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Random Thoughts IV: the Abyss Gazes Back

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The Tighnahulish Kid
Sep 14, 2005
Previous threads:

Random Thoughts 1: Just Sayin'
Random Thoughts 2: Arbitrary Speculations
Random Thoughts 3: A Little Bit of This, and a Little Bit of That...


The writing staff for the first seasons of The Simpsons really seemed convinced that "frosty chocolate milkshakes" was going to pan out into a running joke or a catchphrase or something, but it never panned out, except that in the end it did sort of become a running joke in the fandom as the go-to example of how wonky the first season feels.

I guess it was also a thing in the original shorts? Maybe? I never really saw any of those.
I don't have strong feelings one way or another that 'the' isn't capitalized in a title where all-caps makes more sense.
There is no Pinky and the Brain quote but I still approve of this title.
I actually like the title :)
You can't say that in this thread. You'd have to go over to Raves. Syn's got the spirit of it. In the Random Thoughts thread, comments about the thread title should be neither rants nor raves.
But I haven't gazed into the abyss yet! :run:
I changed the font in a computer program to Wingdings because I thought it was funny and now I can't figure out how to change it back. That wasn't very smart.
Can't you remember the places on the screen where you clicked on the different options?

Otherwise, get the manual and try to find out where the configuration file is.
Well, since this isn't Takashi Matsuoka's Cloud of Sparrows then I think she will be able to tell the difference.
After a bunch of random clicking, I got it back to normal. I don't think I'll try that again.
I thought only Arakhor was allowed to make that kind of post, Gori.
Arakhor isn't allowed to do anything, but you try to do something about it.
Why? I'm better off watching anime.
I don't have strong feelings one way or another that 'the' isn't capitalized in a title where all-caps makes more sense.
I tried that but it looked weird.

I changed the font in a computer program to Wingdings because I thought it was funny and now I can't figure out how to change it back. That wasn't very smart.
You could learn to read Wingdings. Has anyone ever done that? It should be possible, in principle, if not a very useful talent.
You only agree to something in principle if you have no intent of acting on it in practice. :)
Statistically, foster parents abuse their foster children more often than parents who give their children up for adoption right after they've been born.
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