5BC discussion

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Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Not everyone has played a 5BC (or 5CC) variant before. To help everyone along, let's talk about it. What are the challenges? What's easier? How is the 5BC different from a normal game (other than number of cities).

Veterans - post the gotcha's and tricks you've found.

Novices - post your questions.

-- Ravensfire
1. Trading is much more important now... Especially during the Medieval Age, when we will really fall behind in science, it is important for us to be a tech broker.
2. Wars are now nowhere near as good of an idea, we cannot gain land which removes the largest reason to go to war, plus we can't make as many units
3. We need to research Iron Working and the Wheel first, so we can see those important resources when settling
4. Each city is now more cherished, we must have active security
5. Colonies and blockades play an important role now, if a resource is a tad bit out of a city, we can build a colony and blockade the area around it to stop settlers from settling
6. Most common victories are diplomatic(quite easy) and space ship... I think we should go for spaceship
7. We won't need as many workers, after we improve all the land(there is only 105 tiles), we can join workers into cities until its time to railroad
8. There is no need to pump settlers, we must take our time and exlpore before settling

Some of that was kinda obvious, but owell...
Black_Hole said:
3. We need to research Iron Working and the Wheel first, so we can see those important resources when settling.

This is the only thing I disagree with. We start with Alphabet so Republic slingshot better, imo. Because we are going for space most likely, horses and iron won't do much good. We have hoplites to keep us safe. We need to found our cities in spots with the best production and commerce, not based on resources.
MeteorPunch said:
This is the only thing I disagree with. We start with Alphabet so Republic slingshot better, imo. Because we are going for space most likely, horses and iron won't do much good. We have hoplites to keep us safe. We need to found our cities in spots with the best production and commerce, not based on resources.
you have a point... I guess iron really isn't important, I forgot we were greece for a second....
My only 5CC attempt featured a lot of war, to the point of eliminating all nearby neighbors for a sizeable buffer zone, and then knocking everyone else back to the point that I had an entire age of tech lead. It was also a 20K culture win.

The big problem I see is that even with a lot of warfare it will still become boring at some point. After the core cities crank out one of every kind of building, there is nothing left to do but build wonders and units -- or wealth which is why I also had over 10,000 gold in my 5CC game. I built almost every wonder in the industrial and modern ages, and just squeaked the 20K in, in about 2047 or so. The bottom line though is it took nearly 200 hours of game time, and a lot of that was hitting enter.
DaveShack said:
The big problem I see is that even with a lot of warfare it will still become boring at some point.
That, however, describes every single game we've had. At some point, we become the dominate civ and it's coasting from then on.

My experience with a 5CC has been that the beginning is quite hectic. It slows down some, then picks up as the other civs run out of room, and look to you as the weakest civ. My games have hit "coast" mode much later than my normal games.

Trading and keeping up good foreign relations has been key. Whoever is our ambassador will be kept busy, trying to determine how to keep those closest to us happy, who's demands to cave on, who to blow off, etc.

-- Ravensfire
5BC discussion.. hmm. eh, might as well.

5BC is the equivalent of drenching yourself in gasoline and lighting yourself on fire. You just burn alittle before you die.

5BC has done what for us? Dissolution and distance is all I've seen, and I doubt your see much better than that. We attracted how many people playing a 5BC? Well, I count atleast two that had no idea what the hell it was! Aye, this is the fix to all our problems. Now everything is just fine. :rolleyes:

A 5BC does nothing for us. It adds nothing new to the game, and requires no new strategies or tatics. It does nothing, and it has done nothing. If you wish to say otherwise, then please point out where we have succesfully made a breakthrough, in any aspect of the game except pissing everyone else in the game off.

You say that an Epic Game is getting boring, and won't attract newer players? Okay, well if a person new to the game has never played a Demogame before in there entire life, then how the hell will it be boring to them? They've never played it before in there entire life!

As for enticing roleplay, I highly doubt 5BC will help much, if at all. Hell, I can most likely predict what will happen. City #1 residents say there city is the best, City #2 residents disagree and say they are the best. City #1 and City #2 declares war among themselves. City #2 manages to talk City #4 into joining into the war against city #1, and as such City #1 is forced to talk City #5 into joining the way against City #2 and City #4. In the middle of this is City #3 talking about how we need to be peaceful and unite together, while pulling out old U.S. revolution quotes. So, while everyone is running around with a stick up there collective ass, problems we've had for 3 demogames now, are getting worse.

So, meanwhile... the only thing 5BC does succesfully is ruin the game for the numbercrunchers. Yeah, so it's basically a "We don't like the way you like to play the game, so were not going to let you have fun playing the game anymore!" Must be so enjoyable and self-heartening to know that you screwed someone over, and ruined it for them. Makes you feel so much better, doesn't it?

Yeah, were off to an excellent start this game. We've succesfully chosen the one thing that won't help us, and while doing so pissed off one of the more involved members of the demogame society. Aye, were doing just wonderful. Makes you feel all warm and toasty inside, doesn't it? Kind of like a marshmellow before it gets stuck in the fire.
Forgot a few things...

1 - Cities can't have any overlap (1 tile at most), so this means finding a good location, and find it fast! (This is emperor level).

2 - City spt must be maxed out. This goes along with #1. We need to find a location that gives the most spt output potential in the long run. We might need those 15spt cities to build 5 swords every 2 turns. (and that's only 5 if we're lucky!)

3 - This all but requires for us to be agressive early on, and have good sentries to pick off AI settlers, especially with rails.

4 - Coast is VERY important! (unless we're going for space victory or something).

5 - We need to be selective in choosing an AI city to keep. Does it have resources we need? Does it have access to the coast? Is it a bottle neck? Sentry point?
Despite what some people might think, as someone new to this whole idea (of online multiplayer civ games), I for one am really looking forward the start of the two games in which I am participating. And, having never before imagined the corrollaries of a 5BC game, I hope to learn much from being a member here. Even though I won't be able to download the save, I can't wait for this game to start.
i think 20k is the way, but if we cant space ship. also i have not played this style game, but in my 1cc i fight defense wars and burn down there capitals as a show of force
Diplomacy or Culture. Space Race could be awhile... Then again so could Diplomatic. Ethier of the two would be fine with me.
Histograph. :p It would be challenging.

Diplomatic would be easiest - I'm sure we could get along with our former selves.

Space and 20k both pretty easy.

100k and conquest. high difficulty.

domination. nope.
CT basically said everything that I could think of in terms of advice. And yeah, in the start you need to be assertive and make sure that your land remains yours.
Trading is important ASAP as you won't have the ability to go out and place a city where you need a resource. Could someone do something that'll tell us what techs the civs that will be with us have? (If I'm not mistaken, we'll be dealing with 3 scientific civs besides ourselves?) That would come in handy for early game stuff.

We should not go for culture. I still shutter at the empty promise of a culture victory from the last Demogame :cringe:.
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