8 City Challenge

I would just take peace with Charly immediately, since there's no rush to finish him and his city spots will prevent others to settle in that area. Then just heal and strike Corinth, maybe from the Ottoman side so you have time to bring reinforcements quickly.
Ok I've played on a further four turns. I stopped up here as it'd take 3-4 turns to raze Corinth (manoeuvring), and I didn't want to hand over the turn in the middle of a siege.

Ok so report:

Manoeuvre around for backstab on Peri.

Say no to free speech.
Declare on Peri, move in units, declare peace on BK (couldn't get tech, didn't want Vienne):
Spoiler :

Take and raze Rhodes (Peri has no port now). Lose a marine @85%.

Sully wants war vs WK, say no.
Results of Un vote, BK and Sully both defy (otherwise we'd lose the 2xp):
Spoiler :

Raze Halicarnassus (a new build in former HRE) for no losses.
Try to bribe Churchill, but he's WHEOOHRN, probably us.

IT lose the blimp, had it in border city no sight into Greece otherwise.
Raze Mycenae for lose of 1 artillery.
Partisans appear, and in hitting them lose a tank (88%) and leave 1 tank and Infantry exposed. There's a worker under the tank, kill before pressing end turn.

Take and raze Pharsalos, lose 1 tank @88% (seems to be my unlucky number that).

For a few ending shots I've basically done troop numbers:
Spoiler :

South is our main stack for Corinth. It is light on artillery but should raze (only 4 infantry in atm).
North-Central is our secondary stack, razing it's way south.
North-East is a small stack of Marines, should handle the 2 Infantry in Ephesus easy.

Spoiler :

Our naval stack, one giant clunking fist. I'd consider moving it towards England during the next set. It is useless for Pericles, as it'd have to slog through hostile territory to get anywhere.

And finally the Victory screen:
Spoiler :

From this I'd say if we took Pericles out we'd have loads of time to win this one.


  • 8 City Challenge AD-1874.CivBeyondSwordSave
    467.9 KB · Views: 49
Great set :). The plan seems quite clear, kill Pericles while rush bying more units and continue with Churchill. One minor issue are the spies in GP city, I'd just change them to merchants.

Matrix is up
Ok, we have a big enough fleet so Naval can start building units. Our stack by Corinth is a little beat up, next turn combine the stack and move in to Raze the city. Send the small fleet back to pickup marines. All cities should be on units.

Espionage needs an Agency to get that spy spec.
GP needs to hire priest and 2 merchants.
Money City needs to hire 3 merchants
Science hire :science: specs
Turn 0 (464):
MMed GP to have two merchants and only one priest

Put Espionage on an Intelligence Agency

MMed Science to have scientists instead of engies

MMed Money to ave merchants instead of engies

Turn 1:

GP becomes unhappy, :culture: 50%

Naval: Battleship > *Tank

Turn 2:

Raze Ephesus, Peri gets free Infantry

Turn 3:

One of our Ships of the Line is sunk by a Greek sub

Turn 4:

GP unhappy, :culture: 60%

Turn 5:

Churchill cancels marble deal, reneg to 4GPT for our Marble

Turn 6:

Got a GG, settled him in Army

Razed Parthian

Turn 7:

Got +1 :hammers: in the Forge in Army because of the Master Blacksmith event.

UN calls to stop the war against Pericles, I defy it.

Turn 8:

Resolution would have passed if I didn't defy it, we get 5 unhappiness in every city :(

Athens goes Legendary

Turns 9-10: zzz

Turn 11:

Peri founds another city somewhere

So does Sully

Corinth has been razed!!


wheeeeeee destruction

Our forces in Greece are pretty beat-up, but that bastard isn't getting any culture victories anytime soon! I'm handing it off here and you guys can decide what to do next, because my job is done. :cool:

Though I would suggest getting peace with Peri to get our beleaguered victorious troops out of danger, since he is finally willing to talk.

The Save
You must have been very cautious on Corinth, or else he moved his whole army there Matrix. By my reckoning it should have taken but 4 turns to get to the city and raze it.

Otherwise very good work. We're rolling well down the line.
When I tried getting near the city the initial stack was getting like surrounded by anti-tanks so I decided to consolidate all of our forces to attack Corinth.
I made peace with Pericles right away, since our stack was badly damaged.

We got an UN resolution for diplomatic victory, but fortunately Pericles was far from winning. Another UN vote forced emancipation for everyone.

Churchill declared on Suleiman and managed to capture couple of cities.

I thought it wise to finish Charlemagne off quickly, so I razed his last 4 cities. Then I realized we have "completed kills" setting on :mad:. I had no boats to chase him, so peace was made. I managed to lose three 87,5% fights in a row against a single partizan infantry! :mad:

So at the moment we have a stack waiting to declare against Churchill. Reinforcements are being built on the main continent. We might want to build one big marine stack to raze English coast cities as well, so maybe we need to delay the war a bit? We definitely need more artillery, which are being built at the moment.

Felt kind of a useless set, since we couldn't kill Charly after all. Sorry about that...
Ok, good deal! Where is Charlie? On the rules,
The whole map must be visable, no barbs settling in.
So we need to start getting MGs to start fogusting that land. Also need to get more marines for Church's coastal cities, have all cities switch to marines for a few turns. also Church will trade Flight+10:gold: > Refridge which would give up fighters and carriers. Can we get a couple airships to fly over Church's land to find his stacks? He does have bombers also!

Heal up our current stack 4 turns, then take out Pericles or hit Church. Him having bombers/fighters, those will damage our units a lot. I say take the trade and hit Pericles while build a couple carriers with fighter support for Church.

Overall we need more marines for coastal, mg for fogbusting, tanks for cleanup

cripp - on deck
Brian -
Matrix -
Meiz - just played
Spellcraft - up
yena - tokyo
actually instead of the MGs use Marines to fog bust in case any units/settlers try to sneak by so we can eradicate them before they even get settled.

Something else that I just thought of, there's no rule against using nukes! I say pick up flight from Church, Wang is one turn from Rocketry, so we can trade that from him.and we just research fission, and then build the MP.

I say switch civics to PS for the +25% unit production, -50%:mad: for more. So we can kill the culture slider to build gold, and then switch back to US to rush by units.
OK, played my set so far:

Took the purposed deal with curch:
Spoiler :

Continued with Fission and changed the production to marines wherever it had been senseful.

Sulei came to demand this:
Spoiler :

And as some trade got canceled I decided for this one to get back the needed happiness:
Spoiler :

As our main Stack is nearly healed I decided to DoW Peri once again:
Spoiler :

But as WW became a REAL thread I needed to raise culture even to 50%..

Bomberattacks.. But nonetheless I took Eretria loosing only a single ari:
Spoiler :

The UN Election came and I decided for Chilly as he'll do it anyway I think..

As expected: Chilly became UN Secretary.

Chilly helps a lot in our goals:
Spoiler :

On we went with Pergamon loosing two aris:
Spoiler :

And after the 9th fighter became loaded I think it's time to move the next invasion fleet towards Chilly.. But this I left to the next player..

BTW: We relly need to tzhink about how to stop Chilly: He finished SS-Docking during my set and he has gunships already!!! :eek:

And just on a side note:
Damn you!!
I'm not sure how to take this, but hopefully this one was meant as kind of a joke.. I really want to have fun playing this SGs and not having kind of duty on this..


  • 8 City Challenge AD-1909.CivBeyondSwordSave
    463.5 KB · Views: 61
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