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50 dead in baghdad bomb

And how is the Iraq War a burden onto me (Tax wise) when I just started working for about three months now? :confused:
Guess you didn't hear about John McCain's 100 year plan.

Well, if its anything like our 100 year plan in Germany, Japan or South Korea, it will end up generating far more revenue for the USA in trade than the initial cost of conflict.
Well, if its anything like our 100 year plan in Germany, Japan or South Korea, it will end up generating far more revenue for the USA in trade than the initial cost of conflict.
So far it hasn't been. I can't really see Iraq turning into an economic powerhouse like any of the three countries you have mentioned. Bushco certainly hasn't pushed that line yet.
Well, if its anything like our 100 year plan in Germany, Japan or South Korea, it will end up generating far more revenue for the USA in trade than the initial cost of conflict.

99% of the companies that are rebuilding iraq are making substandard stuff, I mean its good if you own stock in those companies but bad for everyone else!
So far it hasn't been.

Well, duh. We are only a few years in on our 100. /sheesh.

I can't really see Iraq turning into an economic powerhouse like any of the three countries you have mentioned.

You cant? Dang, and here I thought one of your major talking points was 'the war was for oil'. How inconvienant to forget that mantra at a time like this.

Bushco certainly hasn't pushed that line yet.

Well, Bushco is going out of business. Unless of course we can get Brother Jeb to run. Then you could get to have another 8 years of memes all over again. How fun!
You cant? Dang, and here I thought one of your major talking points was 'the war was for oil'. How inconvienant to forget that mantra at a time like this.
The war is for the Oil (and amongst other things to make Iraq one of our friendly trading partners. Kick a Dictator, plop a Democracy, rub elbows with the Iraqi politicians, give us cheap oil. Unlike the Iranians who are hording it and refuse to cooperate to have the embargoes lifted).

Though I am not sure if Iraq would have any influence on OPEC :hmm:.

Well, Bushco is going out of business. Unless of course we can get Brother Jeb to run. Then you could get to have another 8 years of memes all over again. How fun!
I don't think I want another Bush Dynasty to happen :hide:.
Well, Bushco is going out of business. Unless of course we can get Brother Jeb to run. Then you could get to have another 8 years of memes all over again. How fun!
Who would actually vote for Jeb?
Well, duh. We are only a few years in on our 100. /sheesh.
Compare where we were at in regards to Japan, Germany, and South Korea at the same point in time. We weren't still in the our-soldiers-are-getting-killed stage.
You cant? Dang, and here I thought one of your major talking points was 'the war was for oil'. How inconvienant to forget that mantra at a time like this.
I haven't been on the oil-for-war bandwagon - certainly some U.S. companies are intended to benefit, but not the American taxpaying citizen general. The oil certainly hasn't paid for the war like some of our patriotic neocons predicted and the American taxpaying citizen isn't being rewarded at the pump. If oil is all Iraq has to offer, the 100 years in Iraq plan isn't looking too rosy as the next Japan, Germany, or South Korea from an economic-benefit-to-the-U.S. perspective.
Well, Bushco is going out of business. Unless of course we can get Brother Jeb to run. Then you could get to have another 8 years of memes all over again. How fun!
Bushco going out of business hasn't prevented them about boasting about how the Iraqi misadventure will be beneficial beyond January 2009. Noticably absent from their boasts is that Iraq will become the next Germany-Japan-South Korea from an economic perspective. I can't see how it will be anything more than a welfare project for Iraqis and a very narrow slice of U.S. corporations.
al-keda is really weak now! they used a ******ed boy earlier(could be years ago now) but lucky for him the u.s. military jammed the signal and was able to defuse the bomb.

maybe iraq will become a territory of the U.S.A. like Puerto Rico :)
Compare where we were at in regards to Japan, Germany, and South Korea at the same point in time. We weren't still in the our-soldiers-are-getting-killed stage.

Those wars were fought differently. If the pillow-weepers would let the military take the gloves off, we would have been passed that phase a long time ago.

