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900AD, the sequel - Turn Chat Instructions (EST: 13-Jan @ 2100, GMT: 14-Jan @ 0200)


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida

Previous Save (.zip format - after previous instructions applied)

Previous Turn Chat Thread

Cartographic Office and City Name Registry

General Comments:

The governors' build orders have been saved into the current save game. Also, the alliances listed in the instruction thread have been signed, sealed and delivered. Essentially, the only thing that needs to be done is finalization of the plan of attack/defense/etc...

As a result, I expect, and certainly hope, that the turn chat on Monday to get started relatively quickly. Therefore, I request that only governors that wish to modify their previous instructions and/or update them (ie. laborer assignments, queued items, etc...) post in this thread.

Thank you.

Presidential Request:

Good job on the instructions last time around. Those of you that listed late turn orders seperately deserve a big thank you as it made a huge difference in processing them. A reminder to all governors and leaders posting instructions:
  • Stop listing micromanagement instructions separately. Include any micromanagement instructions with the build queue for each city. If you wish to include a graphic, fine, if not, fine also. But please put these instructions underneath the build orders/queue for each city in your province.
  • Let's keep referring to the "workers" inside each city as laborers to avoid any confusion. This will prove very helpful.
  • List any non-preturn instructions (ie. rush this improvement in turn 2, or change the laborer in this city from this tile to this tile in turn 4, etc...) separately. Even include a divider (ie. <><><> or similar) so that it is easier to find and refer to during the t/c. This has already saved a lot of time and will continue to do so, I'm sure.
Thanks again for your consideration and attention to these requests. Consistency in instruction posts will shave hours off of the turn chats.
rush knight-180
upgrade pike-60

rush 2 pikes-120(must)
switch to knight and rush-120(must)

upgrade 1 pike-60

rush knight-84(must)

upgrade 2 pikes-120(must)
rush knight-140(must)

upgrade 2 pikes-120 (must)

switch library to musket; rush-84

rush knight-96(must)

upgrade pike-60 (must)

rush knight-96 (must)
upgrade 2 pikes- 120(must)

upgrade pike-60 (must)

I have decided to continue the construction of courthouse in Padmativa. I request approx. 132g on turn one to rush the courthouse, so the city may begin construction of a new regiment of knights immeadiately.

switch musket to knight; rush-100 (must)
upgrade veteran pike-60(must)

switch from courthouse to knight; rush-100 (must)

switch from courthouse to knight; rush-204(must)

switch from temple to knight; rush-72(must)

switch from granary to sword;rush-24(must)

On top of what DZ has requested for The North Province already (see above), I am changing the build queue in Dapper Dan from a Harbor to a Barracks. Once this is completed, I would like to upgrade both Pikemen at a cost of 60g each. This request is contingent upon Dapper Dan still being under Fanatikan control at each step.

A knight in Dacula- 24g
A knight in The Burrow- 80g
A library in Gooniedum- 48g

Bavaria - military units
try to save our workers as well
Sugar & Spice

As the previously posted queues should last us a while, there are no new queues. Nothing has changed. Also, I have no micromanagement at the moment.

Again, I give full authority to the Military to change my cities' queues when they feel it is necessary.
I will be on hand to sift through everything at the turnchat tonight. Please use last t/c instructions and we can spot vote points of contention. Hopefully this will suffice.

Also, I would like to request that the DP post the save for each turn in this thread as it happens so that myself and others can better follow along with what's happening. It will allow us to better communicate.

NOTE: There is a quick poll regarding the planned rush of a courthouse in Padmativa, which I feel is an unnecessary expense at this time. Anyone who sees, this please check it out and vote so that we may gain some idea of what the people want.
Fionn: forget the courthouse. On Falcon02's recomendation, I am switching the courthouse of Padmativa to Barracks, then to knights. If possible, I want those funds for the barracks.
move 2 Knights around Kyoto to Kells (for counterattacks, if needed)

move the 2 knights east of Kells and 2 knights from Kyoto to Grandmastoria to support there

Move the remaining Knights to Valhalla in prep. for North offensive.

Move pike in Shimonoski to Novgorod, and spear in Novgordo to Ise.

Move Sword in Ise to Dapperdan

Upgrade Pike in Ise(60g), then move it to Dapperdan.

Once Barracks in Dapperdan is built upgrade the pikes there (120g).

Move Vet Pikeman from Eklektochtitlan to Sturmandrang and upgrade the Pike already stationed in the latter and then the new pike (120g).

Upgrade pikemen in New PDX then Move Vet the vet one to Eklektochtitlan. (120g)

Switch Zorgonzolia to Musket, and rush it. (104g)

Switch Trader's Inn to Barracks and upgrade pikes (180g)

Switch Grandmastoria to barracks and upgrade pikes (120g)

switch Nocsfiedera to Barracks and upgrade pikes (120g)

Upgrade pikes in Kells (120g)

Upgrade pikes in Serenity (120g)

the Cities around Bavaria should build Knights... border cities should build Muskets any border city without barracks should make sure it is built or rushed there promptly.
Originally posted by Stuck_As_a_Mac
Tailesin Instructions
Not gonna bother posting them, since last "turn" was the same as this. Theyre already queued up.

Ditto for the Southwest Province. :)

Better late than never I always say!
Post Preturn Save (.zip format)

Turn 2 Save (.zip format)

Turn 4 Save (.zip format)

Turn 6 Save (.zip format)

Chat Log

Presidential Summary
Hail to Hengest!
Fanatikan troops drove the Indians out of Huntington. Fanatikan resistance fighters toppled the occupational government in Gunningheim. Fanatikan knights had invaded India and taken Fukushima. And, finally, Fanatikan troops retook Androbius from the untrustworthy Indians.

Meanwhile, the map clearly showed that the Indians had gotten more than they had bargained for. City after city was falling. Could this be the end of Gandhi's reign? Only time will tell.

As our troops approached Ganges in the south (with it's plentiful dyes), our troops in the North braced for the inevitable counter assault from the Indian troops in Riga. It came, but our troops held strong, in no small part to Hengest, who rose above the rest to lead our troops to victory.

There is a discussion taking place on what Hengest can do now to best help Fanatika.
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