[Vote] (6-55) Proposals to Rename Ideologies / Authority

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Aug 1, 2014
Near some dust
Current : There are three ideologies : "Freedom", "Order" and "Autocracy".

Hinin's proposal (6-55)

: Rename "Autocracy" into "Might".

Rationale : The two other ideologies are named after quite vague political notions, while "Autocracy" is much more focused, using a term more akin to "Democracy" or "Oligarchy" which creates a weird dissonance.
My first choice whould have been to replace "Autocracy" by "Authority", but it is already taken, so "Might" comes just next.

Recursive's proposal (6-55a)
You can read pre-poll discussion about this proposal here.
Combination proposal based on the feedback of several forumgoers.

Liberty: instead of 'Freedom' to represent political and economic liberalism. It is true that this is the vanilla name for Progress, but VP is such a different game from vanilla that it'll probably be fine.

Equity: instead of 'Order'. Unlike Equality, it has less overlap with the social equality espoused by political liberalism.

Authority: instead of 'Autocracy', as per the proposal.

Might: instead of 'Authority'. It's better representative of what Authority civs do, and is more akin to "Tradition" and "Progress" as an ancient society's overarching value than "Authority" is. It also doesn't require any change to the Honor policy.

Liberty (Progress policy): Reverted to its BNW name and Civilopedia entry, "Citizenship".

usadefcon1's proposal (6-55b)
You can read pre-poll discussion about this proposal here.


Rename Autocracy to Authority.
Rename Authority to Honor.
Replace Honor with Militia in the policy tree and provide an appropriate Civilopedia entry.
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Essentially a synonym to Dominance in Imperialism:
Power - or dominance - is the ability to influence behavior, and may not be fully assessable until it is challenged with equal force. Unlike power, which can be latent, dominance is a manifest condition characterized by individual, situational and relationship patterns in which attempts to control another party or parties may or may not be accepted.
Essentially a synonym to Dominance in Imperialism:
Any suggestion is welcome. We can put them in counterproposals and vote for the one we like the most.
the biggest thing to me is that authority and autocracy are so easy to confuse, they sound similar and are around similar notions. So I wouldn't mind a name change for that. Is "might" the right answer....eh, but I don't mind a change.
Supremacy? (ehh)
Paramountcy? (ehh)
Tyranny? (then new name for the tenet is also needed)
I also think Dominion sounds better than Might.

the biggest thing to me is that authority and autocracy are so easy to confuse, they sound similar and are around similar notions.
I have the same feeling.
And Honor is a policy name.
How about Solidarity or Unity.

I kind of like the idea of making the Autocracy ideology rename a bit euphemistic. Plus, the etymology/symbolism of fascism is rooted it the concept of strength through unity.
Solidarity is Poland's UA, Unity is a promotion, and Strength is easily confused with Combat Strength.
I don't get what's wrong with Autocracy as opposed to Freedom:

> Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the ruler, known as an autocrat. It includes most forms of monarchy and dictatorship, while it is contrasted with democracy and feudalism.

> In political discourse, political freedom is often associated with liberty and autonomy, and a distinction is made between countries that are free and dictatorships.

If one term could be considered confusing, it would be Order to me since it suggests a lack of freedom under a certain political authority so a bit like Autocracy. But I feel these 3 terms are quite easy and obvious by themselves in terms of the game mechanics and all the tenets available under each concept.
I don't get what's wrong with Autocracy as opposed to Freedom:

> Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the ruler, known as an autocrat. It includes most forms of monarchy and dictatorship, while it is contrasted with democracy and feudalism.

> In political discourse, political freedom is often associated with liberty and autonomy, and a distinction is made between countries that are free and dictatorships.

If one term could be considered confusing, it would be Order to me since it suggests a lack of freedom under a certain political authority so a bit like Autocracy. But I feel these 3 terms are quite easy and obvious by themselves in terms of the game mechanics and all the tenets available under each concept.
ultimately to me its just authority and autocracy together, those are easily confused (I know in discussion I have often typed one but meant the other),

Now if we want to change authority and not autocracy, I have no issue. I would just rather these two very similar sounding names (that also revolve around similar styles) is changed up, one way or the other.
I think you could directly swap Authority <=> Honor and it would resolve the conflict. So the Policy tree is (once again) Honor, and the policy that gives you units for population is Authority.
I am a fan of Dominion, in terms of a word that flows with Freedom and Order.

Freedom, Order, Dominion....feels good on the tongue:)
Don't know.

Freedom, Order, Might. Feels good on my tongue too. From the most liberal to the most oppresive/war-like.
I support a name change. Definitely more consistent.

Could change both Authority and Autocracy names, but autocracy is the one that definitely stands out the most
To add the historical perspective: dominion in the sense of rule over other peoples is IMO much more associated with ancient civilizations. From the Egyptians over middle eastern empires to the Romans: they all liked to display defeated peoples as slain enemies or subservient gift bearers in their art. From Egyptian reliefs to Roman victory columns and the roman triumphal parade that included captured enemies.

Facist displays focused much more on displaying their own power. From Nazi party gatherings over propaganda posters and military parades to monumental architecture.

Consequently, I find Might the much more fitting term for the "fascist" ideology than Dominion.
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