You have a choice: parking lots or dead soldiers. I'm a parking lot guy myself. I'm pretty sure that Iran is short of parking spaces too... If you're not a parking lot guy, how can you complain about dead soldiers? The soldiers are dying because you think there is sufficient parking space in Iraq.
Those wars were fought differently. If the pillow-weepers would let the military take the gloves off, we would have been at that point a long time ago.
Are you talking about the pillow weepers at the White House who didn't commit the proper amount of manpower?
No, I'm talking about the "collateral damage = murder" people. It's not a matter of manpower, it's a matter of firepower employed. I say: send bombs not men. You'd see the end of soldier casualties real fast.

We only use our soldiers as policemen because of the pillow-weepers.

Oh, you say Al Q is over in that house? B00m.. block gone. Next? That would last about ONE week and people would turn in Al Q like gold bars. I'm tired of asking for cooperation from a position of weakness. You can only confront brutality with brutality.
Death Toll's up into the 70's now.
I wonder what Islam's take on mental ******ation is.

I know right. What the hell? It seems like every day I flip on the news and hear about yet another suicide bombing over there. And they're saying its a mentally ******ed woman? Are you kidding me? What about all the hundreds of other suicide bombings, were they all mentally ******ed too? Is the media yet again making excuses for Islam? Why do people not simply accept the fact that it is an evil ideology and that until we do something to stop it, these murders will never end??

I know people that have moved from Iran to the united states , they're christian and they're proud of it. they know that islam isn't a religion, thats its an ideology and just used as an excuse to impose political actions on people. first world countries won't stand for that crap. only third world countries and people that feel defenseless and voiceless will bow down to it. i hope that democracy really does have a chance there. it might be the one thing that gives these people a fighting chance for real freedom and choice.
No, I'm talking about the "collateral damage = murder" people. It's not a matter of manpower, it's a matter of firepower employed. I say: send bombs not men. You'd see the end of soldier casualties real fast.

We only use our soldiers as policemen because of the pillow-weepers.

Oh, you say Al Q is over in that house? B00m.. block gone. Next? That would last about ONE week and people would turn in Al Q like gold bars. I'm tired of asking for cooperation from a position of weakness. You can only confront brutality with brutality.
Yeah, pillow-weepers like gen. Petraeus and consortes implementing new tactics through that troop surge that actually seems to work!:lol:

Bloody nancy boys the lot of them!

The US isn't using strong-arm tactics like that because doing so would be stupid. Fortunately, for the US army, the military people tend to have a keen grasp of what can be done and what can't be done using force.

Politicians and the public tend to consistently overestimate the usefulness of military force. Especially in militarily strong nations. It almost always turns against them to bite them on the but.:)
No, pillow-weepers that call collateral damage murder. I'm way farther right than you and thus I get to define the pillow-weepers. If you're a pillow-weeper, you can't call other people pillow-weepers. It's an us vs. them thing, and you're them. pillow-weeper
No, pillow-weepers that call collateral damage murder. I'm way farther right than you and thus I get to define the pillow-weepers. If you're a pillow-weeper, you can't call other people pillow-weepers. It's an us vs. them thing, and you're them. pillow-weeper
Colleteral damage?

"It's worse than a crime. It's a mistake!":p
It's an unavoidable mistake. Now or later... I don't want to put it on the next generation.
It's an unavoidable mistake. Now or later... I don't want to put it on the next generation.
Well, that would be a presumtion of "military determinism" imho. How do you know btw?

It might be that, but it might also be a case of:

"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've exhausted all the alternatives." - Winston Churchill.

The way it looks to me, the present US deployment in Iraq is more like the Churchillian scenario. It works, but they got there in a very roundabout and inefficient way.

Not The Most Roundabout and Inefficient way possible mind you. That would probably be more along the line of your suggestion to just chuck all concerns about collateral damage out the window.

You seem to be proposing something based on a cost-benefit analysis assuming that if you pay an even heavier price to perception of the US, by killing more civilians in the process, somehow it's still going to yield both quantitatively and qualitatively greater results in such a dramatically quicker way it will make up for that cost. QED.

Because if you're wrong about it there's going to be hell to pay. And the likelyhood of that is very good. The probability of the US blowing the sh!t out of Sunni Iraqi neighbourhoods to a greater extent it already has done isn't that the locals fold, somehow "give in" and hand over the al-Q. It's that they join forces against the common enemy the US.

That was what they were doing before the new tactics of the surge. And afaik these tactics were proposed by Petraeus years ago. He just didn't get to try to properly implement them before the US had exhausted the crappier alternatives.
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