Add More Factions - DLC!


Mar 16, 2011
With this level of breadth between number of factions, I hope to see even more factions via DLC. Thoroughly surprised Saudi barons aren't represented.
willing to put money on more facitons for expansions/dlc, Namely:

Middle Eastern
some non cultural factions (like Space Pirates, exiled, etc)

those would obviously be 3 factions in seperate DLC packages...

ah, no business sense here in this forum :(
With the still limited knowledge of the game and its factions, I have not yet found my "Wow this is cool" faction, that I can either relate to and/or cant wait to play. At the moment I don´t relate to any of them.

That should not really be a problem, but for some reason I feel like all these factions strongest identity is based on geographical locations, and my part of the world is not represented. I play Civ5 games not being bothered by this where I can role-play as any nation, and also SMAC (where the identifier was ideology not borders).

But for some strange reason for the first time I feel like I´m kinda left out, and unable to find my "interesting and cool" faction. I´m sure this will change, but I just baffled by this. :p
I think it is pretty much a guarantee a dlc or two will be in the pipeline once Beyond Earth goes live.
some non cultural factions (like Space Pirates, exiled, etc)

A Khan (the Star Trek one) faction would be a cool mod. The backstory would actually be kind of plausible even. After the Great Mistake, as the nations are struggling to rebuild, a group of genetically augmented humans try to take over Earth. They fail and are exiled. Their ship, the Botany Bay, lands on a planet. Can "perfect humans" build the perfect society?
I definitely hope for some non geographic factions

1. "Trade Organization"..controls a lot of the worlds shipping (has scattered bases, controls a few port cities and island nations..say Singapore, cuba, London..not England just London)

2. Religious/Spiritual organization...gets a lot of $ and expertise donated, but controls very little territory (although their sensitive installations do have guards)

3. "Institute" a wide flung "research" organization devoted to a technological gospel/political platform

4. Worldwide rebel/revolutionary organization (comintern for the 23rd century)... some small states support it
In the latest preview the devs called the affinities "factions". :/ somehow that leaves me worried that the actual factions will only matter for different stat boni :/
My idea for a dlc faction:

Neue Hanse - A Baltic Confederation dedicated to recreating the glory days of the Hanseatic League.
In the latest preview the devs called the affinities "factions". :/ somehow that leaves me worried that the actual factions will only matter for different stat boni :/

That is not as worrying as the prospect of playing "The Peoples African Union" as an evolved "Human-Space Bugs Hybrid Hive Mind" Civilization in the year 2500, light years away from Earth. That is just impossible to imagine or role play.

Based on this I´m still doubtful of this strong Earth connection to these factions, given that we are to take the to a new planet, away from any contact with Earth and then possibly change/evolve them to something very alien.
That is not as worrying as the prospect of playing "The Peoples African Union" as an evolved "Human-Space Bugs Hybrid Hive Mind" Civilization in the year 2500, light years away from Earth. That is just impossible to imagine or role play.

Based on this I´m still doubtful of this strong Earth connection to these factions, given that we are to take the to a new planet, away from any contact with Earth and then possibly change/evolve them to something very alien.

I think the connection is more the leaders, that were chosen by + grew up in the sponsoring organization and found the factional governments on the planet.

In any case they give a consistent effect to your gameplay (Elodie's free tech from culture, Soucha's production bonus, others unknown)
I think the connection is more the leaders, that were chosen by + grew up in the sponsoring organization and found the factional governments on the planet.

In any case they give a consistent effect to your gameplay (Elodie's free tech from culture, Soucha's production bonus, others unknown)

Yes I understand that, just as the leaders in SMAC had background and even a country of origin. But then you had factions that felt fresh in a way, The Human Hive, The Believers etc. Less defined in its connection with old Earth. :mischief:
Yes I understand that, just as the leaders in SMAC had background and even a country of origin. But then you had factions that felt fresh in a way, The Human Hive, The Believers etc. Less defined in its connection with old Earth. :mischief:

The names are the problem here. SMAC factions were named according to ideology, but BE factions are named according to sponsor (American reclamation corp, PAC, PAU,, Franco-Iberia...) I just fail to see how this faction names would have any meaning after planetfall. We should just mod them. The ARC could become the Planetary Development Corporation, Franco Iberia would name themselves something snobby and pretentious like "Utopia" ... every faction more linking to their ideology or cultural backgrund then to their territorial origin.

The rest of the jingoistic vibe you feel might just come from the forums, where everybody wondered if his country would be capable of sending a seeder ship in the future.
The only new faction I want is Weyland-Yutani.
The names are the problem here. SMAC factions were named according to ideology, but BE factions are named according to sponsor (American reclamation corp, PAC, PAU,, Franco-Iberia...) I just fail to see how this faction names would have any meaning after planetfall. We should just mod them. The ARC could become the Planetary Development Corporation, Franco Iberia would name themselves something snobby and pretentious like "Utopia" ... every faction more linking to their ideology or cultural backgrund then to their territorial origin.

The rest of the jingoistic vibe you feel might just come from the forums, where everybody wondered if his country would be capable of sending a seeder ship in the future.

I agree, its the names that trouble me. I know that this is nothing huge for the whole game in general but it just feels somewhat off. Especially if you look few hundred years into the future for example.

