadow Networks balance | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-68) Change Spy Experience mechanic | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-69) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 1: Global quests | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-71) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 3: Find a Natural Wonder | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-72) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 4: Bully CS | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-73) Goddess of Protection rework | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-74) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 5: Denounce or declare war on civ | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-75) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 6: Liberate CS | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-76) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 7: Spy on civ | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-77) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 8: Coup CS | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-79) Change CS quest expiry conditions Part 9: Conquer city | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-80) Change find player CS quest | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-81) Teocalli - Remove Era Scaling | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-83) Replace current AI experience handicaps for one that works only vs humans | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-84) France UA/UI Rework+Changes and Hunnic UA/UU/UI Rework+Changes | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-85) Buffing Venice's Piazza San Marco, Murano Glassworks, and Arsenale di Venezia | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-86) Tradition's Ceremony Buff, Majesty/Splendor Adjustment | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-87): Buffing Moais | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-89) Proposal: Great People no longer have a gold maintenance cost | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-90) Rebalance National Wonder base production cost | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-91) Make "Enable Research Agreements" and "No Tech Trading" the default settings (Special Supermajority Vote) | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-92) Change Drill Line Bonuses | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-93) Change Unit Captured Mechanic | CivFanatics Forums
[Vote] - (5-94) Addition of Galley Unit, adjustment to Naval Ships | CivFanatics Forums

Golden Age Series Highlight
There are a number of proposals this congress on Golden Age Point (GAP) reduction. Ultimately all of these proposals can work together if implemented, so it comes down to the level of reduction you wish for GAP (or none at all). The more of these proposals you vote for, the greater the reduction.

CS Quest Expiry Changes Series Highlight
Each of these proposals adjust ways in which a specific City State quest expires. While all of these deal with the same topic, each one involves a different CS quest, so they are completely independent from each other.

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  • Multiple Options (Inclusive Choice)

These proposals also have multiple options, but the mod can accommodate one or more of them. For these proposals we give the options representing all of the combinations. So in our example, you could vote for the first option only, the second option only, both the options together, or none of the options.
Note on Multiple Option polls:
While all the combinations are already listed, it is still an approval rating poll, and there are cases where you want to select multiple combinations.

For example, if you want 5-11 to pass but have no preference for 5-11a, you should select both "Yes to 5-11" and "Yes to 5-11 and 5-11a" options.
I always thought this voting system will help to improve the game fixing its crucial aspects, but apart from few really nice suggestions, there are tons of buff x/nerf y/modify z polls. 94. Damn. That's more than I thought. It's an endless balancing nightmare, don't you think? I wonder if I have time to read them all.
I always thought this voting system will help to improve the game fixing its crucial aspects, but apart from few really nice suggestions, there are tons of buff x/nerf y/modify z polls. 94. Damn. That's more than I thought. It's an endless balancing nightmare, don't you think? I wonder if I have time to read them all.
I agree there is tons of stuff and it seemed overwhelming at first because I'm in the middle of a great game and of course real life but I took a few days and spread it out and it's not too bad- plus for the most part I think the changes will improve/ enhance the game ( similar to the last 15 years) and the feedback and debate is great help- TBH there was always tons of changes each update but this way at least everyone has a say and it's framed in such a way which gives much more information on rationale for changes than past changes- even if you can't read them all now - if you question why a change was done you can easily find the rationale.
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