About realistic culture spread - how does it work?


Nov 12, 2019
I like the option of borders expanding in a "realisitic" way because of the terrain around the city, but I would like to know the exact relation between border expansion and terrains.

I've seen that forests and hills take longer than plains and grasslands to "absorb". Also seas are harder than other terrain types. But what is the actual math? Were I can find the "resistance" of each terrain type?

If you are reading the XML, the tag is <iCultureDistance> in TerrainInfos and FeatureInfos. The total value of the CultureDistance for the terrain and feature is how many extra border expansions are required to claim that square.

For Terrains, Coast, Hill and Marsh are 1; Tundra, Desert, Peak and Ocean are 2; Snow is 3. Jungle, Forest and Swamp add +1; Ice adds +2.
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