And worse even because of the BE Faction system and and the debates that have erupted around the factions on these forums, as people discuss the validity of certain factions, and the countries, regions that are linked to them I feel not represented being a Scandinavian. :lol:
I hope we do see some DLC factions cause I know it won't bother me much when BE is released, but at one point I am going to want to play games with 12+ civs in them. It's a lot of fun for me.
Yeah a german/england faction and a middle eastern faction are a must for DLC

well, i think that nacionalities do matter to some extent given that in two of the 3 affinities endings you return to Earth. The Seeding isnt "one last ditch effort to save humanity" unlike the Unity. The Earth and humankind in Beyond Earth arent in "10 secs before total destruction" unlike AC

Idk, maybe there was a better way to do it but the factions being named after their sponsors avoids them being intrinsically linked to an ending condition or a way of playing. It gives them more versatility in the roleplay sense which i enjoy.
I agree that some of the names aren't good and at least the first 8 factions of Alpha Centauri appealed much more to me in design.

Franco-Iberia is not a name I would expect in the future. I would expect a more unified name such as (say) the Mediterranean Union, which would include the PIGS nations (minus Ireland), as well as parts of the Maghreb. (strength: culture)

Pan-African People's Union - why not a more racially-neutral organization named after Nonaligned Movement which already exists today? I can only see Africans in space in the foreseeable future with help from rogue states like Iran or North Korea and their rocket technology. (strength: guerrilla warfare)

ARC is OK, best concept and meshes well with the state of affairs in present-day US. It's not a stretch to imagine the US government being run directly from the Googleplex some 20 years from now. (strength: economy)

Slavic Confederation - uhm, I don't really see Russians working together with Ukrainians, Poles, Slovaks, Czechs - unless it's a USSR 2.0 master-slave type of relationship. (strength: open warfare).

Brasilia - Although South America is prone to military dictatorships from time to time, I wouldn't expect the Brazilians to suddenly stop their carnivals and soccer matches to embrace war. My proposed Nonaligned Movement would fit the bill better for this. In the game they would rather make more sense as the Gaians (at the rate they are destroying their rainforests today, they are bound to regret that one day) (strength: environment)

Kavithan Protectorate - pretty good concept and rooted in history, a lot of religions appeared in India historically in dire circumstances and they may well appear in the future following some planetary disaster. (strength: religion/happiness)

PAC consists of nations that were shaped by Chinese culture and the ideas of Confucianism. It's not a stretch to think that nations such as China and Japan would one day bury the hatchet of war and concentrate on what they have in common. (strength: collectivism/cooperation/efficiency)

Polystralia - I reserve judgement for the moment. (strength: tourism? :D though realistically, their relative geographical isolation would make them good diplomats I think)

Notable absentees: The Caliphate (just like the Kavithans but with an outward focus, on spreading their beliefs through any available means) (strength: religion/fanaticism) and the EuroReich with maybe a science focus so as not to overlap with the efficiency of the PAC or the economy of the ARC.
I agree that some of the names aren't good and at least the first 8 factions of Alpha Centauri appealed much more to me in design.

Franco-Iberia is not a name I would expect in the future. I would expect a more unified name such as (say) the Mediterranean Union, which would include the PIGS nations (minus Ireland), as well as parts of the Maghreb. (strength: culture)

Pan-African People's Union - why not a more racially-neutral organization named after Nonaligned Movement which already exists today? I can only see Africans in space in the foreseeable future with help from rogue states like Iran or North Korea and their rocket technology. (strength: guerrilla warfare)

ARC is OK, best concept and meshes well with the state of affairs in present-day US. It's not a stretch to imagine the US government being run directly from the Googleplex some 20 years from now. (strength: economy)

Slavic Confederation - uhm, I don't really see Russians working together with Ukrainians, Poles, Slovaks, Czechs - unless it's a USSR 2.0 master-slave type of relationship. (strength: open warfare).

Brasilia - Although South America is prone to military dictatorships from time to time, I wouldn't expect the Brazilians to suddenly stop their carnivals and soccer matches to embrace war. My proposed Nonaligned Movement would fit the bill better for this. In the game they would rather make more sense as the Gaians (at the rate they are destroying their rainforests today, they are bound to regret that one day) (strength: environment)

Kavithan Protectorate - pretty good concept and rooted in history, a lot of religions appeared in India historically in dire circumstances and they may well appear in the future following some planetary disaster. (strength: religion/happiness)

PAC consists of nations that were shaped by Chinese culture and the ideas of Confucianism. It's not a stretch to think that nations such as China and Japan would one day bury the hatchet of war and concentrate on what they have in common. (strength: collectivism/cooperation/efficiency)

Polystralia - I reserve judgement for the moment. (strength: tourism? :D though realistically, their relative geographical isolation would make them good diplomats I think)

Notable absentees: The Caliphate (just like the Kavithans but with an outward focus, on spreading their beliefs through any available means) (strength: religion/fanaticism) and the EuroReich with maybe a science focus so as not to overlap with the efficiency of the PAC or the economy of the ARC.

Just remember this is 200 years in the future (if you look at the world at 1814 trying to extrapolate to today would be tricky.)
Europe had only just begun mass colonization of Africa and Asia
France was the last great threat to Europe
East Asia was fairly closed off from the world
The US extended to the Missisippi
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