abbamouse Realistic Religions mod including Zoroastrianism

I don't plan on updating this mod for quite a while. I'm teaching 4 new classes this semester, and I haven't even purchased Warlords. I'll try to find time to update around Christmas...
For those that are interested in this Mod Component and would like to have an update. I recommend playing the Total Realism in meanwhile until abbamouse is back.

From beginning I have followed enthusiastically his mod and have implemented his excellent realistic Religion mod into the Total Realism. It was been updated in meanwhile quite a lot with new textures, units, values and soundtracks.

Just for your information that his work will always stay alive in the Total Realism Mod. :)

In the next release we will improve the speed by quite a bit so that even those with older computers can play this excellent mod.

Best Regards
To abbamouse and Houman,
GREAT JOB! Wow, as a Persian I loved how Zoroastrianism was included in your mods. I'm new to the PC Civ world and I've been looking around here recently, I found some stuff about each religion having another special unit. I think each religion having a very very very strong defensive unit in a city that has the shrine. Said unit could also give a happiness advantage to that city. You could have Knights Templar for the Church of the Nativity, Mujahid for Islam, etc. These units have no mobility and can withstand very strong attacks in all ages. Also, do the shrines have to be destroyed when you conquer a city?

Lastly, to Houman, thank you for finally creating a true immortal unit! (except, below the tips of their spears should have a shape of an apple- i found this in the encyclopedia iranica...which actually gives very detailed accounts of what the troops used to wear). Another source for the Persian units that you can use is the video of the 2500th year anniversary of the Persian Empire thrown by the Shah back in '71. The famous Persian horse archer with its feared Persian Shot should resemble a Parthian horseman (imagine a cataphract with a cone shaped helmet and mesh head and neck covering underneath). You'll even see what the Persian musketeers and knights would look like during the Safavid shows.

Lastly, how can port just the religion mod aspect and the immortal unit and commando to Warlords?
Hmm... seems to almost be a dead mod. I was wondering, were you thinking of adding Inquizitators (I mean a way to remove a religion from a city), and if not, could I be directed to a mod that does?
This mod was really my first inspiration for modding religions for HephMod, but it has dropped out of my versions since Warlords because I've never found satisfactory the difficulties introduced by the "negative health to compensate for positive health" system. It doesn't just affect Harbors, which abbamouse changed to give a blanket +1 health and an additional +1 health to Fish. It affects Marketplaces (Islamic marketplaces still get an extra +1 happiness for wine) and Supermarkets (Jewish and Islamic supermarkets still get +1 health for Pigs and Hindus for cows).

Sure, one could still take a "split the difference" approach and give Supermarkets a blanket +1 health and one additional point for sheep and deer only, and/or give Marketplaces a blanket +1 Happiness and then exclude Wine from the bonus happiness list, but this is still an inelegant system IMO. One advantage this approach has is to simulate the coexistence of multiple religions in a single city ... what if Judaism and Hinduism are in the same city; then cows return to their normal bonus because the temple bonuses cancel out, representing an "average" health bonus.

I had hoped to utilize the new NoBonus tag introduced in BtS, used for National Parks to exclude Coal from the city in which it is built, but AFAIK (and know how to do) you can only exclude a single resource. This, however, does solve the problem with Wine in Islamic marketplaces. It introduces a new problem with Hindus and cows, however, since Hindu temples get -1 health and +1 happiness for cows (if cows are NoBonus-ed, then the city can't get a happiness bonus for them). One could rationalize, however, that just because a city has a temple of a religion doesn't mean that everyone actually follows its strictures: how many Jews are actually kosher? How many Muslims actually refrain from alcohol? According to this logic, marketplaces and supermarkets also represent an advancing tide of cultural pluralism and cosmopolitanism (or, if you like, decadence), which often has an undermining effect on piety ...

Any thoughts? Does anyone know how to NoBonus multiple resources? Has anyone done any work refining this system?
any version for bts 3.17?
is it multiplayer compatible?

The next version of HephMod Beyond will include this mod and is 3.17 compatible, but it won't be uploaded for another day or two. I also do not (yet!) incorporate Zoroastrianism in my BtS mod.

I actually have no idea whether my mod is MP compatible!
Hi, I was just wondering how I get this mod to work? Could someone please give me a thourgh explanation:) thanks!
with what you did, no one in their right mind would pick toaist,
Under consideration:
  • Houman's realism mod has religious UUs, and I'm looking at implementing some of them. I'm not terribly comfortable with Jewish spies as special units, since Mossad is a feature of the state of Israel and not Judaism or Jews per se, but I like most of the ideas i that mod and I plan to copy some of them.

  • I have a suggestion for this, if you're uncomfortable with a spy unit.

    Judaism's UU could be a sort of minor GP - I can't offhand think of what sort of name you'd give it (Radhanite, maybe?), but you could have a unit that can do minor versions of some of the functions of some of the Great Persons. Primarily I'm thinking about the Great Artist (Great Work) and the Great Merchant (the trade mission). You could have a unit that can do either (or perhaps both) of these things at greatly reduced values - instead of giving 1000's of culture points, the unit could give tens or hundreds, same with the gold you get from the merchant's mission. All you have to do to allow any unit to do these things is a simple xml change, for the artist:


    For the merchant:

    I'm not entirely sure how the multipliers work, but I have a unit in my game that does a much-reduced version of the artist's great work. iGreatWorkCulture is set to 50 and you generally get 150 culture points. Set it to 10 and you'll get around 30 and so on. It would just require a little experimentation to get the trade mission's numbers right.
ya do you know how to get this mod to work?:confused:
why do i need the author to explain to me how to use this mod? can someone who already has it explain how to use this
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