9 Most Wanted Civs Post BNW









Mogul Empire

First-off the one I've fleshed out the most conceptually:

Canada - John A. Macdonald - Symbol is a maple leaf of course, colors are blue on teal as in the current municipal flag of Ottawa (originally went with brown on green with the triple leaf symbol of the Ontario coat of arms, but the scheme is too similar to India's)

Multinationalism - Upon establishing a Defensive Pact, gain the other civilization's Unique Ability, and allow that civilization to do the same.

(that civilization does not pass on that ability as well: if Canada establishes a Defensive Pact with Byzantium, Canada may gain an additional belief, and if Byzantium then establishes a DP with Siam, it gets those increases in CS yields, but Siam will gain nothing unless it has a Defensive Pact with Canada as well. Basically this establishes mutually beneficial and extremely powerful diplomacy blocs, with Canada and their allies reaping the benefits from each others' UAs)

Unique Unit - Mounted Police - Replaces Cavalry. Unlike the unit it replaces, it removes 75% of the :c5unhappy: Unhappiness of a city it is garrisoned in.

(It does not pass that ability upon upgrade: you may not have a super happy Landship Police. It presents a choice: keep Industrial-era melee units stationed in your cities and be super-happy, or upgrade them and lose the smilies to defend yourself better.)

Unique Improvement - Igluit - May only be built on Snow and tiles adjacent to it. Available at Construction. Provides +1 :c5production: Production, :c5culture: Culture, and :c5faith: Faith to the nearest city. Does not require a :c5citizen: Citizen to be worked.

(They do not need to be in your territory to provide benefits, they will give their bonuses to any nearby city, if two are in equal range it will give them to the smaller city. They do the same even if the city is not Canadian. This is basically the Inuit compromise >.>)

I like most of it, but I would change some small things about all of them.

Multinationalism is the one I have the most problems with, because (depending on how the AI is programmed and what civs are in the game) you could easily end up with everyone defending everyone else and having everyone's bonuses (taking away most of the diversity between civs. I do like the idea of a defensive pact boost, something like Sweden's UA except instead of a 10% GP increase, maybe a mutual :c5happy: happiness boost.

I definitely like the premise behind the Mounties, although the 75% reduction would probably be incredibly overpowered. I think a number like +3 :c5happy: happiness would be more reasonable, and this would stack with the honor policy that does something similar.

As for the Igloo, I would like a terrace farm copy, except requiring it to be built in tundra, and getting the :c5food: food bonus from adjacent snow tiles.

The general premise of the civ would be to expand very wide (Canada is the second largest country in the world by area) with plenty of :c5happy: happiness bonuses, but still be able to grow reasonably quickly despite an obvious tundra start bias. Obviously Canada would have a difficult time winning domination victories since they would lose their UA completely, but it would provide the perfect civ for players who don't like warmongering, and prefer to build strong defensive alliances and play an eco game. Only problem I see would be Igloos being a little overpowered (Ability to go both wide and tall at the same time), so their bonuses might need to be balanced accordingly.
I think someone already said it, but they should bring in the only remaining veteran civs who aren't in yet:


I'm also in agreement that Hungary, Canada, Australia, and perhaps Vietnam should be included in a future update.

Not sure about Inuit. Would be a very unique and fun Civ but they're not technically a "Civilization". This is similar to the Huns who were also nomadic in nature, but they made it in. I wouldn't object to their inclusion, since they could bring some extra variety to the game and make snow tiles habitable somehow.

Some spitballing for this...

Inuit Civilization - The Inuit - Inuit
  • Leader: Some chief I guess?
  • UA - Not sure what to call it: Start with the knowledge of Fishing technology. +2 :c5food: Food from snow tiles and +1 :c5production: local production from every snow tile near a city. +1 :c5food: food from ocean tiles near ice. Units can pass through ice tiles at double :c5moves: cost, but skip their next turn if they end a turn on one.
  • UU - Umiak: Unique naval unit that can pass through ice without a movement penalty. Can improve sea resources. Replaces the trireme. Requires Sailing.
  • UC - Igloo: Unique improvement. Provides +3% :c5food: Growth (like Aztec Floating Gardens bonus), +1 :c5culture: Culture, and +1 :c5faith: Faith when worked. Provides +1 :c5happy: Local Happiness for every fur and whale resource. Friendly units on Igloo improvements heal at double rate. Can only be built on snow tiles. Requires Construction. Replaces Fort.
Other than those nine, I don't have any ideas for who else to include. Leave the rest to the modders, I say. But those nine mentioned should be 'official' at some point, I hope.

Ice Fishers

All land units may travel on ice after optics, but may only enter or exit ice directly from land. + 2 food from snow and tundra.

UU- Umiak: Double strength, movement and sight on snow/tundra. Gains the Amphibious promotion
Replaces the spearman, but upgrades to longswords.

UI Inukshuk- +1, food + 1 faith and +1 culture per bordering snow tile.

Sir John A Macdonald

UA- Multicultralism

+3 culture per every city

UU- Mountie- +1 sight, Has a 25 percent boost when fighting in friendly territory. Gives a 10 percent bonus to Canadian Spies when garrisoned in that city. Replaces Cavalry

UB hudson bay trading outpost. + 1 happiness, + 1 food and gold for each fur in the cites radius. +1 food for cities on rivers. Replaces the market.

