[Vote] (5-03) Nerf Wall of Babylon

Approval Vote for Proposal #3

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Current Balls of Babylon:
Cost: 110 :c5production:
No maintenance cost
Defense: +8 :c5strength: +150 HP (from +6 :c5strength: +125 HP)
Science: 4 :c5science:
+3 :c5greatperson: Great Scientist Points
Military Units supplied by population in this city increased by 10%.
Increases Ranged Strike Range by 1.
Great Scientists provide 10% more :c5science: Science when used to discover new Technology


Reduce base yields of Wall of Babylon from 4 :c5science: to 3 :c5science:
give the building 1 :c5gold: building maintenance (same as base wall)
Reduce the GScientist Bulb multiplier from 10% to 5%

it's too strong right now. The numbers are too big for all of it.
We've had reports of players managing to get almost 1 million :c5science: with a single GS bulb.
The intent of this was to give an academy's stacking bonus at half power, but academies had been recently halved in power already, so the WoB unintentionally matched the bulb power of a full academy.
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Current Balls of Babylon:
Cost: 110 :c5production:
No maintenance cost
Defense: +8 :c5strength: +150 HP (from +6 :c5strength: +125 HP)
Science: 4 :c5science:
+3 :c5greatperson: Great Scientist Points
Military Units supplied by population in this city increased by 10%.
Increases Ranged Strike Range by 1.
Great Scientists provide 10% more :c5science: Science when used to discover new Technology


Reduce base yields of Wall of Babylon from 4 :c5science: to 3 :c5science:
give the building 1 :c5gold: building maintenance (same as base wall)
Reduce the GScientist Bulb multiplier from 10% to 5%

it's too strong right now. The numbers are too big for all of it.
We've had reports of players managing to get almost 1 million :c5science: with a single GS bulb.
The intent of this was to give an academy's stacking bonus at half power, but academies had been recently halved in power already, so the WoB unintentionally matched the bulb power of a full academy.
Just out of curiosity, how to get a million science bulb? Let's say you have 10 cities, you would only get +100% from current walls. What else is there in play? Is it really the walls that are the deciding factor for such an insane bulb?
Current Balls of Babylon:

Glad to see the Balls of Babylon are getting nerfed.

On a serious note, I feel like this is an overnerf, Babylon is not performing very well in my games. Maybe we should have just removed the GS bulb part, but I guess we will play test and see.
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