UA- Gains Great Prophets 25% faster. All faith buildings may also be purchased with gold.

UU- Khepeti- Fights like a Spearman, but also has the option of a ranged attack.

UU- Hupshu- Has a higher strength than the swordsman, which it replaces.
For a Canadian Civ I thinking of something similar to you guys, but more specifically worked with DOFs and Defensive Pacts.

UA: Multiculturalism- For every DOF Canada has with another civ, it gains 5% culture increase. And for every Defensive Pact, you gain and those in your pact gain 10% science.

UU: Stormtroopers- Unique Great War Infantry that starts with shock also if in a war the unit gains an extra 15% combat strength per Defensive Pact.

UB: Hudson's Bay Company Outpost- Unique Market, has no base gold. +1 gold on every bonus resource. +2 culture
Vietnam or Khmer or Champa or Burma
Timurids or Khazars
(Gran) Colombia

and whatever

UA- Luxurious Mines

All resources that requires mining give + 1 food, happiness and gold. Deserts give +1 production.

UU- Digger- Replaces the Infantry. Has a increased ranged defense, and fights better in rough terrain.

UB- Opal Mine- Replaces the Windmill. +5 production, +5% more production. May be built in any city.


UA- Indigenous Arts- Great Works of Art/Artifacts in Museums generate double Culture.

UU- Weighted Canoe- Replaces the Trireme. Has 1 less movement than the trireme, though it has double the strength. Has a 25% chance to capture barbarian naval units.

UI- Totem Pole- Must be built in a forest on a river. +1 culture, +2 Faith, +1 production. Yields increase by 1 every two eras. Availible at engineering.


UA- Cultural Heritage

+1 culture from Great Works, +10% production for wonders in the Hungarian Capital.

UU- Szeklers- Replaces the Knight. Strength doubled when attacking out of a city.

UU- Hungarian Hussar- Replaces the Lancer- Has a bonus against Siege and Wounded units, and upgrades into a Tank.
My choiche for 7 more civs (bringing the total up to 50), can't really decide for 2 specific ones more.

how about 'hitler' replaces 'bismarck'?

and i do prefer inuit, tibet (but there is already 'lhasa' in city state), and australia
I can't understand why there aren't more Indian civilisations. To condense the entire history of the subcontinent into a single modern state seems, well, ignorant, particularly given the inclusion of things like, say, two native north american "civilisations", let alone some of the suggestions in this thread. A couple of the empires/nations from India's past would be great : Mughals, Maurya, Maratha, Gupta, Vijayanagar, Panjab etc. Pick the one's they can do good UA/UU etcs for, throw in a map/scenario, tweak India a bit (eg no Mughal Fort if the Mughals are included) and bingo, perfect DLC.

UA: Double unit maintenance cost and twice the production cost, but double strenght for all units.

UB: The well. Defensive building that can be used to trap enemies. Includes kicking animation.
how about 'hitler' replaces 'bismarck'?

and i do prefer inuit, tibet (but there is already 'lhasa' in city state), and australia

I think it's been discussed to death why Hitler should not be in the game.
After much reflection, and personnal sacrifices (civs I'd like or love, but which I realize are not the most important to add), this is the top 9 I came out with, and their reasons, on chronological order :

Sumerian : Simply because they're the first known civilization, on the short sense.

Hittite : One of the strongest empires in their time, they were Egypts greatest rival, before the rise of the assyrian empire. I believe that their unique culture (not related to akkadian) is a must to take advantage from.

Bulgarian : Because an european is always needed, I chose Bulgaria, as being one of the most ancient kingdoms in Europe, being a formidable force to reckon in its peak.

Khmer : One of the most important civilizations, they were architectural masters, and also great in water enginnering. Plus, their empire lasted for quite centuries without domination (don't tell it's the same than Siam, because it's like saying british and germans are the same).

Hungarian : Because a second european civ is always needed, and although Hungary is behaving really bad right now, it has a rich history, and a great cultural legacy.

Taino : Well, the tribal civ in this. I picked the Tainos because they were the first american civ the europeans met. And Agueybana II could be a really good leader.

Kongo : One of the most important kingdoms in African history, they present the great advantage of possessing a centralized state, and their history lasted for centuries.

Haiti : Simply because it's the first black republic, and I think that among former colonies, they're a very interisting choice, with a good leader in the person of Toussaint Louverture. Besides, Haiti became at the time the reference of slaves in their quest to freedom.

Australian : Well ... I'm not very keen on this one, but I must admit that the australian landmass is pretty empty, and furthermore, Firaxis has to sell copies of the game after all. So, between Australia and Canada, sorry to maple syrup, but I choose Aussies.

Now, about Vietnam and Romania ... I don't say ancient Vietnam os not interesting, but I just think that the Khmer are way more important. As for modern Vietnam, the would probably be Ho Chi Min, which is still a bit controversial if you ask me. And Romania because of Vlad the Impaler, don't make me laugh. The guy was cruel, and that's all. he was cruel. And cruelty is not a synonym of a good leader.
I think, for a Canada civ, a Coureur des Bois unit would be pretty cool. Kind of like a worker unit that can fight back against Barbs or smth.
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